Doctor Slump (2024) poster
Uw beoordeling: 0/10
Beoordelingen: 8.2/10 van 30,570 gebruikers
# aantal kijkers: 62,858
beoordelingen: 133 gebruikers
Gerangschikt #1356
populariteit #176
Kijkers 30,570

Toen hij op school zat had Yeo Jeong-Woo altijd de hoogste cijfers en hij studeerde aan de hoogste medische universiteit in het land. Yeo Jeong-Woo is nu een populair plastisch chirurg. Zijn leven is gemakkelijk, maar door een mysterieus medisch ongeval komt zijn leven aan een afgrond te staan. Op dit moment ontmoet hij Ha-Neul. Ze was zijn rivaal in het verleden en hij ontmoet haar op het dieptepunt van zijn leven. Nam Ha-Neul werkt als een anesthesioloog. Toen ze opgroeide noemden mensen haar een genie vanwege haar extreme intelligentie. Ze studeerde hard en werd een dokter. Haar leven bestond enkel uit werken en studeren. Ze had geen tijd om leuke dingen te beleven. Op een dag realiseerde Nam Ha-Neul zich dat ze niet blij was met haar leven en besloot verandering aan te brengen. Op dit dieptepunt in haar leven ontmoet zij Yeo Jeong-Woo. Ze verzachten elkaars leed en er ontstaat een relatie tussen de twee. (Bron: Engels = AsianWiki || Vertaling = PotatoHunter bij MyDramaList) Vertaling bewerken

  • Nederlands
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  • Land: South Korea
  • Type: Drama
  • Afleveringen: 16
  • uitgezonden: jan 27, 2024 - mrt 17, 2024
  • Uitgezonden op: Zaterdag, Zondag
  • Origineel netwerk: jTBC
  • Duur: 1 hr. 5 min.
  • Score: 8.2 (scored by 30,570 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #1356
  • populariteit: #176
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

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Lopend 16/16
33 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 28, 2024
16 van 16
Lopend 3
Geheel 9.5
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Success Doesn't Always Bring Happiness

The final episode, the final edit--What a healthy Kdrama, and what a nice ending. "What is better? Does it mean they'll become happy?" "They'll accept their misfortunes. I can become miserable again, but that's okay. Should misfortunes come I have the strength to endure them." All in all this was a drama about accepting that life isn't perfect, people are not perfect, we can do everything right and still our lives can fall apart, and also that work environments can sometimes be the detriment of even the most accomplished people. Life isn't about putting forth the most perfect image. It's about finding your happiness, your center, your balance, and then finding the strength to endure what comes your way. I like in the end that Jeong Woo chose substance over flashiness in starting his own practice again. I like that Ha Neul could confidently handle the denial of job responsibilities, and that she found the strength to speak what she was feeling in a professional way. Both the ML and FL took us on a journey of debunking erroneous beliefs about success and happiness, and in the end showed us what was truly important....our relationships with family, friends, and each other.
Well done to Baek Sun Woo, the screenwriter for this engaging and important drama!! Equally well done to the cast and production crew!! This is a keeper, and a drama I will revisit again.

After 10 episodes--I came back to update the review as I am over halfway through this series. Amongst the usual stereotypical rom com Kdrama plot lines, there lies the reality of healing from trauma. This Kdrama shows how very hard it is to come back to normal when your life has been turned upside down, and also how hard it is to overcome panic, anxiety, sadness, and depression. In one episode Ha Neul begins to panic with the happiness she feels in this new relationship. She doesn't trust that these happy feelings will not just end up with tragedy and heartbreak as that has been her experience. She also faces how little she trusts people around her, including Jeong Woo. This is a very relatable series. I've been part of a cut-throat profession and been stabbed in the back by colleagues whom I trusted, and been faced with the decision to keep opening my life to people, or just wall myself off. Failed relationships also leave their mark. This drama shows how two people who at first are overcome with their traumatic experiences, work through the realization that because of these experiences are different people now, and have to find a new way to keeping engaging with life, their professions, their family, and each other. I like that this drama is showing that recovery from mental illness is not instant, you don't just get over it. Instead, it's a process, a day-by-day way of learning how to live again. Some of drama is typical, some of it is boring, but with the bigger message, I'm finding this is really a good story.

