0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 20, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Excited my Expectations

It grabs your attention from episode 1. The plot, in all honesty, is not something so different that you've never watched before, but the execution is what made it stand out and work for me. Its lovable characters, unique sense of humour and even the purple as the show's signature colour are some of the elements that helped it gain its own identity among the other bls.

Is it perfect?

No. As every show, it has its issues. The plot dragged a bit on some parts, some plotlines could have been more developed or built up earlier in the show and not get resolved that fast and I'll admit I have an issue with how one serious incident turned into a joke just for the sake of the plot, but the good traits still outweigh the bad.

As for the acting everyone individually deserves a praise. We got a very capable cast. Great and Inn did an amazing job in their debut bl series with Thor and Fluke being on par with them. Both sets of actors were so good I'd love to see them in another bl as main leads.

Overall, it's a series with a lot of heart. It may frustrate you at some points, but the journey is beautiful. If you like romance that's the story for you. And even if it's not you cup of tea, just for the acting alone it's worth giving it a shot.

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0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 20, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0

Chemistry is Chemistry’ing

Its been a long time since I watched a series with this good genuine chemistry between the actors. Helped by the actors appearing both comfortable with eachother and self-confidence. Both of the main actors delivers their roles to a high level and everything from line delivery to microexpressions are on point. The side character also do a great job in their charcter portrayals, but the story mainly evolves around the mains, Great & Inn.

Thor & Fluke also deserves a shoutout in making their relationships as their characters so obvious and heartfelt even without saying a single word. It is nice to see their particular couple dynamic portrayed in the series.

The series does try to show diversity throughout the episodes with more or less success. I really comend them for their efforts and it is highly apreciated to see the characters as individuals that is believable.

The plot is to me mostly engaging and interesting, and where the plot falls through and doesnt drive the storyline the insane chemistry between Great & Inn covers for it. I have greatly enjoyed watching this series and I kept looking forward to it each and every week. Sad that this is the end, but hoping to see more Great & Inn/ Thor & Fluke series in the future.

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0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 21, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 7.5
Rewatch Waarde 10

Saturdays were good days because of Wandee Goodday

Learning about the show, I wasn’t initially drawn to it because I haven’t followed Great and Inn. I had no expectations starting it but when I did, it became what I looked forward to every week. Although the show’s premise is about one night stands and friends with benefits, I love how it wasn’t overly sexualized. It’s a perfect blend of fluff, conflicts, and social issues. However, I just wished the aspect of trauma was explored but overall, this show gave me good days. I’d give it a high rewatch value too because it’s so comforting and light. Hoping for a special ep or sequel!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
aug 12, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 6.5


Esta serie es una que quizás no sea la mejor del mundo, pero que trae una paz y un encanto único a quienes la vean, es divertida, sin muchos dramas y considero que cualquier persona que desee verla para salir de la rutina de los dramas extenuantes la va a disfrutar.

sobre los actores, la verdad es que es su primer trabajo juntos y tienen una linda química, aunque aunque quiero ver mas series con ellos. La pareja secundaria también fue linda.

Algo que me gustaría recalcar de esta serie, fue la diversidad del colectivo LGBTQ+, fue interesante de ver y conocer otro tipo de personas que son parte de este colectivo y que no estuvo por estar ahí, si no que le dieron razón de ser al personaje dentro de la serie.

La verdad esta serie en general es muy bonita y encantadora, te saca del estrés y te da buenos momentos divertidos. al menos para mi no es una serie que deba buscarle muchas vueltas, simplemente disfrutarla.

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The BL Xpress
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
17 dagen geleden
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Muziek 7.5
Rewatch Waarde 7.5
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GreatInn Chemistry Works, Otherwise Not So Much

This series is a dichotomous BL, bordering on being oxymoronic. Sometimes brilliant then slipping into utter banality. Occasionally poignant but mostly filled with mundane trite tediousness. Sporadic displays of serious adult behaviors but mostly overshadowed with adolescent/pubescence behavioral patterns acting like petulant teenage children instead of adults in a serious sexual relationship. Occasional story lines eliciting tears and then in the next dialogue nothing but endless dribble of cliches and platitudes. In other words, not generally reflecting real life but an idealized sanitized world peppered with a whisper of reality and an occasional homage to authenticity. The best word to describe this series is: puffery. I simply had a hard time relating to this story.

