9 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 22, 2022
12 van 12
Voltooid 1
Geheel 1.0
Verhaal 1.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 1.0
Rewatch Waarde 1.0
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So Conflicted - Honest Opinion

After watching this show I realized that the only thing that really sold this show was the chemistry between Pat and Pran, thanks to Ohm and Nanon. If they would have put two other random actors, instead of Ohm and Nanon, in this show everyone probably wouldn't be as enthusiastic about the show as they are now. Take away the chemistry between the leads and you have a basic, uninteresting, bland storyline that we've seen over and over again. There was nothing special about the writing, direction, or cinematography in this series. With that being said, I still enjoyed watching it because I loved seeing the relationship between Pat and Pran. Its just that when you take a step back and look at all the aspects of this show, it isn't a masterpiece by any means.

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Gestopt 7/12
8 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 5, 2022
7 van 12
Gestopt 0
Geheel 6.5
Verhaal 4.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 2.5

Romeo and Romeo, Almost

Bad Buddy should have been a great enemies to lovers story, but it fell way too short of its potential, turning into a predictable college romance that does not stand out much from other college BLs. What went wrong?

When I complained that this series was a cliché, another user pointed out that this is expected because the story is based on Romeo and Juliet. I disagree. Romeo and Juliet has been called the greatest love story of all time for a reason. Although we know how it goes, we still root for the fated lovers. Their romance does not get old. Every generation reads it and creates its own adaptations of it – and what can be more fitting for our time than a queer adaptation of the timeless classic?
This is why I believe that not the story itself, bu the way in which it was presented spoiled this series.

Two families whose houses are next to each other have been feuding for years. Their sons, Pat and Pran, build a forbidden friendship that eventually blossoms into something more. Their friend groups also have beef with each other, though, and this complicates things for the two boys.
This premise is great comedy material. I do not understand why it was so underutilized. We got only snippets of the two families fighting, although such fights could have created many hilarious moments in the first half of the series. But no, the production team went back to the campus cliché, forgetting that an essential part of Romeo and Juliet is the pointless, long rivalry between two households.
Pat and Pran, and their friends also did not bicker nearly as much as they should have. The transition from enemies to lovers happened too quickly.
As if this was not enough, the mood of the series was spoiled by product placements that looked annoyingly out of place in the scenes.

I would have dropped this series earlier if not for Ohm and Nanon's acting. Although I consider their pairing to be more of a bromance than a romance, they were a delight to watch.
However, Jimmy, whose character is important to the story, was one of the main reasons why I did not get past episode seven. To say that his performance was unconvincing would be generous. The production team should have chosen a more experienced actor – casting a newbie alongside veterans is not a great idea.

Overall, this series did not manage to keep me interested in Pat and Pran's story. If you have decided to watch it, my advice is not to expect much. This is a forgettable story.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
3 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 22, 2022
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 10
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História clichê que tinha tudo pra ser uma série mediana mas é A MELHOR DA TAILÂNDIA

Simplesmente a maior da Tailândia!!! Dessa vez P'Aof e a GMM se superaram, Bad Buddy entrega simplesmente tudo!!! Nem sei por onde começar essa resenha, mas vamos lá que vem textão.

Bad Buddy tinha tudo pra ser apenas mais um BL tailandês de qualidade duvidosa. A história não é nada original, se baseando no clichê Romeu de Julieta de pessoas com famílias rivais que se apaixonam. Basicamente passa um filme com um enredo desses todo dia na sessão da tarde. Além disso eu comecei a ler a novel e não achei lá essas coisas todas (parei porque tanto a tradução pro inglês quanto pro português eram bem ruins). Então qual o diferencial da série? Na minha opinião o diferencial se chama P'Aof. Tudo que esse homem toca vira ouro e ele já vinha de duas séries sensacionais (e as melhores da GMM na minha opinião) que são "He's Coming to Me" e "A Tale of a Thousand Stars". Pra mim um clichê bem executado é melhor do que uma história original com má execução (um exemplo disso é Golden Blood) e Bad Buddy é perfeitamente executado.

