Lopend 6/14
11 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
sep 24, 2022
6 van 14
Lopend 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Unrivaled Emotional Chemistry

I am pleasantly stunned by the the emotional chemistry between the two main leads. Words can't describe how thoroughly pleased I am by this bl. They have taken a very overdone trope and managed to recycle it and make it emotionally poignant and delightful. This is definitely going into my list of classic Bls. Everyone should watch this. It delivers on all fronts as far as I am concerned. It's 11/10. I have cried, laughed and felt tense with them. They had me with the 1st episode and as it progresses it somehow manages to get better and better. It's not perfect, but it certainly is beautiful and worthy of an applause. ❤️??

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 14, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.5

Most delightful show

I have very low expectations and I expect lot tissue to be used. But it just beat all those like in first 10 episode I just fell series is so beautiful and spectacular cast with great use of music I love it.
With a rest trend of bl being a adult more shows I felt it really said the importance of really decent show with slow pace still entertain a lot. I really felt so good and so sad that it doesn't reached its hight because it was only promoted as sad story also because it has lot of competition to compare even recent remember me felt same way but that show has well established comple fan base while here it is totally new and it was promoted as next untill we meet again not as next friendly good series.
I think in final episode it lost it's momemtom but still it felt so good even with all sad things happen made me to use lot of tissue to wipe out the tears.
Highly recommended I can't recommend this series even more than i do.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
nov 29, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

loved it

The first two episodes were very boring and I thought it wouldn't be good. But then it surprised me a lot and I really, really loved it and it made me cry. Earth and Santa were so good actors, like when they acted as children I really believed they were in the early teens. Then there's a time jump and they are young adults and I loved the difference, the character development was amazing. I love them together, they cried beautifully and the drama was well written. What I hated was the secondary couple in which the girl is, like, finishing college and the boy is still in school... like bitch wtf??? and they try to make you feel sorry for her because that grown woman can't love a kid? seriously I skipped almost all this couple's scenes.

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Apaixonada por BL
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jun 18, 2023
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Superou todas as minhas expectativas

Essa série não é apenas mais uma, pode acreditar. Ela é uma experiência única, onde você vai navegar por diversos sentimentos diferentes, entrar na história e se apaixonar por cada personagem.

Iniciemos pelo roteiro, que obviamente não é perfeito, mas o Studio Wabi Sabia sabe como trazer nossas emoções à tona através de belas histórias. A história mostra (minha opinião é um pouco impopular) um Eiw totalmente dependente emocionalmente de Cake. A interação entre eles, me passa a impressão de que o amor romântico sempre existiu, eles apenas demoraram a entender isso, pois já que cresceram com esse sentimento, o tinham como algo natural. Por causa disso, penso que, de forma não intencional, Cake fazia com que Eiw fosse dependente dele para tudo, até mesmo coisas triviais como pegar um ônibus ou voltar pra casa sozinho. O único momento em que eles se separavam era dentro da escola, pois Cake chamava muita atenção com seu rosto belíssimo e seu jeito cativante, e Eiw não queria olhos voltados para si, o menino não tinha confiança nenhuma, e achava que a presença dele poderia "manchar" a imagem de Cake, que absurdo!

Já Cake, posso ver nele traços tóxicos. Por tudo já dito no parágrafo acima, e por sua reação quando percebeu que Eiw não era mais dependente dele, tinha amigos e conseguia viver sozinho. O ciúme não é um termo que por si só explique o comportamento dele, a palavra certa, diante do exposto, realmente é toxidade.

Enfim, Eiw percebeu primeiro os sentimentos... A cena dele vendo Love of Siam já me arrancou lágrimas diversas vezes. Cake percebeu depois... Ou será que não? Que amigos dormem daquela forma? Quem prefere estar com o amigo do que com a namorada? Quem zela e cuida do outro mais do que a si mesmo?
Apesar de tudo, quando ambos entenderam a si próprios, o relacionamento fluiu de forma leve e linda!

