met JustJackieB, juni 4, 2013

Episode 1 Recap
Shark stars Kim Nam Gil and Son Ye Jin. Shark is a revenge drama about a man seeking justice for his father’s murder.

The drama opens with a teenage boy standing in front of a video camera. He talks about sharks. You can hear a teenage girl interview him. She’s filming him.
She asked him, “Why do sharks stay alive?" He replies,“They have to constantly move around to stay alive. Since they’d die if they stopped moving.”
An airplane glides across the cloudy sky. The teenage boy is now a grown man. He is the only passenger on the plane. The man picks up a wine glass and swirls the wine. He is quiet and mysterious.
The mysterious man on the plane reminisces about that day.

The girl behind the camera asked, “Say if I disappeared what would you do?” The boy replies I will find you no matter what."
Scene Change –Location – Five Star Hotel
The bride is surrounded by her friends. One of them says, “You must be happy.” The other one asks, “Where will you be staying?”

The young woman congratulates the bride, “Hae Woo, you’re so pretty.” The man from the plane enters the hotel. He is a tall man. His head lower. He doesn’t make eye contact with anyone.

When he raises his head, he reads the large wedding announcement. The background music is intense. He turns to his head to left. He recognizes the man. He turns it to the right and he recognizes another man.
The background music tempo picks up. The man walks through the hotel. He climbs a flight of stairs. A much younger woman passes by him.  He quickly turns his head. The young girl walks into the room with the bride, Hae Woo.

Hae Woo notices the man watching her from afar. The background music changes to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. Then complete silence.The camera zooms in on the bride. The background music becomes more intense. The guests walking by blocks the bride’s view of the mysterious man.
He disappears. She searches for him. Her little sister-friend follows her. The mysterious man walks down a flight of stairs. He appears frightened and nervous. His eyes are teary, but no tear drops down.

Hae Woo finds the mysterious man. She stands at the top the stairs watching him from the back. The mysterious man exhales loudly.

Flashback – Location City Street
At night, the voice of the teenage boy cries out for this father. His father was badly hurt. The teenage boy holds his father in his arms. The boy runs to a payphone to call for help. A large truck rams into the payphone with him inside of it.
Back to the present
The mysterious man slightly turns his head. He looks up and sees the bride watching him.  He doesn’t say a word. The background music starts playing. The tempo is fast.
He walks away. He moves his head like a boxer ready to fighting the ring.  The mysterious man slowly walks out the double doors.
Flashback – Location Diner
The screen is black and white. The teenage boy is being videotaped again. But this time, he is not interested. He sits with three other guys. He turns around. He sees four teenage girls at the other table. A teenage girl with long straight hair looks bored at the table. Her friends are talking and giggling.

One boy starts packing his stuff away. He says, “We should make this a memorable moment for you, my friend.” The three boys start running out the diner. The “videotaped” boy runs behind them. The bored girl notices the two men who just walked into the diner. She starts running behind the boys.

Outdoors City Market
The two men are chasing after the bored girl.  The “videotaped” boy and the bored girl hide behind an open door. The two chasers are looking around for her.The two teenagers are out of breath. They breathed heavily. She signals for him to be quiet. He looks at her strangely. She peeks around the corner. The two chasers are still there. They finally walk away.

She asks him, "Why did you run away?" He asks her the same question. She says, “I ran away from home.” She walks away and then turns around. She asks him, “Aren’t you hungry.”

The teenage girl stuffs food in her mouth. He watches her eat. He wanders away. He needs to find his friends. She yells, “Han Yi Soo. You are leaving me while I’m still eating? That’s bad manners.”
He stops and asked her, “How did you?” She replied, “Know what?” He says, “My name.” She points to his name tag.  She tells him her name. “Jo Hae Woo”

She sees the two chasers and runs away. He calls out for her to pay for her food. He tells the vendor his wallet is in his bag. His friend has his bag. He apologizes for not paying and runs away.
Five wines glasses are in a row. The first two are empty. A lady’s hand reaches for the third wine glass. The bride, Hae Woo, drinks the wine with one gulp. The wedding guests chant, “One more shot. One more shot.” She gulps down the fourth glass. She reaches for the fifth glass, but the groom takes the glass. He gulps it down.
A man in a green jacket bangs on the table. The bride sees her sister-friend at the end of the table. She leaves to meet her. He tells everyone. “Actually, today is a very sad day for Kim Dong Soo.” He tells the guests Hae Woo was his first love. Then he starts jumping up and down. He says, “It is a very happy day because the groom is Jung Yoon.” He holds up a bottle of wine to make a toast to the groom and the bride.
Hae Woo and her little sister-friend are talking about how drunk Kim Dong Soo. The little sister tells the her. “Brides shouldn’t be drunk on their wedding day. You drunk 10 glasses all ready.” Hae Woo ignores her and says he needs to drink more to get drunk.

