met Laugarza, mei 2, 2013

Episode 7 Recap
Yeo Wool rushes through the woods searching for Choi Kang Chi. Choi Kang Chi has already been discovered in the woods by the soldiers. He is surrounded and his bracelet is cut off of his wrist as he is struck from all sides. He struggles to get off the ground but is unable to due to the pain. Yeo Wool who is watching from nearby remembers her conversation with So Jung as blue lights suddenly begin to appear in front of her and around Kang Chi. She is going to rush to his aid when Kang Chi suddenly begins to transform.
His injuries miraculously heal and he stands up now in his gumiho form.
Yeo Wool saw the change and is shocked at the monster that is now Kang Chi. She runs into the woods and screams when she is suddenly stopped by Gon Yi. He asks her what is wrong as she doesn’t immediately recognize him.  She says something is really wrong as a yell is heard from nearby.
Kang Chi is now fully healed and kills his attackers with his claws. He wanders off into the woods afterward with only the thought of reaching Chung JO crossing his mind. He collapses to the ground before he gets too far and it starts to rain.
Chung Jo has been taken to the gisaeng house where she has been sold. It is the same one that Choi Kang Chi’s mother was sold too. Inside servants call Head Chon and tell her that the daughter of the 100 years Inn is outside and refusing to come in.

Head Chon comes out to talk to Chung Jo. She is reminded of Seo Hwa when she hears Chung Jo say she would rather be dead then be a gisaeng. When she hears that she tells her servants to tie Chung Jo to the shame tree. The servants are surprised. Chung Jo is stripped and tied to the tree despite her troubles. Chung Jo calls Head Chon names and Chon turns to tell her to let go of her pride as her father is dead and his name won’t protect her anymore.

Head Chon heads inside and Chung Jo is left alone yelling to be untied as it starts to rain. Inside the servants comment that they are surprised they are using the shame tree as it hadn’t been used by Head Chon in 20 years.
In the woods So Jung found the dead bodies left by Kang Chi and stands in the rain as he stares at the beads that once made up Kang Chi’s bracelet.
Yeo Wool and Gon Yi returned to her father’s home to report what she saw. Gon Yi requests men to take of Kang Chi before he becomes a bigger problem. The governor/navy admiral (depending on where you see the show the subtitles are different) is there as well and suggest they try to bring him in instead. Yeo Wool agrees with him as Kang Chi was someone that Lord Park loved. Her father tells her to leave and she heads outside in the rain with Gon Yi.

Yeo Wool turns to Gon Yi and argues with him saying she didn’t thing he was the kind of person that could so easily kill. Gon Yi says his only worry is her and her father’s command. Yeo Wool comments that this is why she always that him a wall with no heart. Gon Yi asks her if she likes Kang Chi and she reminds him that he was her life savior. Yeo Wool heads to her room.
Dam Pyung Joon  tells the governor about the gumiho he killed 20 years ago and the woman that he had impregnated. He believes that Kang Chi is that baby. They make plans to try to get Kang Chi on their side so that he can’t be used by Jo Gwan Woong. The governor also decides if they can’t control him he will kill him.
The next morning Gon Yi goes to Yeo Wool’s room to tell her that her father wants to see her. No one answers and when he looks in her room he finds that she is gone.

In the woods Choi Kang Chi wakes up on the ground now back to his usual appearance. He stands up despite a pain in his stomach. He remembers the name before and runs back to the area where he killed the soldiers only to find them gone. He is not sure if he is dreaming but as he turns he finds So Jung standing behind them.
Jo is giving a report that his men did not return from searching for Kang Chi. This makes him more interested in Kang Chi and think about making him one of his own men.
Kang Chi is told by So Jung that his father was a mystical creature but Kang Chi does not believe that type of nonsense. So Jung tells if he had behaved for 10 more days he could have stayed human forever. When So Jung tells him to only move around at night until he can control himself he grabs So Jung in anger and see himself start to transform again.

Kang Chi is shocked and begs So Jung to change him back. So Jung tells him to accept it but Kang Chi can’t he grabs some beads from his broken bracelet and asks if that is enough to fix him. He falls to the ground when he realizes he can’t go back to the people he knows and as tears fall down his face begs for So Jung to help change him back. So Jung says nothing. Yeo Wool has been watching this from the trees and tells herself it is not possible.

In front of the gisaeng house Chung Jo is tied to the tree as people walk by. Kang Chi goes to the Moonlight Garden still semi-transformed where he sits for days thinking of Chung Jo who grows weak waiting for someone to come for her. Head Chon has been watching Chung Jo and when she sees her finally pass out she is brought inside.