Primeiramente a química entre Ohm e Nanon é incrível, não podiam ter escolhido melhor. Eu acompanho a carreira do Ohm desde que ele estreou em Make it Right e venho observando o progresso dele desde então. Em He's coming to me já achei que ele foi muito bem, mas em Bad Buddy ele se superou, atuação nota 10, nível profissional mesmo, muito acima da média da Tailândia. Já o Nanon é a primeira série que assisto com ele e nem preciso falar nada, ele já é conhecido por ser bom ator e entregou tudo em todas as cenas.

Outro ponto relevante e positivo da série é que quebra alguns tabus típicos de BL, como um dos personagens ser chamado de "esposa" ou o típico "eu não gosto de garotos apenas de você". E no penúltimo episódio da a entender que o Pram foi o "top", quebrando o padrão heteronormativo de "top-bottom", o que faz com que o casal Pat-Pram seja o mais realista da história dos BLs asiáticos. Além disso eles tem uma das relações mais saudáveis que já vi em BL, nada tóxicos, sem burrice, sem desentendimento bobo, sem ex chata que só aparece pra estragar o romance. Esses elementos são frequentemente usados e é incrível como não fazem falta e a ausência deles só eleva a qualidade da obra.

Outra coisa, e que pode até passar despercebida, é que a direção do Aof é muito refinada, só que de uma maneira muito sutil. O maior exemplo é o episódio 11, que normalmente é o pesadelos das fãs pq sempre tem uma briga boba ou um desentendimento. Já o ep 11 de Bad Buddy é o melhor que já vi, o episódio inteiro foi apenas eles sendo doces um com o outro e desenvolvendo o relacionamento. No final, deu a entender que o retorno para casa também era um fim para o relacionamento. Esse episódio me lembrou muito o filme La La Land, na parte em que eles nos mostram o que o mundo ideal poderia ter sido, então os meninos se olham com todo o carinho nos olhos e caminham em direção à realidade (e a atuação do Ohm nessa parte é incrível). Acho que todo mundo acreditou que eles realmente tinham terminado. Eu, no caso, fiquei desolada com a perspectiva deles só se encontrarem de novo depois de um longo tempo (que foi o que deu a entender na prévia do ep 12).

No episódio final a gente descobre que na verdade eles nunca terminaram e eu amo o jeito como esse final é entregue. P'Aof uma vez disse que seus finais sempre serão felizes, mas esse além de feliz foi muito emocionante. No fim, os próprios pais já sabiam sobre o relacionamento deles e acabou havendo uma aceitação silenciosa. A cena final deles no telefone de brinquedo fechou com chave de ouro.

Um bônus que acho que também foi um ponto muito positivo foi o casal Ink/Pa, eu amei muito ver um casal GL, adorei todos os momentinhos delas, e achei que deixou a série mais dinâmica e divertida, foi muito gostosinho de assistir. O final bromance de Korn/Wai também foi bem legal.

Então, depois desse textão (praticamente uma tese) esses são os elementos que eu acho que transformam Bad Buddy numa grande obra. Foi muito divertido de acompanhar e agora vai ficar um vazio enorme nas minhas sextas e no meu coração.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 28, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 8.0


This is one of the best BLs I have watched. It's your classic Romeo and Juliet but with a twist. The references to Romeo and Juliet are subtle enough that it's not to cliche or boring as the R&J trope can be over done sometimes. This relationship is pure butterfly inducing fluff. There's a lot of angst in the beginning but it builds anticipation for the fluff to come so there are no complaints from me. Incredible cast! So many great actors and familiar faces. Definitely worth your time. Go watch it!!
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huang renjun
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 15, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 10

this is how you do bl take notes

lemme just theres a reason why bad buddy is considered one of the best bls of all time. ive personally watched it 3 times and its just as good every single time i watch. i like how it breaks stereotypes (not always but what can we expect) and the chemistry between ohm and nanon is just incredible. idk something abt this show is just so very dear to me in a way i cant explain. i think all bl fans need to watch bad buddy at least once bc its such an all around good show that will make you laugh and cry and kick ur feet and giggle
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 23, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
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The most beautiful series ever made

The best BL series out there, I have watched more than 100 bl shows and this is the one on my list as the BEST. Actually I completed this series on the day when it ended, but I wanted to write a review on how good it is and to make it's level of attraction increase.