The groom and Kim Dong Soo are talking. The groom asked him if he was drunk. He said a little. Kim Dong Soo told him the reason for each drink. One drink because he is happy. One drink in honor of the groom. One drink in honor of Hae Woo. One drink for Yi Soo. He slaps himself in the face. He apologizes for mentioning Yi Soo’s name.
The groom tells him he doesn’t need to apologize, but Kim Dong Soo feels bad and leaves.
Hae Woo’s sister tells her there’s a full moon out tonight.She tells her sister, “That means the universe is congratulating you on your wedding.”

The little sister says, “Congratulation, Hae Woo.” Hae Woosays, “Thank, Yi Hyun.”Hae Woo is alone on the balcony until the mysterious man comes.  He stares at the full moon on the cloudy night. They make eye contact. She feels a little at ease and heads back inside. He says, “Congratulations on your wedding.”

She remembers him from earlier. She asked him was he a friend of her groom, Joon Young. He tells her no. He just wanted to see her.The mysterious man says, “A wedding taking place on my first day in Korea at the hotel where I’m staying seems like a good omen. Shall I say?”

Hae Woo ask him was he an overseas Korea. He walks up to her and hold out his hand. He says, “I’m Jun Yoshimura. My Korean name is Kim Jun.”
Flashback Classroom
The teenage boy, Han Yi Soo, stands in front of the class. The teacher asked him to introduce himself. Han Yi Soo just says his name. He sits next to young Kim Dong Soo. He tells him, he is new to the school, too. Dong Soo asked Yi Soo to be his friend.

The teacher calls out the name Hae Woo. He notices she is late again. Hae Woo enters the room. Yi Soo recognizes her from the diner. He looks back at her. She doesn’t notice him.

City School Yard
The kids are running into a fight. Kim Dong Soo is surrounded. He throws “wolf tickets” and tell them he could fight all of them. The tallest guys signals for one of the guys behind Dong Soo to grab him. They do. Suddenly, he is on the ground. The boys kick him. Yi Soo runs up to help.  The tallest guy punches Kim Dong Soo in the face. He gets ready to throw a second punch. But, Hae Woo stands in front of him.

Hae Woo scolds him for picking on a transfer student. She offers to be a referee so they can fight one on one. The bully embarrasses her by telling her that her dad was having an affair with an anchorwoman. It was on the news. She kicks him. He raises his hand to slap her. Yi Soo stops his punch and hits him in the face. Yi Soo is just as tall as the bully. The bully says, “Don’t you know who I am”. Yi Soo replies: “Why should I know who you are?”
The students are back in class. The bully grimace at Yi Soo. Yi Soo notices that Hae Woo is late for class again. A boy slams the door. The entire class turns around to see who it is. The bully stands up to greet the boy. The boy starts punching him in the face. The bully asked, why was he doing that.
Yi Soo and Dong Soo walk up a flight of stairs. Dong Soo tells Yi Soo that the teenage boy who hit the bully is a senior. His name is Oh Joon Young (the groom) and he has a bad temper.

The boys are in the library. Dong Soo is talking about Hae Woo and how tough she is. Hae Woo sits up. She was lying on a few chairs. She tells them, this is a library and she needs to sleep. Dong Soo tries to explain to Hae Woo that he is not a weak guy. He could have handled the bully if it was one on one. She tells him if he keeps talking, she will sew his mouth shut. Dong Soo covers his mouth. She thanks Yi Soo for blocking the bully’s punch.
Outdoors – Hae Woo's House
Two men and a little girl are unpacking their moving boxes.The little girl picks up the large box. Her daddy tells her not to lift something that heavy. She says, “It’s not heavy.” He laughs a little.

Yi Soo runs up to his dad. He takes the large box out of his dad’s hands. His dad asked him. How was his day? He tells him it was okay. The little girl runs up to meet her big brother, Yi Soo. The little girl is Yi Hyun. (Hae Woo’s young sister-friend in the present).
Yi Hyun is excited about their new home. She tells her brother how big the house is and the yard is much bigger than their old place.
Indoors – Hae Woo's House
Yi Soo enters his new home. He scans his new home from right to left. His sister, Yi Hyun, points to her new room. She says, “Her room is much bigger than the old one.” She picks up a frame picture of Yi Soo, her dad, and her. She asked him where should she hang this? 