Algumas histórias paralelas são contadas, no fim elas se interligam de alguma forma com nosso casal, mas gostaria de frisar algumas. O fato de Hom se apaixonar por um garoto mais jovem, e a série explicitar o preconceito a esse respeito, o fato da série falar sobre o tabagismo e suas consequências de forma séria (só achei que poderiam ter iniciado esse tópico mais cedo para poderem falar mais), a romantização familiar, isso é algo que detesto, quando a mãe de Eiw morreu e levantaram a questão de perdoar o pai pq ele ainda era o pai, oras usasse qualquer outra desculpa, mas sangue não isenta ninguém de falhas, nem tampouco é motivo para perdão, principalmente em se tratando de algo tão grave. Todas as emoções são transmitidas de forma muito real, é possível sentir a dor, a alegria, a mágoa, a esperança, cada emoção é magicamente transmitida para nós.

Outra coisa que amei, foi a interação entre as familias sobre a homossexualidade dos meninos, não houve estranhamento, cara feia, problematização, nem tampouco dos amigos.

Todos os detalhes são bem casados, tanto a história, como a atuação e os aspectos técnicos. A filmografia é maravilhosa, no início, dá um ar de antiguidade às cenas, que realmente se passam alguns anos antes, depois a imagem se moderniza, juntamente com a idade dos meninos. Existe uma riqueza de detalhes que remetem ao passado na primeira fase, os computadores antigos, os detalhes nas casas e nos transportes, tudo muito bem feito. A ost é delicada e também ajuda a contar a história. O elenco tem uma química surreal, como se cada papel tivesse sido escrito pra quem o interpretou. Sobre a química de Santa e Earth, creio que é um assunto indiscutível!

Impossível não amar essa série, está no topo das minhas preferidas... Não deixe de ver essa obra de arte.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 13, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 4.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

This is why SantaEarth are my favourite BL pairing

SantaEarth’s chemistry is off the charts! I adore them so much and they really shine in this series. The “i love everything about you” scene is ♾️/10! Definitely one of my favourite moments in a romance show EVER! It gave me chills.

Both main characters go through beautiful emotional arcs and I cried many times over them. I especially like the timeskip, I thought it worked really well for their characters asit let both characters find themselves individually and grow as people.

However it did drag a tiny bit in the beginning but did keep my attention when the twist happened. Also, I wasn’t all too bothered about the sister and Cake’s friend relationship; I wasn’t rooting for them to be together and wouldn’t have minded if they didn’t end up together.

And sadly the last episode was disappointing. I wish it had focused on CakeEiw more as a couple, instead of focusing on See-Eiw’s family. It felt as if it took away from their entire relationship journey and Cake’s character felt forgotten about. This meant that we never got to see their relationship as a couple develop and instead were given an unnecessary conflict that had nothing to do with the original plot of the story.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 27, 2023
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 2.0

The dynamic is nice but the execution was mediocre

I really was just watching this for the SantaEarth vibe, and that was lit, but the rest was okay at best. There was a lot of them both crying, a lot of sitting in misunderstanding and unwilling to reveal things, the jealousy was low key annoying when Santa finally realized his feelings, and all the side characters felt flat as cardboard cutouts. Rather than talking about showering and laying in bed together, I feel like they could have used however many precious minutes were wasted doing that to actually tell a story with dynamic, complex characters. And I can agree w everyone else that the last two episodes didn't really add to the content as it was. It didn't show a new side of any characters, didn't change their relationships at all, and overall was just...filler? I'm disappointed bc I feel like they both could be great actors with scripts that made them come alive more.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 2, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.5
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 3.5

Seeiw was only tolerable about 12% of the time...

This series had so much potential. It definitely had it's enjoyable moments but I found that it was overhyped.
The content quality of the episodes were unevenly spread out and at times, it was really really slow paced. They spent far too much time focusing on the before rather than the after of the time jump. If they had had more episodes to work with, that would've been fine story wise but because it wasn't, it felt very uneven. There also isn't too much of an overarching story arc; it's kind of more of a slice of life.