Story/Plot: 9.5
Starting with the story, people would be like "oh, this is the common university love. But I guarantee you it's the best university-themed show ever, Now Im saying this also cause I LOVE enemies to lovers plots. The thing is that this show potraits every single thing let it be comedy, emotional, jealousy, irritating Pat as well as beautiful. Ep 1-4 are the main episodes of the already started love, ep 5 is what made me cry badly, for 2 weeks I cried thinking of them. ep 6-9 was good but ep 10-12 the ending episodes had the most important feelings. I don't want to reveal more spoilers as it would make you people less interested in this. All I can say they are perfection. ?

Acting/Cast: 10
Ohm and Nanon are just the best GMMTV actors out there. Really these guys were the ones who made me cry, they worked so hard and gave all their emotions to this series. Love these guys, looking forward to Our Skyy2.

Music: 10
Three songs in a single series. What do you look for else. Just perfection

Directed by- P'Aof, the greatest director ever.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 4, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.5
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I am comparing with 2gether

First of all, this is my second BL series ever. Before watching this, I looked up for some good BL series and saw it's hype. It isn't disappointing.

The series is indeed a good one with young actors expressing wide range of emotions. I just couldn't resist myself from blushing or smiling the whole time while watching this. Can't just think that I binge watched it in a single day.

The plot is interesting. The leads have a healthy chemistry without the unnecessary drama, misunderstandings, second leads and cunning girls. The acting is again, top-notch. Plus he OST and other songs are unforgettable.

Now, finally comparing it with my first BL series 2gether (Bright and MetaWin). They both have more or less similar setting of a university and school and doing majors in different branches. The one thing that unites them is music, band and guitar.

I think that Sarawat there is Pran and Tine is Pat in this series.

Sarawat/Pran- The cold guy, sings and plays guitar well, has supportive 3 friends, fell first but held back for long.

Tine/Pat- The guy interested in girls at first, one who doesn't thinks much, instinctive, cute one, has 3 supportive friends, a sibling

There are little differences in both the series. But things that I liked in Bad Buddy more are they don't have any misunderstanding, no husband-wife concept, more chances to see each other daily and nothing like cringe.

Overall, these two are at par with each other but the OSTs and dialogues were better in 2gether. There are minute differences in the ratings of both but I like 2gether more. d

Thank you!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 24, 2022
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
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Personally, i think this is one of the better BL's out there right now. The story line is different then general 'school BL's', as most are about boys in the same faculties. Here it's different faculties, who compete against one another, and contains rival families who treat one another as enemies. I think it makes the plot deeper then most BL's go, it has a great story line, i Love the chemistry between the leads and the overall acting was really good! I adored the songs in this they were amazing. Personally, i wasn't so fond of the last episode, as i don't like when a series just flies into the future years, as for me i felt like the here and now mattered more in the situation. But overall it ended happily so that's good. Deffinetly would rewatch this.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
apr 1, 2022
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Roméo et Roméo

Je viens de finir de regarder Bad Buddy et j'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé cette série, je voulais donc donner mon avis.

j'ai, en effet, pris beaucoup de plaisir à suivre l'histoire de ces Roméo et Roméo, il est vrai qu'ici on se croirait dans l'œuvre de Shakespeare ou encore dans un West Side Story mais sans l'aspect comédie musicale, et, fort heureusement, la fin n'est pas tragique comme pour ces deux œuvres mais je ne dirais pas non plus qu'on a droit à un happy ending à mon sens, même s'il y a une petite lueur d'espoir sur la fin, mais je m'arrêterais là pour ne pas spoiler.

Je ne saurais complètement expliquer pourquoi je me suis surpris.e à regarder les épisodes avec un petit sourire aux lèvres pendant toute leur durée, le couple PatPran est absolument adorable de mignonnerie, j'ai beaucoup rit des plaisanteries du facétieux Pat ( même sa façon de pouffer de rire, j'ai juste adoré ) et j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à découvrir le caractère tendre de notre "Monsieur Fossettes" en la personne de Pran. J'ai beaucoup aimé également leur sorte de rivalité amoureuse et leurs jeux de séduction, c'était vraiment novateur.

