Review sudah tersedia di review episode Our Skyy 2 : Never Let ME GO. Sebagai sebuah cerita baru yang pendek, sudah sangat wajar bahwa series ini punya resolusi yang sederhana ; tapi tidak masalah, sebagai bentuk ending tambahan untuk series sebenarnya ini sudah cukup bagus. Menurutku, episode dua tidak semenarik episode pertama, hal ini disebabkan karena alur ceritanya menjadi melambat dan perubahan yang terjadi menjadi berkurang ; kita sebut fase kaget dan impresif memang terjadi di episode pertama, episode kedua sudah masuk ke dalam tahap resolusi dan sedikit filler. Dari segi warna, masih sama dengan episode pertama ya warnanya punya saturasi yang rendah namun vibrant warna matte, dialognya sederhana dan mudah difahami ; alurnya juga jelas dan ada beberapa hal yang menurutku kurang, detail kecil hilang seperti tatto dipunggung palm, selain itu ; cerita Nuengdiau dan Palm di masa lalu tidak selesai secara visual - hanya selesai dengan "kata-kata" dan menurutku itu kurang greget sih, saya penasaran sebenarnya apa yang akan terjadi berikutnya - jika dibuat series baru mungkin menarik tapi sepertinya penonton tidak terlalu ingin menontonnya karena ya ceritanya sudah terbaca, nuansa tradisional memang terbaik apalagi jika genrenya bL. Overall episode-nya menarik dan bagus sih menurutku.
I am at a total loss of words. Phuwin and Pond have outdone themselves. I never thought that there would be a side couple. This episode was perfection.
I liked these two episodes quiet a lot. The switch of social roles, the historical touch because of traveling back in time and the fatal soulmates/lovers trope that was introduced to us here. But my favorite part by far? Was the vows they wrote to each other. When I tell you I was sobbing in my car in an empty parking lot I wouldn't lie to you one bit. This pair has a special place in my heart and I'm hopping to see them again in the near future!!!
My Side Couple Syndrome™️ went wild in this episode
Oh my gosh. I knew they were gonna go back to their timeline, but the hoops they had to jump through had my heart going crazy tbh. Also. Freaking MarcPawin?! I didn't even know that was actor pairing until this show, and then I find out they're also gonna be in Dangerous Romance together!?!?!? MY GOSH I'M SO EXCITED! I really liked the resolution to PalmNueng, but I think I would have liked it more if Nueng's words had actually gotten through to Palm. Like live your life for yourself and all that. Don't get me wrong, it's so romantic that Palm decided to go stay with Nueng for a few months in the US but like, bestie, have you been listening at all? Overall great job, super excited for Star in My Mind next week
It is so sad to get parted from these two... They just gave us so many things in two episodes and I wasn't really prepared for this... I'm gonna miss these idiots! 🥺❤️