Santa's acting was fantastic. I especially enjoyed seeing Cake's jealousy which was hilarious to watch and at other times, it felt so real and raw. Episode 11 was by far my favourite of the whole series. I am looking forward to seeing his future projects!
Unfortunately I could not stand Earth's whining while crying and there was a lot of that. IMO Earth also looked too old to play a 15 y/o prior to the flash forward. To me, he couldn't pass which was extremely distracting and I could not get over it. I mean he's like 27 so I don't think they should've tried to make him pass. (This has got to be my least favourite performance of his that I've seen, as I did enjoy his performance in Until We Meet Again. So check that out if you haven't already!)
If you don't happen to get hung up on the actor's actual age and aren't bothered by his crying style, then I think you have a solid shot of enjoying this series way more than I did!

Overall this series was decent. It was nice to see the throwback of what technology and life used to be like before technology had progressed as far as it has today and it was sweet to see how close the boys' relationship was; they had good chemistry. If you finish it, this series will pull at your heartstrings. Production wise, they seemed to have a substantial budget but this series just wasn't my cup of tea and I don't ever see myself rewatching it.

My Ratings
Before the time jump: 6.35/10 stars
After the time jump: 7.1/10 stars
Overall: 6.71/10 stars

I haven't been on this page since the finale premiered and at the time, the consensus was that everyone adored this series but that the last two episodes were meh. Omg I'm so glad to see now that I'm not the only person who didn't love this series. I thought I was the odd one out??‍♀️

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 23, 2022
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 9.5

A Nice Soft And Fluffy Show

I feel like reviews on this particular website are so harsh or maybe i'm just easy to please lol I quite enjoyed this show! Yes it wasn't intense and steamy like KinnPorsche or Love In The Air but with the plot being two childhood friends falling in love I wasn't really expecting much explicit scenes and I don't understand why people get mad that there isn't any just because the show ends with the characters being in university. Can gay romance not be cute and fluffy? I feel like the people complaining there's not enough explicit scenes are the ones who fetishize gay romance and only watch BL's for that kind of content rather than the actual story. Don't get me wrong I like a good steamy scene myself but I'm also not bothered if there isn't one if the chemistry is good and I enjoy the story. Of course, the show wasn't 100% perfect, I can agree that I would have liked less crying in the last two episodes. I know something serious happened but it was a bit excessive. Other than that, I thought it was a cute first love romance and I loved that they actually touched on Eiw discovering his sexuality and not just completely ignoring it or pulling the typical "I'm not gay I don't like any other men except you" bs. One review stated that Eiw didn't grow at all and was exactly the same when Cake returned but i'd have to disagree. While they did kind of reconnect and share the same bond they had as kids Eiw had more going on in his life than just following Cake around. They spent a lot of time together still but Eiw joined a club which he never would have done before, did activities for the club he joined, had other friends besides Cake and his typical crew and was a lot more out going and open with strangers. He even called Cake out for his crappy attitude instead of letting it all slide and just go on like he would have back in high school. Maybe the change was too subtle for some people but for someone who has social anxiety and has a hard time putting myself out there and likes to stay in the comfort of my two long time friends and no one else I can definitely see the growth. Overall I enjoyed this show for what it was, going in with the expectation of something simple, soft and feel good and getting just that. I would like to see the SantaEarth pairing in a new show but would love to see Earth challenege a different kind of character than the soft emotional one.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mei 9, 2023
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 7.5

I thought this was a cute and happy show. I was wrong!!

I LOVED the best friends to lovers plotline. It was done so well, and the longing that Eiw felt was portrayed so well. THe dynamic between Cake and Eiw was done perfectly, and the actors had amazing chemistry.

I did think that they could have sped things up a little bit. Earth cried SO much in this series, and while he's a great actor, at some point you get tired of a character constantly being upset about the situation. But honestly, it was so well done that I didn't even mind much. One of the BEST scenes addressing what it feels like to have to come out to people and not know if they will accept you or not. Many BLs don't address the internalized homophobia aspect of this, and it's done so well in this show. The time jump was seamless and perfectly placed, and helped the show a lot. I think the last two episodes should have been moved up by one so that we got a finale centered around the relationship and not external issues.

