met amrita828, september 23, 2012

Have you ever been review hunting? I have. Either because I loved something to pieces and I want to prolong the pleasure, or because I didn't like it and I’m looking for sympathetic haters.

In my quest, I've come across all sorts of reviews, some useful, some less, some wonderfully written, some funny.

They obviously are very different from one another, as diverse as the people who wrote them, but I want to try and divide them into groups. And like every generalization, my analysis will be exaggerated, biased, unfair and deliciously useless too.

1.   The Rosetta Stone Review    

 ≈Imo ts grt drama. Act X mad me lol att. Ne1 gonna luv it. Swyp? Njoy. жљξЂдФ

2.   The Clairvoyant Review   

Episodes seen: 1 out of 38
This drama is epic! You will never find something as good as this, from beginning to end. The plot is very consistent and EVERY episode leaves you wanting for more. Watch it and, most of all, don't drop it because it improves ongoing.

3.   The Trust Me or Die Review 

I LOOOOVVVVEEEEED ITTTTTTT. Best drama eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must watch it, if you don't  you're dumb. It is so because I say it.

4.   The Algebraic Review 

  Overall rate: 7,38
  Plot: 6.24
  Acting: 9.12
  Music: 5.61
  Re-watch Value: 8.63

5.   The Aesthetic Review   

The drama is lame, but Actor X is HOOOOOOTTTTT. Watch him. Nope, staring at his pictures won't do. He can't act but he's sexy as hell, this should be enough.

6.   The Confusing Review  

Overall: 10  Plot: 10 Acting: 10 Music: 10  Re-watch: 10
The plot is nothing new, the acting is average, the ending is lame, the music is forgettable. I've seen better. Overall, it's an ok drama, you can watch it when it rains. Hence the 10.

7.   The Beowulf Review  

Please editor, make the following review fit into 6 books of 15 chapters each. If you start reading now, you may finish before the whole drama is subbed.

8.   The NO-SPOILER Review  

I loved this drama up to the last few episodes. I only like dramas that end well, and this one doesn't. I never stopped crying when the male character - I won't say the name not to spoil - dies on episode 8. The stolen kiss on episode 15, minute 42.12 is awesome because it's unexpected. I don't want to spoil the end but think Romeo and Juliet.

9.   The Economic Review 

  I liked it.
  Watch it.
  I never re-watch.

10.   The Genealogy Review  

I only watched this drama because I heard X's aunt was in it. She's also Y's sister in law, who wrote the OST for a drama with the cousin of Z in it. However, I read somewhere that X's brother will have an affair with another member of ABC band at some point, so I dropped it and started another drama starring a friend of Z's.

11.   The Humble Review 


In my opinion, this is a great drama. You won't regret watching it, or so I think. If you don't, please keep in mind this is just my opinion. I humbly suggest you give this show a try. Don't hit me.

12.   The I'd Do Better Review  

WTF was this? I was expecting the plot to go in another direction, but the writer decided on her own!!! There is no love story in this drama, and I only like rom-coms. I would have chosen a completely different cast, and why the heck did they use classical music? I hate classical music. Don't watch it. Wait for me to produce the show.

13.   The Perfect Review  

 I have flu. I'll write a review another time.

P.S. There are a lot of terrific reviews, here and elsewhere. But let's face it: where's the fun in talking about them? ;)