He tells her to hang it when they finish packing. The dad walks in the new home carrying a box. He tells Yi Soo that the place will be comfortable soon.

City Street
Hae Woo stays in front an outdoor mini mart. She stares at the newspaper. The newspaper headline reads, Hotel CEO in a scandalous affair with a famous anchorwoman. 

Indoors – Hae Woo's Home
The newspaper with the same headline lays on a coffee table. An emotionless woman sits on the sofa. Her maid serves her a glass of water. Hae Woo walks in the room. She announces she is home. She sounds depress and tired. Her mother picks up the water glass. She is shaking. Her husband enters the room with a brisk walk. The maid greets him. She says, “You are home early.” He says, it was Hae Woo’s birthday. He looks at his wife and daughter, Hae Woo.

Hae Woo walks upstairs when she sees her father. Her father practically forces her to say hi to him. He tries to make friendly conversation. He asked her what she wants to eat. He suggested rice rolls. He says she can order from the hotel if she likes. She says she doesn’t like rice rolls. He says she does. She replied, “I stopped liking them a long time ago.” Her father said, “I guess you’re not in a good mood.”
Suddenly her mother throws the newspaper at him. She shouts, “Aren’t you ashamed to see your daughter?” Hae Woo stops walking up the stairs. The maid signals for her to go on. The wife argues with her husband. She tells him, he should be a shame of himself. He defends himself by telling his wife not to believe the tabloids. She throws an ashtray at him. The glass shatters. Hae Woo turns around when she hears the shattered glass.

Outside Front Porch
Yi Soo, his dad, and young sister, Yi Hyun, can hear the quarrel outside. They stand outside looking through the glass doors.
Inside – Living Room
He continues defending himself. He tells his wife he bumped into the anchorwoman a few times. She throws water in his face. They are still arguing. Their voices get louder.

Hae Woo walks down the flight of stairs while her parents argue. Her parents are so wrapped up in their argument they don’t realize she step on a piece of glass. The maid hears the glass crack. She looks at Hae Woo. Hae Woo feels the pain, but ignores it.

Outside Front Porch
Hae Woo walks out her house. Her maid runs behind her. The maid says, “Let me see your foot. You might have some glass in there.” Yi Soo’s dad agrees, “You need to get your foot treated first” Hae Woo ignores their pleads and walks away. Yi Soo tells his dad he will follow her and make sure she is okay. His dad says that was a good idea.

City Bus
Hae Woo and Yi Soo ride the city bus standing. Yi Soo looks down at her shoes. He wonders which foot has the glass in it.

Inside Business Building
Hae Woo hands her “pass” to the building attendant. He refuses to let her enter the building.

Outside Business Building
Hae Woo waits. Yi Soo watches her from a distance. She waits until it is night time. She has a mean look on her face. Hae Woo confronts the anchor woman.  She tells the anchor woman that anchors are only supposed to report the truth. Hae Woo tells the anchor woman, “The world will go to hell if you pass as a good person.”
The anchor woman is confused.She has no idea who Hae Woo is until she tells her. Hae Woo says, “I’m Jo Hae Woo. The daughter of the CEO of Motel J.”

The anchorwoman tells her there are articles on the internet about the alleged affair. Hae Woo says her grandfather probably blocked them. The anchorwoman tells Hae Woo she never met her father. Hae Woo tells her she is petty at least her father admit he met her. Hae Woo continues arguing with the reporter. She asks the reporter, “Is love a crime? But cowardly love isn’t love and that’s a crime.” The reporter is shocked. Hae Woo continues talking, “It’s a crime because you cause pain to people you love. It’s the worst kind of offense.” The anchorwoman raises her hand to slap her. Yi Soo blocks the anchorwoman’s slap.
City Streets

Yi Soo reaches for Hae Woo and pulls her away. He holds onto her wrist. She is limping behind him. She finally tells him. “Let go. It hurts.” He turns to look at her. He doesn’t say a word. Hae Woo says, “My wrist.” He let go. She slowly limps down the street. He notices her limp and how slow she walks. Yi Soo catches up with her and sits her down on a park bench. He stoops down in front of her. He asked her to remove her shoes. Hae Woo ignores him. Tears are forming in her eyes. Yi Soo takes off her shoe. The bottom of her sock is bloody. He removes the sock. He tells her glass is stuck in her foot. She brushes it off and tells him “it’s no big deal.” He tells her she needs to get it disinfected and go to the hospital tomorrow. Yi Soo takes out his clean handkerchief and wrap Hae Woo’s injured foot in it. She stops him and tells him she can do it.

