Pamyo (2024) poster
Uw beoordeling: 0/10
Beoordelingen: 8.3/10 van 12,066 gebruikers
# aantal kijkers: 23,912
beoordelingen: 46 gebruikers
Gerangschikt #966
populariteit #729
Kijkers 12,066

Vertaling bewerken

  • Nederlands
  • 한국어
  • Русский
  • Português (Brasil)
  • Land: South Korea
  • Type: Movie
  • Publicatiedatum: feb 16, 2024
  • Duur: 2 hr. 13 min.
  • Score: 8.3 (scored by 12,066 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #966
  • populariteit: #729
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

Waar je Pamyo kunt bekijken

Prime Video
Ppv (sub)
Ppv (sub)
Subscription (sub)

Cast & Credits


34 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 9, 2024
Voltooid 5
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 9.0

Good buildups but there's a tone shift

Spectacular cinematography and insane acting performances, the horror element is effective with a good amount of reasoning behind the plot, though the way it turns out at the end might be a little anticlimactic for some. The third act takes a weird tone shift after all the amazing buildups that were done earlier, more specifically its resolution part was given a superpower treatment instead of supernatural ones. Still, the historical and geopolitical backstory had lots of details which are quite logical, and their quality suspense holds well enough to make this an excellent movie overall.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
20 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 17, 2024
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Has you on the edge of your seat.

Its places you into the action right from the beginning and takes you on a journey that is full tilt from start to finish. I was lucky to see this in a cinema in New Zealand so if you can see it on the big screen I recommend you do so, its certainly just that much more immersive and impressive surrounded by a sea of strangers. There's some powerhouse performances from all the leads, I love Lee Do Hyun, so him and the subject matter was what drew me to the film. I think for me the only downside was this story seems like it could have been fleshed out more in a series rather then a movie, it felt like it was wrapped up too quickly for me at least. They hinted at the background of the main characters but you never felt completely invested in the horror they were facing because you weren't given enough information about them. The soundtrack is masterful and the cinematography sublime. I still very much recommend this film.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?


The Guest
The Devil
The Divine Fury
The Wailing
Raang Song
Svaha: The Sixth Finger


  • Movie: Pamyo
  • Land: Zuid-Korea
  • Publicatiedatum: feb 16, 2024
  • Duur: 2 hr. 13 min.
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - tieners van 15 of ouder


  • Score: 8.3 (gescoord door 12,066 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #966
  • populariteit: #729
  • Kijkers: 23,912

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