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- Oorspronkelijke titel: 半沢直樹
- Ook gekend als:
- Scenarioschrijver: Yatsu Hiroyuki
- Regisseur: Fukuzawa Katsuo, Tanaka Kenta, Tanazawa Takayoshi
- Genres: Thriller, Business, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Sakai Masato Hoofdrol
- Ueto AyaHanzawa Hana [Naoki's wife]Bijrol
- Oikawa MitsuhiroTomari ShinobuBijrol
- Takito KenichiKondo NaosukeBijrol
- Kagawa TeruyukiOwada AkiraBijrol
- Kitaoji KinyaNakanowatari KenBijrol

The world of banking portrayed in this drama is one of deception and treachery. Bankers don't care about their customers or even the integrity of the their banking institutions; they seek only to improve their positions by manipulation and betrayal. The senior banking officers make bad decisions and their underlings have to clean up the mess or risk demotion or even worse relocation.
In walks Hanzawa Naoki. A brilliant banker who cares about his customers, his bank and his friends. He is thrown under the bus by his boss and must clean up the mess or get transferred. There are so many hurdles in his way but Hanzawa is a fighter. His catch phrase, "If you screw me, I'll screw back. Double payback!" It was exciting to see him get fired up in these situations.
The story was a bit predictable but it was so well told that I don't mind that at all. The acting was astounding with the exception of the guy who played the inspector from the tax bureau (gross over actor) and the only thing about the drama that i didn't like really. Sakai-san was in one word SUPERB; the best actor overall in the cast. I wish we got more of Ueno Aya but what we got from her was great. She played the role of the strong dedicated wife well.
I live in Japan and people can't seem to stop talking about this drama. It is one of, if not the best drama for 2013. It is a must watch for jdrama fans. And with Hanzawa's tenacity, the fan love and the way this drama ended I fully anticipate a season 2. Hopefully we will get it next summer.
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the acting was superb. honestly this drama is an acting powerhouse. sakai masato, kitaonji kinya, kagawa teruyuki, oikawa mitsuhiro was even splendid in this and of course takito's acting. you could even see the growth in some of the characters it was obvious in the acting.
the music is just how it should be. it escalates the feelings however it doesn't make you pay attention to it which is a good thing. drama music should not make you pay attention to it more than you would pay attention to the drama itself.
lastly, i don't think that i would rewatch this drama anytime soon. mainly the high thing about this drama was the suspence. you can't enjoy a suspence drama when you rewatch it definitely not as much as the first time but this drama would definitely have it's good points to rewatching.
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