Yi Soo holds his elbow out for Hae Woo to grab on. Hae Woo looks up at him with much more admiration. He says, “It’s hard for you to walk. It’ll be easier to walk if you lean on me.” She accepts his kind gesture.
As they walk down the city street, Hae Woo changes her sad mood to a playful one. She asked Yi Soo was his father the driver. She jokes with him and tell him the driver is better looking and kinder than him. Yi Soo agrees. Then Hae Woo tells him today was her birthday. But it was okay if he didn’t know. But she will expect a present next year. Then Hae Woo let’s go of Yi Soo’s elbow and says, “Shouldn’t you be offering me a piggyback ride?” Yi Soo smiles at her and replies, “In your dreams.” She wipes her face while she sniffles and laughs. She grabs his elbow again.

Hae Woo’s Home
Yi Soo and his dad stand in front of sofa chair. Hae Woo’s father sits in front of them. Her grandfather is on their left. He asked them to sit down. Yi Soo’s dad refuses and remains standing. Hae Woo’s grandfather asked Yi Soo was he in the same class as Hae Woo. The grandfather asks Yi Soo, “What do you want to be?” Yi Soo hesitates. Hae Woo’s father reminds him his father just asked him a question. Yi Soo said he wants to earn money. Hae Woo’s grandfather asked him where would spend all that money. Yi Soo asks, “Do I have to answer that?” Hae Woo’s father says, “Is there any reason why you can’t answer it” Hae Woo’s father shakes his watch.
Yi Soo notices the sound the watch makes. The grandfather enjoys Yi Soo and his father’s company. Hae Woo’s father was not impressed.

Trophy Room in Hae Woo’s home
Hae Woo’s grandfather scolds his son for having an affair. His son lowers his hand in shame. He tells his son he will not leave the hotel to him.

Yi Soo’s home – Early in the Morning.
Yi Hyun lays on her quilts. Yi Soo shakes her to wake her. He picks her up and carries her to the table. Their dad is dressed in a gray three piece suit with a polka dot tie.
School Library

Yi Soo studies alone. Hae Woostarts talking to him. She asks him to be her friend. He refuses. She asks, “Why” He says, “I don’t make friends with petty people.” She said, “How am I petty?” He asked her, “Why you don’t come to class?” She says it’s boring. Then he replies that’s why you’re petty and walks away. She turns him around by his elbow. He answered her truthfully and said, “You think you’re the most pitiful person in the world, don’t you? Only you suffer and you resent everyone who doesn’t see your suffering” He walks away. Senior Jung Woo stands in the library’s hallway. Yi Soo stops and he doesn’t greet him. Yi Soo continues walking.

Yi Soo looks back at Hae Woo’s empty chair. The teacher walks in the room. Hae Woo walks in the other door. He tells her to take a seat. Yi Soo smiles when he sees her participating in class.

Hae Woo makes an effort to study, but she keeps nodding off. Yi Soo quietly laughs at her. A sun ray beams down through the windows. Like a flower desperate for energy, she reaches for the sun ray.
Schoolyard – Outside
Yi Soo sits quietly reading a book. Hae Woo listens to music with her earphones. She takes one earphone out and puts it in Yi Soo’s ear.
Background music starts playing. Jung Woo watches them from a distance.

They are back in the library. Yi Soo continues studying, but Hae Woo is sleep. Yi Soo pushes his book aside and lays his head on the table to get a better look. He really starts liking Hae Woo.

Hae Woo’s home
The maid rushes to greet Mr. Jo, Hae Woo’s father. He asked where was Hae Woo. The maid looks a bit worried and told him. She was studying at Yi Soo’s house. Mr. Jo asks his wife what was she going to do about that. He doesn’t want his only daughter hanging around his driver’s son. Mr. Jo runs to his father and complaining about Hae Woo hanging around Yi Soo.. Mr. Jo’s father said, “What’s wrong with that? Thanks to Yi Soo. Hae Woo has gotten noticeably happier. If Hae Woo’s fine with me, I want to send the two of them to study abroad.” Hae Woo’s father starts pouting.