Read the complete article here-


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Loving The Drama
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 25, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 3.0

Started of strong, kind of let up a bit in the end

This series started of great, some great chemistry, very attractive cast.

We get our usual how long can I gaslight myself into not realising my own feelings. Which was good for a bit but at some point it was just a bit too stretched out for me. A lot of weird Drama, some unresolved parts.
It lost me a bit towards the end.

Overall I still enjoyed it and believe it was worth watching, I don’t think it stands out particularly though..
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
16 dagen geleden
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 5.5
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Muziek 5.5
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
Classica BL made in Tailandia, con tutti i pregi e i difetti annessi e connessi: fin dall'inizio chimica e scene esplicite non mancano - soprattutto se paragonate alle BL coreane o alle bromance cinesi - ma oltre a quello c'è sempre un po' poco sul piatto, sia in termini di trama, di contesto, di caratterizzazione stessa dei personaggi principali che fuori dalla camera da letto si relazionano con conversazioni banali e azioni/reazioni ridicole. Da sconosciuti passano una notte insieme, poi diventano amici di letto, poi ancora concordano una falsa relazione... il tutto con la pretesa che sentimentalmente non siano in grado di fare chiarezza sulle proprie emozioni e su quelle dell'altro. Questo stallo assurdo caratterizza quasi l'intera durata della serie, salvo poi risolversi nel finale in un paio di episodi con spaccati di una glicemia imbarazzante (la scena sul ring tanto per fare un esempio).
Sembra ormai uno stereotipo, già che potrei contare decine e decine di drama tailandesi sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda.
Basso investimento - in termini di sceneggiatura e a volte anche di budget - qualche scena NC18 (se va bene) e melensaggini a contorno del tutto. Senza infamia e senza lode rispetto alle altre serie della stessa tipologia.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 20, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 10
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
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Ojalá tengas un buen día

Wandee Goodday es uno de esos productos redondos en el mundo del BL. Un equipo de producción excelente, una directora que pertenece al colectivo y que sabe qué es lo que quiere hacer, una firme intención de entretener, pero también de educar, un plantel de actores y actrices de primera, una firme intención de hacer las cosas bien...

De las pocas cosas criticables, que me parece naif, a la par que conservadora y contra intuitiva en un producto que ofrece educación sexual, aunque no sea su misión principal, es el tropo del beso reservado para el amor verdadero. Porque en él subyace el mito de la media naranja (que comprendo, porque nos estamos metiendo amor romántico por el culo sin lubricante y de eso no me voy a quejar), pero que ofrece una forma de tener sexo bastante despersonalizada. Una cosa es que no te guste besar (no lo juzgo, aunque no lo comprenda) y otra que pongas un límite porque estás buscando al "adecuado". El adecuado en cada momento es el que te llevas a la cama, porque si te puede comer el ano, le puedes comer la boca... llámame especial, si quieres.

De resto, ya ven la nota. Un 10. En cada uno de los sentidos. Creo que encaja en una nueva forma de hacer BL que se está haciendo cada vez más abundante y qué feliz de estar aquí en este momento de la industria.

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Kenneth Carl Vega
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
5 dagen geleden
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 7.5
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten


This drama is not the best but it was worth watching it , it was funny , and it was really cute , This probably one of recommended quality drama of GMMTV out there so far in my opinion,
The drama is easy to understand , it was light , Super Funny and exciting at the beginning, became funny romantic at the middle part and funny romantic heartfelt the end , although some part s of the drama might not have met my expectations like I thought Yoryaks Trauma is it ? would be put to emphasis in a certain part of the drama like how did it happened , how did he overcome , coz it is a serious thing you know ? I just thought it was rushed on that part because it seems that Yoryak have overcome it during his match at the last part in an instant .. okay I just thought oh maybe because the story wants to imply that Wandee was the reason why Yoryalk overcame the trauma ! so yah
My favorite part of the drama is When Yoryak was missing Dee , when the argu about who's the one who missed the other first . it was so cute and romantic and the kissing at the necklace part , it took all the gay out of me , like If I were Doctor Wandee, it would probably be like that , watching the two of them really gave me a good vibes .
I was so surprised that P'Yei and Cher got married ! I was also rooting for the two of them here , they are so cute and just so soothing in the eyes .. I really hope they would have their own series , and tell me about Cher , he was so pretty !
All in all it was good , it was worth my time , it was happy , I did expected more about it but the result and ending was okay , it was not bad ,, It was so refreshing to see Great to accept BL and have a role like this , Yoryak was a baby and is sensitive and Inn was like a mother to him .. so cute very very good match GMMTV I hope to see them again soon !