La bande de copains / famille n'est pas en reste et compte plusieurs acteurs que javais déjà rencontrés et appréciés dans d'autres productions.
Les scènes entre le couple lead transpirent d'émotions et les larmes de l'un, comme de l'autre nous bouleversent facilement le cœur car les deux acteurs jouent extrêmement bien leurs rôles.

Il y a tout de même quelques points négatifs que j'ai relevés ici et là, mais ils ne sont que de mon appréciation personnelle : j'ai trouvé que les autres romances étaient un peu trop effacées ou pas assez abouties, j'ai également trouvé que la romance principale, parfois, manquait d'aboutissement, je veux dire, je ne m'attendais pas à voir des scènes de galipettes aussi mémorables que dans TharnType ou Together With Me, mais j'avoue avoir été un peu déçu.e après la "bande-annonce" que nous promettait leur premier baiser qui était particulièrement HOT.

Pour conclure, malgré ces petites ombres au tableau, la performance dans la justesse de la direction des acteurs et des scènes, mais aussi et surtout, l'intensité avec laquelle sont tournées et jouées les scènes dramatiques en font une production assez incroyable. Ce lakorn est à découvrir absolument.

Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 21, 2022
12 van 12
Voltooid 1
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
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The twists got me fooled

The main story line is seemed typical, but then it's nice. The flow and the story evolving really amaze me; they really did a thorough into plotting the details so that it wouldn't missed anything. Whenever they jumped to a new scene, it would always go back and explains it.

The cringe, the hate & anger, the friendships they hold - they truly bring it all out. I love every moment of it. And not to mentioned their plot twists. It made me wonder who's hating who between the two parents and man it was a shocker. The grudges they holds sure was such a long time.

Pat & Pran relationships really evolves nicely. They went and did everything together - hardship, sadness, happiness, being there for one another, you name it. Even when they quarrel, they never stop loving each other. Not to mentioned their acting. Damn it was so good, so hilarious. Pat acting like a girl. Pran fake sobbing. Simply amazing!

There is one question I've wondering - I may not see it in detail - but... who's top & who's bottom? Anyone?

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 15, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

the cycle of grief (=the cycle of love)

Bad Buddy feels very much like a universal love story. It is the young adult version of a coming of age story centering, ultimately, around the idea of peace over revolution when facing the familial cycles of love and neglect. Pran and Pat were not able to become the friends they should have been in childhood due to their parents’ rivalry and hatred towards each other. They had to repress this friendship, and thus parts of themselves, to fit into the standards that were made for them.

Growing up, you figure out who you are, the basics of your identity, stemming from how you were raised. From your relationship to your parents-- the foundation of who you are-- you start to identify what you are, and of course, what you are NOT; what are you, and what is the “OTHER”? What do you relate to, who do you not relate to? Where do your loyalties lay? How do you dream? What do you dream of? How do you cope? What kind of child were you? (What kind of parent are you?) How do you view love? Is it an obligation? Is it a competition? Is it completely unmarked, unexplored and unknown territory?

Whether through deep thought or an innate ability to know yourself, you put yourself in these boxes, or you cross the line between you and the other. You are sometimes given the chance to reject the box. But how do you go against your upbringing? How do you compensate for the habits, weaknesses, fears, way of communication, that you’ve known forever? What if our parents were wrong? What happens if they have wronged us? Do you ever need to forgive your parents?

What are the barriers in love?

In Bad Buddy we see how the past greatly influences the way Pat and Pran become, and how they try to be together despite the odds, what feels like their whole world telling them to not be together. Some dreams our cast keeps, some dreams our cast lets go. Some become the “other,” and they all find their own family. They learn they cannot change the world, but they should never let the world change each other. They choose acceptance and peace over completely revolutionizing their lives for the greater good of the love they created and learned-- though that acceptance in itself is an act of revolution.

And all of this was portrayed so beautifully. :')

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
sep 17, 2023
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.0
What made it stand out from the rest was its non-toxic portrayal of the relationship between the two main characters, Pat and Pran. Their love story was nothing short of heartwarming and sweet, leaving me with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

The chemistry between the two actors was undeniable, and their performances were nothing short of exceptional. The way they brought their characters to life was truly remarkable, and it was evident that they put their heart and soul into their roles.
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Bad Buddy (2021) poster



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