Chung Jo wakes up and sees a bowl of porridge. She starts to devour it until she hears Head Chon’s voice and sees her sitting nearby. She asks her if she will go back to the tree or accept her fate and stay inside eating porridge. Chung Jo says nothing but starts eating the porridge.  The servant that brought the meal praises her for choosing to leave and Chung Jo starts to cry as she eats. Head Chon gives the servant orders to clean Chung Jo up before she leaves.

Yeo Wool followed Kang Chi into the Moonlight Garden and sees when So Jung tries to get Kang Chi to eat. Kang Chi refuses despite not eating for 3 days and so she decides to take action. So Jung is surprised to see her as she approaches Kang Chi from behind and hits him over the head.

She yells at him for not eating and tries to convince him he is still the same so he should try to eat. He is stubborn so she hits him on the head again. Yeo Wool tells him he was already weird before his eyes changed color and she had been following him for awhile so she had seen everything. He argues he cannot even tell if he is the same person anymore.  Despite this at one point she gets through to him when she reminds him that if he was really a monster he wouldn’t wonder if he was a monster. His eyes change back to normal for 2 seconds before they change back to green. He says it is no use and sits back down.

Yeo Wool is about to grab his shoulder and continue the argument but stops herself.  So Jung notices this interaction and wonders if this is the man he had warned Yeo Wool not to be with.
Jo Gwan Woong arrives at the 100 years Inn and the magistrate announces to the servants that he is the master so they should listen to him. He has the imprisoned servants and Lord Park’s wife brought before Jo so that he can tell them they will not be sold as slaves if they serve him well.

The lady will not be taken by this offer and tells Jo the inn will be his grave before he ever finds its final secret. Jo goes towards her and threatens her with a sword at her throat. Lady Park throws herself on the sword and curses Jo. Jo pulls out the sword and slashes her chest in anger threatening anyone else to tell him something.

Jo Gwan Wong heads inside and the magistrate follows as all the servants rush to Lady Park’s side.  As Lady Park dies she thinks of her children. At that time Tae Seo lies in a bed sick and Chung Jo sits thinking in a room at the gisaeng house. The servants cry as Lady Park dies.
Jo walks into the room that used to belong to Lord Park and the magistrate gushes that the room suits him well. Jo is curious about the secret he doesn’t know but the magistrate assures him that Lady Park was lying.

The camera moves to the hidden painting behind the blind in the room that is the entrance to a secret vault.
At the Moonlight Garden Yeo Wool worries outside the cave as she hears Kang Chi yelling. So Jung tells her So Jung calmly sits on a rock behind her as he remakes Kang Chi’s bracelet. So Jung tells her it is the beast and human fighting within Kang Chi and he will have to accept the sides or they will decide for him so she shouldn’t get closer. Yeo Wool says getting closer to him doesn’t matter as he already has a girl and So Jung calls Kang Chi an idiot over that but warns her to leave anyway.

Kang Chi is writing in pain inside the cave as he begs for someone to help him. He hears Yeo Wool speaking to him outside as she tells him to always remember his name. Kang Chi has been fighting himself as he remembers the faces of the people in his life and says he wants to kill them all. So Jung tells Yeo Wool to leave when they hear a louder scream from the cave as he thinks the beast side might have won. Yeo Wool rushes from the Moonlight garden.

Gon Yi arrives at Dam Pyung Joon side and he asks Gon Yi about Yeo Wool. They have heard nothing from her in 3 days. Another servant shouts as he sees Yeo Wool arrive. They ask her what happened and all she can say is that Kang Chi is in danger and there is not time that they need to stop him.
At the cave So Jung tries to stop Kang Chi from leaving. So Jung says he knows it is hard for him as he is fighting the urges suppressed for 20 years.  Kang Chi grabs So Jung by the throat and throws him aside before he leaves as So Jung calls after him.

Chung Jo is sitting in her room at the gisaeng house when a gisaeng comes and tells her to follow her. Chung Jo doesn’t know why but follows her through the open for business gisaeng house. The servant of Head Chon notices Chung Jo being lead somewhere. The gisaeng takes Chung Jo to a room where Jo Gwan Woong was waiting for her.

Kang Chi arrives in the town. He sees a wanted poster of himself and tears it down. He is walking when Gon Yi suddenly appears in front of him. Kang Chi tells him to get out of the way as he is not in the mood for him but Gon Yi tries to stop him because Yeo Wool ordered him to. Gon YI is surprised to see the sword cut heal immediately on Kang Chi.