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0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 21, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.0
Verhaal 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muziek 8.5
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

I need either a second season or a special episode because that ending was questionable

I actually liked the whole concept of Wandee Goodday, I remember when it was released as one of the new Up & Above shows and when I saw the trailer I felt that this show would be the bomb, but over time I started to lose interest in the show rather than being so excited for the new episode each Saturday. I will say that spoilers are coming up.
I liked how the show started with Dr. Dee suddenly having Yoryak as his patient because his normal doctor was not available to get his shoulder looked at because he hurt it while being a professional boxer. Then after that Dee goes on a “date” with his 8 year long crush Dr. Ter and confessed to him, but his response is that he’s too vanilla for him so of course Dee was offended and got totally drunk, but saw his patient from earlier that day walking on the street which was Yoryak and suddenly fell for him and followed him all the way to the convenience store and in the store Dee did so many things such as twerking, flirting, putting a sign on him that says delicious and even made Yoryak buy a _____ because he wants to have it with him. After that one night stand they had started meeting each other constantly to the point that Dee needed help from Yoryak and it was to made Dr. Ter jealous of him so Yoryak would be his fake boyfriend for four months (mainly for Dee getting his scholarship and Yoryak winning the world championship) and try to make him jealous by giving Dee Yoryak’s special necklace and flowers each day, but Yoryak and Dee decided to be fan with benefits. Slowly over the four month period they Dee started to have feelings for Yoryak, but Yoryak has a crush on a girl named Taemrak who helps him with his university work and wanted Dee’s advice to impress her, but it didn’t seem that she liked him at all instead she seemed like she liked her schools president Ohm because she’d always go home with Ohm after being with Yoryak, after that Yoryak started to develop feelings for Dee and Dee had an event at the hospital that you can bring a plus one and at first Ter offered it to Dee, but he refused and asked Yoryak on the day of the event Yoryak has to leave because Taem is in trouble because I guess Ohm wanted to talk to her in his car my guess is that he wants to date her, but she had Yoryak beat him up and the cops take him so when it was the couple dance that someone could win Dee was just standing alone, but at the last minute Yoryak came and they won. That night they became a loving couple and in the end they both succeeded with their plan Yoryak won the championship from getting the support to defeat his trauma with Dee’s help and Dr. Dee winning his scholarship to study aboard for a long time, but Dee now wants to put the relationship on hold because he will be gone for several years.
I want to talk about my favorite couple Oyei and Cher, they have to be one unexpected couple and one of the best chemistry’s I’ve seen in recent bls. Although they didn’t have much screen time they still slayed the time they had on the show. I swear I love fluke (Cher) so much he’s so funny and I would say very girly pop and I love it so much! I haven’t been much of a thor fan (Oyei), but he won me over now because his chemistry with Fluke was on top. I loved whenever they pecked each other’s cheeks and whenever Oyei would carry Cher because he’s so tiny they are so cute and I was so upset when their steamy scene was so short while Dee and Yoryak have a whole 10 minutes. I also loved when Oyei told Cher the truth about why he’s been acted weird and distant from Cher because he’s stressed about the money for the gym after COVID. I also loved when Oyei didn’t have enough money to buy Cher an engagement ring so it was an air ring and Cher was okay, and they actually got married I was screaming so much when they got married I actually wanted to be at their wedding.
I do feel that the guest at the wedding was a little weird with having Ter, PlaKao, and his boyfriend Blue their because I don’t even think that Cher and Oyei even talked to them I feel it would be understandable if it was Dee and Yoryak’s wedding, but I don’t know if it’s just me being weird or others feel the same. I also agree with those people that say that Ter and Taemrak don’t deserve a happy ending, because all they did was make the plot more complicated and made me start to dislike this show.
I do recommend this show because the chemistry is on top.

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0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 21, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

Happy I didn't skip this one!!

I placed spoilers at the end of this review.

