met JustJackieB, augustus 18, 2013

Two Weeks Episode 3 Recap


Flashback Scene (FS) and My Comments (MC) will be in white font. If you want to read them just double click on the white space)

Tae San escapes on a motorcycle from car accident.

He remembers about the day he found out he has a daughter and she is dying of leukemia. (FS: His voice is shaking. He is scared for his daughter and ex-girlfriend if Moon Il Suk finds out he has a family they are doomed.)
He speeds down the highway.

Detective Im Sang-Goo is upset. He had to released his prime suspect, Tae San, to an higher authority. The other detective starts arguing with him because Detective Im Sang-Goo acts like he is the other one effected by the situation. (MC – I think that guy works for Moon Il Suk.)

A several minutes later

Prosecutor Park Jae-Kyung runs in the police station.She wants to  prosecute the man who murdered her friend, Mi Sook.

A few minutes later

The police just received a call that Jang Tae San escape. (FS: Park Jae-Kyung remembers that name she prosecutor him for a crime eight years ago. She sentenced Tae San to eight years in prison, but the eye witness pointed to Moon Il Suk spoiler.)

About an hour later
Two teenage boys steals the motorcycle. Tae San watches them leave and jumps in the back of watermelon truck.

At the Same time

Jae-Kyung requests permission to catch Tae San because he killed her friend. She pleads with her boss. She reveals to him that she’s secretly investigating Moon Il Suk and Senator Jo. Mi Sook was working undercover for her. She had no idea Mi Sook will get what she need so soon. (FB: She hired trained men to get information on Moon Il Suk and Senator Jo, but they always came back empty handed.) 

At the same time

Moon Il Suk and Senator Jo secretly meet on a rooftop. Moon Il Suk’s bodyguard runs to on the roof. He tells them that Tae San escaped.  

About two hours later
Jae-Kyung visits the policed station again. She tells them know that she will take over the case. Sang-Goo tells her that Tae San is handcuffed so he cant’t get far. Jae-Kyung asked if they have enough evidence to pros Tae San.

Tae San hides in the back on the fruit truck. The truck drives out of Seoul. He gets out of the truck to find a better place to hide. He follows the dump truck full of sand.

About a few hours later
Senator Jo tells the district attorney to take Jae-Kyung off of the Tae San case because she has very little experience prosecuting murder trials.

Jae-Kyung is at the murder scene.  She and her assistant looks for the digital camera. They can’t find the camera so they believed that Moon Il Suk and Senator Jo must have it. Jae-Kyung cries because she caused MI Sook’s death.

About an hour later
Jae-Kyung boss calls her and tells her that she was unassigned from the case. She is not experience enough to hand the murder case.

Night time

Senator Jo arrives home. Her voters have posted thank you notes and flowers at her door. Her house looks modest on the outside. But her house is attached to a mansion. (MC: I heard a hospital monitor beeping. Shame on her she didn’t even visit her sick son. Hmm, I wonder if he’s really her son.)
Moon Il Suk argues with his men. Senator Jo calls Moon Il Suk and told him she got Jae-Kyung out of the murder case. His finance bodyguard says it is no use to protect Senator Jo anymore. (MC: Sounds like a double cross he is coming soon.)

Man Suk is at the karoke bar. He needs to clear Tae San’s name. (MC: Man Suk is so innocent. He is not used to that environment. I hope he doesn’t get hurt.)
Sang-Goo and his partner wait for Man Suk. The detective can’t hear Man Suk talking out loud. He is trying to remember what he learned at the bar. He’s drunk walking back home. 
The police search is place for any evidence. Man Suk tells them that Tae San did not come home. (MC: Man Suk and Tae San were raised in an orphanage.)

A few hours later
Police find the motorcycle. Two high schools students took it for a toy ride.
Police chief realized the TS might not be in Seoul anymore. He calls for a nationwide hunt.

About few hours later

Police blocks every road. Dump truck full of sand is stopped by the police. Tae San hides under the sand. He breathes through a straw. A police officer or guard pokes in the sand with his stick, but he doesn’t find Tae San.