Overall a fantastic show. Definitely worth the watch!

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Lopend 12/14
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 31, 2022
12 van 14
Lopend 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Great acting and interesting plot

This series is charming and all the actors are outstanding. I am really enjoying watching this series and I find myself eagerly waiting for the next episode.
Usually, when I watch BLs, especially high school BLs I find myself cringing at certain parts. But with this series, I love how the friendships are portrayed in the most natural way. Santa and Earth are impressive actors and their chemistry is impeccable. The intimate scene in ep 12 is so beautiful and has to be one of my favourites ever.
I am so excited to see how this series will end and I will be back to complete my review then.
I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who wants to watch a lighthearted, cute romance.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 24, 2023
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.5
Verhaal 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Muziek 7.5
Rewatch Waarde 6.0

Boring story, lacklustre acting

This drama was about two close friends who lived next door to each other since young, went to school together every day, did almost everything together, even sleeping together on a single bed in each other’s houses almost every night and waking each other up every day. Basically, the best of friends. However, as time went by, they gradually realized that their feelings for each other were not mere friendship and best of friends.

In the first few episodes, Seeiw (Earth), one of the main leads, whined so much like a childish kid. He had not many friends, no hobbies, basically only had Cake (Santa), the other male lead, in his life and spent his time whining and acting cute in front of him. Fortunately, this was not the first time I saw this actor, otherwise I would have been totally put off by him. I thought Earth’s character would get better as the episodes moved. Yes, he did stop whining, but unfortunately something about his character was not pleasing to me throughout. I just didn’t like the portrayal of his character.

I thought the story would improve after Cake left for overseas and they became older. Unfortunately, it did not and then Seeiw’s mother passed away. I understood the emotional toll it took on the family, but the entire incident took too many episodes and just too much crying and all these with nothing else happening.

I did not enjoy this drama from the start, but I did not think about dropping it because I was hoping that the story would improve or there would be some sort of a twist that would make the story more interesting so I stuck with it, but no, it just continued to be boring and underwhelming, with uninspiring acting from the main leads and the entire cast, all the way to the end. The main leads' chemistry with each other, something that was so important in a BL, was nothing to talk about. And was it just me, but I felt everything in this drama was just so old-fashioned, the filming location, the acting, the dialogues, the props, etc., all honestly in a negative way, it was too simple to the point of underwhelming. At first I thought it was filmed based on the 1970s but no it was like 2002 in the drama if I remember correctly.

It took me months to finish this drama even though it was only 12 episodes and was actually glad I finally completed watching it. The ending was satisfying in a way that all loose knots were tied with nothing hanging, but even so, it could not compensate the entire story. Of course, I would not recommend it, there are far better BLs out there and BLs aside, there are far better stories and acting out there than this.

And on why the title was ‘My only 12%’ because apparently 12% is the probability that the one you love would love you back. I wonder how true this is...

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 23, 2023
14 van 14
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

one of the best !!!

i have seen already earth in another series like "until we meet again" ( one of my favorite series too ) together with kao .. and i found that kao and earth has a good chemistry to each other but after watching my only 12 % , i think that earth and santa has more good chemistry to each other, they look cute together .. and talking about the series , this one of the series that i wish to has more more episode on it .. the story is really good .. it is like a story about friendship ..and it is more on drama , and they really make me cry ..
Santa is not just good looking but also he is very good in acting , they are part of the seeries that santa really made me cry , and even he is crying on the scene , he still look handsome in the camera ...
earth also is good .. his acting is very impressive and realistic, in every scene , he is really into it...
I really love how the story run .. they are no questions left in my mind after watching these series .. i just wish that to has more episode thats why i feel sad when i am in final episode.. I hope and waiting for Santa and earth to have more series together..

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My Only 12% (2022) poster



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