I almost past this up because I'm not a fan of the friends with benefits/fake boyfriends to lovers story concept. This is one of the rare cases I'm happy I changed my mind. Again, I'm not a fan of the main story concept but the script actually handled this aspect very well. I also liked that the script was not very predictable and did not have cookie cutter characters. It was also great to watch a mature BL series. However, the script still had a few misplaced elements that were a bit puzzling to me.

One of the positive aspects in this series was the amount of diversity in it. Although it's not explicitly started, it is implied that Yoryyak is bi- or pansexual which was not made into a big deal. There was also an established BL couple that showed the ups and downs of a long-term relationship. They also had a wonderful story conclusion. It was great to see asexual representation with Plakao. Unfortunately, not much was done with this character. I didn't expect a full storyline for him, but at least a little more than what they gave us. Nevertheless, he had a nice story conclusion too. Another positive aspect was the overall way they addressed the topic of mental health. They addressed this issue with good sense of respect and care. The only problem was the unrealistic way they resolved it in the end. The main negative aspect for me is they felt the need to give a character a redemption story ending. Not all characters need one. As for the entire cast, they were amazing and did an incredible job with their characters. The cinematography was amazing, but there were some poor editing choices with one scene.

Random Notes:

As always, I love seeing familiar locations from different series. Ter's condo was also used in My School President and Good Old Days. The café is the same one used in Baker Boys (Café name was Sweet Day), Enchanté (Also called Sweet Day), The Eclipse (Shares the same name in this series, Café for all), and Twins (This was not a GMMTV series and had no name). Yes, I'm fully aware that I'm a geek about this.

******Spoiler Alert *******

I like that Wandee's reasoning for the fake boyfriend had to do with him getting the scholarship and not to get Ter jealous.

It was great that the series got the dreaded break-up subplot out of the way quickly in episode 7. I know they still considered themselves fake dating, but their fake break-up was more emotional than some of the cursed real break-up scenes that we receive in the second to last episode in other series.

The sexual assault scene in the beginning of episode 9 had a poor music choice. They picked music to make this appear cutesy to down play it. This is interesting considering they did a great job handling the same thing in the previous episode.

The storyline with Ter in the last two episodes did not sit well with me. If the end game was to have him and Taemrak together, they did a horrible job with making him likable. They should have toned down his pursuit with Wandee. It felt like they didn't want to fully commit in making him a bad character.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
0 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 21, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 8.5
Verhaal 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muziek 9.0
Rewatch Waarde 8.5

GreatInn sold me on this one

Whoever decided that Great and Inn should act together was incredibly correct. They are such a good pairing, and it was refreshing to see GMM put adult actors as adult characters with real jobs and not just students. They hit on some cliches that definitely aren't my favorite (starting a relationship with a hookup, fuck buddies to "what are we", etc.) but overall the plot was super fun.

Dr. Wandee (Inn) finally works up the courage to tell his coworker that he has feelings for him, only to get rejected. In his despair, he ends up hooking up with boxer Yoryak (Great), who also happens to be his patient. The two of them start hooking up more regularly, in a strictly friends with benefits situation. Then, when Wandee's confession to his coworker spreads as juicy gossip throughout the hospital, he needs to convince everyone he's over this guy - and does so by convincing Yoryak to be his fake boyfriend. However, when you're hooking up with someone, hanging out outside of hookups, and pretending to be boyfriends by having romantic moments, how far off are you from actually dating? And of course, these "fake" feelings become all too real.

I love a fake dating plot, but I do feel like this one missed the mark on the whole "fake" part. Typically, I'd expect fake dating to not involve hooking up with said fake boyfriend. Wandee and Yoryak were dating in every aspect except the boyfriend label for SO LONG before they finally made it official, and at that point I didn't even realize they weren't officially boyfriends yet because it was so obvious they were. I feel like instead of dragging out the label, it would have been more interesting to either play out the friends with benefits to boyfriends or actual fake boyfriends (as in, no hooking up with each other and only acting romantic when around others) . Regardless, this show was super fun and I really enjoyed seeing Great and Inn act together. The plots outside of the relationship were really well done, and props to the show for including an asexual character that is still in romantic relationships and taking the time to explain. Overall, the show was light and fun without too much heartache involved, and the actors had enough chemistry to make up for anything the show lacked.

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Wandee Goodday (2024) poster



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