So Jung watches the fight from nearby. Ropes are suddenly tied around Kang Chi’s arms as others come to help GOn Yi. Kang Chi struggles free and is about to go at Gon Yi with his claws when So Jung yells his name and throws the now fixed bracelet onto his wrist. Gon Yi punches him while he is distracted by the bracelet as he transforms back to normal and he falls to the ground.

Kang Chi is about to pull off the bracelet to keep fighting Gon Yi but So Jung comes closer and warns him if he does he will stay a gumiho and he can’t help him anymore.
Kang Chi is about to pull off the bracelet to keep fighting Gon Yi but So Jung comes closer and warns him if he does he will stay a gumiho and he can’t help him anymore.

At the gisaeng house the servant tells Head Chon she saw Chung Jo being lead somewhere. Chung Jo is outside the room where JO Gwan Woong waits refusing to go in. The maid slaps her for having an attitude with her and Head Chon appears asking the gisaeng why she would bring her there when she is not even trained.

Head gisaeng Chon apologizes to Jo for having an untrained girl sent to him after she sends Chung Jo back to her room.  Jo Gwan Woong calls Head Choon old and mentions that the whole ordeal reminded him of Seo Hwa so there shouldn’t be another mistake.
Kang Chi has been tied up and is forced to his knees in front of Dam Pyung Joon. Kang Chi demands to know why they are taking him prisoner. Yeo Wool says it is not to harm him and Gon Yi says not to bother trying to explain thing s to him.

Dam Pyung Joon says they will turn him over to the police. Yeo Wool demands to know why he would do that if he said he would help him. He tells her it is the governors wish.

The next morning a crowd gathers outside the magistrate’s office where Kang Chi has been brought. The magistrate demands Kang Chi tell him his crime and Kang Chi says he doesn’t know what crime he committed.
Jo Gwan Woong is there as well watching things. The magistrate starts listing his crimes. Kang Chi argues they can have his life then if he can kill Jo as well. The magistrate orders an immediate execution for this Yeo Wool wants to intercede but Gon Yi stops her.

Jo Gwan Woong gets up from behind the blind he was sitting and Kang Chi tries to run to him. Jo Gwan Woon offers Kang Chi a chance to live if he will work for him.
Choi Kang Chi denies him and says he wants nothing more than his life. Jo says it is a shame and calls for the execution to start. Yeo Wool doesn’t know what to do and Kang Chi seriously starts thinking of taking off his bracelet so he can attack Jo Gwan Woong. He reaches for it when someone calls out for everyone to stop.

It is the governor who has suddenly appeared. Jo Gwan Woong asks who he is and introduces himself as Lee Soon Shin. The magistrate asks what he is doing there and he says he is there to get his subordinate back and turns to Kang Chi. He asks how Kang Chi is doing and says he is there to take him back. Kang Chi and everyone looks at him in surprise.

Wow, poor Kang Chi could have remained human forever if the bracelet hadn’t broken. He has pretty bad luck. As for Yeo Wool she did run away after seeing the gumiho side of Kang Chi but she got over what he is pretty fast. Kang Chi even started to pay a bit more attention to her! I do wonder what Jo Sung meant when he says Kang Chi was an idiot for not being able to tell the difference between sympathy and love.  Lee Soon Shin has made a move to help Kang Chi but we will have to wait until the next episode to see what he has planned for him. Chung Jo gave up pretty fast at the gisaeng house compared to Seo Hwa but I am hoping she has a plan to save herself. For those fans rooting for her and Kang Chi I think she needs to be a bit stronger if she is to be able to handle Kang Chi’s gumiho side like Yeo Wool did. I think there is more to the story behind why Chung Jo and Kang Chi say they love/care for each other.

I really enjoyed this episode. Lady Park finally redeemed herself, albeit in a self-sacrificing way. I gained more respect for Yeo Wool’s character considering how she reacted to Kang Chi’s transformation (still feel the same about Suzy). I lost a little respect for Chung Jo and felt that she had a lot less faith in Kang Chi than I originally thought. I’m not thrilled with the bracelet plot point-he had to keep it on until he turned 20 or lose his chance at being human. Well, the bracelet was taken off but then it’s okay because So Jung magically got another bracelet and it gives Kang Chi another chance? I don’t like when something is considered important and then discarded-it feels slightly cheap and lazy to me.

Episodes Recapped: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