After 2 episodes--This is taking a look at the very real impact ambition has on mental health. The two main characters are the star pupils of their high school. What comes with being the top student is not only the pressure of one's own expectations and ambition, but having to live up to the expectations of everyone around you. Being the top at anything also seems to carry with it the idea that that top person is perfect in all things. Not only is this not true, but the reality is that carrying the pressure to constantly be perfect, and at the top in all things, often leads to burn out and depression. If by chance one does make it to the top, it takes next to nothing for you to fall and fail, even if it isn't your fault. The story begins with the two leads established in their careers and are both experiencing a low point. We get to see in both the mental toll competition, ambition, and drive does to them, and also how very fickle the world around them is when faced with these low points in their professional lives . Luckily they have each other. The race to the top is brutal, but so is the fall from the top where you find out who your true friends really are. That's where our two main leads are in the first two episodes.

It has the makings of a really good story. So far it's been excellent. I hope it continues. The soundtrack also seems to be really good.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
84 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
mrt 17, 2024
16 van 16
Voltooid 8
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 4.0

A good drama gone terribly wrong

This drama is something i had pretty good expectations for but unfortunately it failed to deliver. I don't know how i can possibly rate the show when the second lead couple was much more interesting than the main couple.

When i started this show i thought it was so cute, Academic rivals are definitely something you are likely to experience in school and the idea of meeting your academic rival after many years , as well as the fact that they were both facing struggles of different kinds were also quite amusing to me. I personally really resonated with the fl because a lot of parents tell you to work hard and "everything will work out" but that is not always the case. The ml (although not as relatable) also received very less attention and the only time his parents paid any attention to him was when he got into trouble. Now ill go in depth about the pros and the cons.

1) the drama started out strong but i don't know exactly when but i started getting bored of the romance between the leads, I feel like it would have made much more sense if they both just remained friends because the romance was so unnecessary
2) the mystery behind the issue with the ml's medical mishap was way too complicated, i would have preferred if they just kept one suspect from the beginning and limited the mystery to max 8 episodes
3) the comedy was at most times - just cringe, I dont know if it was the acting, the writing or the directing but the comedy was extremely cringe at certain moments
4) I like park hung sik's acting but for this show it was a bit much, I feel like if the actor looks fake while doing a scene it prevents viewers from immersing themself into the show
5) The misunderstandings were drawn out, i feel like the characters did not age a day (mentally) after high school, i feel like they honestly retain the same level of maturity which shows no character development over time

1) First and foremost my high rating for the acting goes mostly for the second leads, their acting was so much more realistic and their situations were also much more relatable, The idea of being single parents to kids of the opposite gender (single mom with son and single dad with daughter) while having hectic jobs as medical professionals and having to navigate life with teenagers was also executed well. After a certain point i was watching the show for them.
2) I feel like the mental health aspect was demonstrated pretty well, the idea of parents always pushing you to be successful and how success does not equal happiness was a strong message.
3) Park shin hye definitely improved her kissing skills, she looked like she was being assaulted in majority of the dramas but she definitely fixed it this time round

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  • Drama: Doctor Slump
  • Land: Zuid-Korea
  • Afleveringen: 16
  • uitgezonden: jan 27, 2024 - mrt 17, 2024
  • uitgezonden On: Zaterdag, Zondag
  • Origineel netwerk: jTBC
  • Duur: 1 hr. 5 min.
  • Inhoudsbeoordeling: 15+ - tieners van 15 of ouder


  • Score: 8.2 (gescoord door 30,570 gebruikers)
  • Gerangschikt: #1356
  • populariteit: #176
  • Kijkers: 62,858

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