A few hours later
Tae San looks for a place to take off his handcuffs.He runs down the highway. He loses a shoe. He hides in tool shed.  He looks around for anything that will cut the handcuff off. He tries to cut them off with rusty sharp thing. He hears a dog barking. He doesn’t know if the dog is coming his way so he takes  bike and rides down the highway. He sees a campsite and takes the clothes off the clothesline. Then he hears an electric chainsaw. He waits til the men are asleep and steals the chainsaw. He rides his bike to a lonely country house. He hears woman snoring in the house. So he throws pebbles at the house to find out if she is  light sleeper.

A few hours later
In Hye and Soo Jin are in the hospital. The news ison. They just announced that the murderer has escaped and it is a nationwide manhunt. Soo Jin tells her mother that the murderer is a good man because he is going donate his bone marrow to her. In Hye tells her that she doesn’t know if the donor is a man or woman.

Tae San is in the tool shed near the old country house.He finds the outlet. He tries so many ways to hold the electric saw in his hand without cutting himself.  Then he used the  knees to hold the electric saw to free his hands.  He cries when he realize how free he is.


Around 6 in the morning
Jae-Kyung waits outside the morgue building. She needs to collect Mi Sook things. Her assistant decides to wait with her. She was all alone at first.

A few hours later                                            
The medical examiner or coroner shows Jae-Kyung MiSook’s body. Her assistant asked if it was an accidental murder why was she stabbed like that. The medical examiner implies it doesn’t look like an accidental murder.

Then the coroner gives Jae-Kyung Mi Sook clothes. She takes out the bra that she gave Mi Soo for her birthday. She feels in the bra and she finds the pawn shop receipt. She pawned the digital camera. This means that Moon Il Suk and Senator Jo don’t have the digital camera.

About an hour later
She goes to her boss’s house. She pleads with him to let her back on the case. She has evidence that Mi Sook has evidence that Moon Il Suk and Senator Jo are criminals. Her boss gives her a chance to proof herself. But her reminds her that he is risking his job for her as well.

Several hours later
The police sit around wondering where Tae San is hiding. Police chief orders his men to go to Busan, another place, and another place to find Tae San.  Sang-Goo visits Soo Jin before he goes on the manhunt for Tae San.

Soo Jin goes into the aseptic room.  Before Soo Jin enter the room she ask her mother if she likes Sang-Goo because she likes him too.

Jae-Kyung goes to the pawn shop. She finds out that Tae San wrote the receipt for Mi sook. She tried Tae San in the past. She realized Tae San doesn’t have a large family so why would he take huge payoff.

Several minutes later
The guys at the pawnshop calls Moon Il Suk. He tells them that Jae-Kyung came by looking for it. Moon Il Suk think that Tae San has the camera.

Several minutes later
A mysterious man is in a dark room developing picture she receives a call from his father. (MC: Hmm, I wonder if he is developing Man Suk’s pictures.)

About an hour later
Sang-Goo, Jae-Kyung, Police Chief, and the other officers are planning how to capture Tae San. Jae-Kyung asks for every available man to help her.

At the same time

Tae San hears the old woman of the house trying to catch a fat chicken in her yard. The woman has been chasing the chicken for a long time. Tae San is thirsty again. He feels pitiful alone in the tool shed. Then he imagines his daughter sitting with him. He wants to hide in the barn, but he remembers the pinky swear he made with his daughter. She asks him how can he stay alive if he is starving. Tae San wonders if his friend, Man Suk find out what happened between Mi Sook and Moon Il Suk.

Several hours later
He looks out the window. The old woman looks like she is looking at him, but she is bribing the chicken with corn. Then she dives on the chicken and misses. He walks out the tool shed and asked if she needs help catching the chicken.

He catches the chicken. They feast on it. His handcuffs slides down his arm, but he pulls his jacket sleeve down to hide it. He finds out that she leaves alone. A town leader visit the old woman and he recognizes Tae San.

Tae San runs in the woods to hide.
Several hours later

Detective Im and Jae-Kyung go in separate directions to find Tae San. Tae San climbs up a mountain to get away everyone. He looks over the peak and he sees another set of men trying to capture him.
Night time

Tae San runs through a creek. The police shines flashlight in his face. He has no place to hide.