Soccer Field
Yi Soo walks across a soccer field. Suddenly a ball is thrown at him, he catches it. Jung Yoo  asked him if he wants to play. Yi Soo refuses to play. Jung Yoo asked him if he wants to work for him. Yi Soo tells him no. Jung Yoo says, “Is it because I’m petty?” Jung Yoo tells Yi Soo that he and Hae Woo are alike. Jung Yoo says, “You either want to win everything or give up everything.”Jung Yoo formally introduces himself to Yi Soo. He reaches out his hand and body slams him. Yi Soo lying on the ground. Yi Soo reaches out his hand for Jung Yoo to grab. His body slams Jung Yoo. Jung Yoo tells Yi Soo he is fast.

Yi Soo and Jung Woo are standing. Hae Woo squeezes between the two of them. She hugs their necks.
Hae Woo’s house – Outside.
Hae Woo tells Yi Soo aboutJung Yoo. Jung Yoo’s younger brother died in an accident. Jung Yoo was a model student. Now he is the leader of gangs. Hae Woo’s attitude change when she tells Yi Soo she is going  to art school and she wants to show him her secret place.

Under a bridge
The anchor woman steps out of her car. Hae Woo’s father calls her name, “Hwa Young.” She demands he divorces his wife or find another woman. He offers her money to leave town. She refuses.
Hotel Office
Mr. Jo’s father tells his son to leave town. He doesn’t want him dealing with management. The scandal is too much to handle for now. Mr. Jo’s father says, “I can’t leave management to someone who can’t avoid scandal.”  Mr. Jo yells back at his father and tells him he is not perfect. Mr. Jo’s father slaps him.

Basketball Court –Inside
Yi Soo and Jung Young plays basketball. Jung Woo runs up to them with the newspaper. Hae Woo’s father is in the paper again. The affair makes front page news again.  The three friends, Yi Soo, Jung Young, and Jung Woo, run through the school looking for Hae Woo.
Hae Woo’s home – outside
Hae Woo’s mother packed her bags to leave. The maid pleaded with her to stay a little longer to say goodbye to Hae Woo.  Her mother refuses and gets in the taxi.

Yi Soo is still frantically looks for Hae Woo. Jung Woo tells Yi Soo she might have gone to her secret place. He tells him he should go there.
Hae Woo’s secret place – outside

Yi Soo continues looking for Hae Woo. He runs through the woods. Hae Woo sits on the rock in front of the lake. She holds a videotape in her hand. He sits next to her. She talks about how the lake never changes, but people do. She continues talking. She knew her mom left. She wasn't surprised about that. Yi Soo tries to comfort her by telling her – there are a lot of things in this world we can’t control.  He changes the subject and says that he bet the stars look nice out here. Hae Woo gets up and leaves. Yi Soo follows her.
Hae Woo starts filming YiSoo. She says, “It’s Han Yi Soo’s first time in Joe Hae Woo’s secret place. We need to record this.”

This is a flashback scene from the beginning of the episode.
After she finished videotaping, the rain starts pouring down. Yi Soo and Hae Woo runs through the woods. They stop and stand under a tall tree. A tiny green leaf falls in Hae Woo’s hair. Yi Soo gently takes it out. He takes out his handkerchief and gently wipes the excess rain from her hairline. Hae Woo stands still, very still. He gently grabs her head and kisses her on the forehead.
Episode 1 – Notable Characters
 “Mysterious Man” – “Kim Jun” – “YoshimuraJunichiro” played by Kim Nam Gil
“Jo Hae Woo” played by Son YeJin
Teenage “Han Si Yoo” played by Yun Jun Suk
Teenage “Jo Hae Woo” playedby Kyung Soo Jin
“Oh Joon Young” played by HaSuk Jin
Teenage “ Young Joon Young” played by No Young Hak
“Kim Dong Soo” played by Lee Shi Un
Teenager “Kim Dong-Soo” played by Oh Hee Joon
“Han Yi Hyun” played by Nam Bo Ra
Young “Han Yi Hyun” played by Ahn Seo Hyun
Hae Woo’s father played by Kim Gyu Chul
Hae Woo’s grandfather played by Lee Jung Gil
Han Si Yoo’s dad played by Jung In Ki

Shark OST Between Heaven and Hell sung by Boa

Note: I am aware of Kim Nam Gil’s other character's name. I wrote this recap from the point of view of that one person who doesn't read "behind the scene" snippet or news. It is true, flashbacks are used to recall past memories, but for this drama recaps, KNG’s character's other name will not be listed until he says it.
