met Neaa, maart 4, 2013

What kind of guy do you like?

 Just thinking about the kind of man I want in my life, made me think deeply about the kind of men that exist and frankly there is no better way to study men than through Korean dramas. In my 5 years of k-drama following I’ve come across several male leads (and second leads). Some make my heart flutter, some give me butterflies in the stomach, some merely pinch me and others, well, they don’t do anything than just haunts my screen. So I decided to just share with you guys my thesis. Tighten your seat belts and let’s analyze and study the male species!


1. The God - Complex Bitten
 You have to admit that this is the most common type in K-drama history. Let me see… Gu Jun Pyo from Boys Over Flowers, Hwung Tae Kyung from You’re Beautiful, Kim Joo won from Secret Garden, Ren Guang Xi from Autumn's Concerto, Baek Seung Jo from Playful Kiss, Sun Woo Hwan from Shining Inheritance, and the list goes on. They are cocky, arrogant and too full of themselves. As hard as it is to believe, they come with 100% guarantee of landing with a girl. The fact remains that no matter how prideful they may seem, they tend to have a dark hidden past of trauma or injustice that has made them so. Such a guy gives girls layers of them to unravel and let you obtain satisfaction and content in turning him over a new leaf. If you love to argue and are immune to bullying, you can go for such a guy. He may cut down boredom from your life as you’ll find yourself on “man-improvement” mission, and icing on the cake- they are generally rich and handsome!

2. The Kid-at heart
Personally I have a soft corner for this kind of guys. They are not my first priority but do make it on the second threshold. The guys falling in this category would be Que Geum aka Enrique from Flower Boy Next Door, Jeremy from You’re Beautiful, Yeo Joon Hee from Heartstrings and Won Kang Hwi from Full house Take 2. These guys come with smile assurance meaning no matter how gloomy your day must have been, they can always lift your spirits and make you smile. They have their own pains but they know the better of life. They know the worth of smiles and the importance of spreading it. The innocence of their hearts and the kindness in the eyes would always make a girl’s heart melt. So if you’re the sort of girl who easily loses hope and morale at tough time, this is the kind of guy you should be with. 

3. The Silent Lovers
These kind of guys are rare in the real world but a gem if you can find them. They’re patient and they look after you in a way that you never notice. They walk like your shadow and keep you out of trouble, without hurting your pride. In K-dramas such characters are quite frustrating as they are always behind you and never upfront with their feelings, but if such guys do really exist, one who’d forever watch out for you and protect you, wouldn’t it be great? They support you without letting you feel dependent or spineless. Like Jin Rak from Flower boy next door, Jung Woo from Missing You, Shin Woo from You’re Beautiful, Choi Kang Hyuk from Flower boy Ramyun Shop and Park Jun Se from Shining Inheritance.

4. The Forever there
This is my kind of guy. One who has forever been in the scene and like air and water to a girl. A person who becomes a part of your life and you just can’t do without him. Sad part is that we girls only realize that we love this guy when he’s about to be snatched or already gone. But if you’re someone who can realize it on time, this kind of guy is definitely a keepsake. He may be a childhood friend or a stranger on the train but this is the type of person with whom your heart flows out in the form of words without you realizing it. Being with him is as easy as breathing and you can just be YOU with him. No pretense, no faking. You can be angry when you want, curse when you wish and cry when you feel like. You can ask him to make him laugh and you can just watch the sunset with him with no words spoken. First, he’s your friend and then your lover. Being with him just comes naturally to you and in the course of time, this kind of person becomes inseparable from your being. So my kind of guy would be Yoon Yoon Jae from Reply 1997 (one who knows you better than you do), Jeon Jin Ho from Personal Taste (a little tough on the exterior but always has your back), Kwon Ji Hyuk from Shut up flower Boy Band (fighting the world for you) and Li Da Ren from In Time with you (comes to you in the middle of the night).


Well this is how the world looks to me.. Full of various species of men!
So that's it for me. Did I miss any type?
What's your kind?