met JustJackieB, september 4, 2013

Two Weeks Episode 5 Recap

Note: The ‘Soo Jin’ TaeSan imagines will be in italics.

The apartment is dark. Tae San calls out for his friend, Man Suk. He hits the light switch. Man Suk is stretch out on the floor in a puddle of blood. Shock and scared, Tae San tries to revive his friend, Man Suk. Mr. Kim sneaks up behind him with a bloody knife in his hand. Seung Woo (Detective Im) waits outside for Tae San. He pulls out his gun just in case. Tae San tries to hurt Man Suk. Seung Woo phone rings. The rings alerts Tae San and Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim turns off the lights. Tae San realizes the killer is still in there. Scared for his life and daughter’s, he rushes out the apartment. Unaware that Tae San is running out the door, Seung Woo is knocked out the way. He drops his gun. The two men are face to face. Tae San is closer to the gun. Instead of picking it up, he kicks it out the way. Tae San runs down the dark street. Seung Woo chases after him. And Mr. Kim follows them on the rooftop.


Detective Jin Il Do enters the almost empty apartment. Hesees Man Suk’s dead body on the ground. He immediately runs out the apartment.

Tae San hides in a garbage truck. Seung Woo looks in the truck. Dark shadow runs down the alley. Seung Woo believes it’s Tae San and chases after it. A few minutes later, Mr. Kim opens the truck’s latch and reaches inside it. The two male workers interrupts him. Il Do (Detective Jin) runs up to the men and asked if they’ve seen his partner run by. They pointed to where Mr. Kim stood a few seconds earlier. Il Do continues looking for his partner Seung Woo. He finally catches up with him. Gasping for airIl Do asks him if Tae San killed Man Suk. Seung Woo replies with a slap to the face. He starts blaming Junior Detective for his mistake.

Prosecutor Park Jae-Kyung, Section Chief Do Sang Hoon, and a private investigator Kim Min Soo discuss Tae San’s criminal past. Their investigation leads to more questions like ‘why did Tae San take the blame for two crimes?’. Min Soo wonders if Tae San was an idiot for being the fall guy twice. Jae-Kyung and Sng Hoon don’t disagree with him. Jae-Kyung contemplates about how much Tae San has changed since his last arrest. Prior to this, Tae San live without a purpose in life.  She wonders what Tae San will do with the digital camera. Sang Hoon interrupts by adding the fact that Tae San had two women in his life, Mi Sook and the mystery ballet teacher. Prosecutor Park ask to find the mystery woman. (In Hye) Her phone rings. She shouts, “Jang Tae San just killed Man Suk?”

Jang Tae San cries in the back of the garbage truck. He remembers the day his best friend, Man Suk, ask “when will he live like a human being?” He’s ready to wallow in his self-pity until he sees Mr. Kim is following the garbage truck.

The forensics team gathers evidence at Man Suk’s apartment. Jae-Kyung stands in the middle of the room.

A few minutes later

She’s screaming at Seung-Woo. His blunder causes the life ofan innocent man. Seung-Woo stands silent for a while. Then he tells her he will find Tae San’s with his own bare hand. Furious with his response, Jae-Kyung demands he never play the solo hero act again.

Mr.Kim continues following the garbage truck. Tae San throws trash at him. Mr. Kim swerves his SUV and hits the guard railings. He repositions his truck and continues following the garbage truck. Tae San grabs a beer bottle and shouts, “You’re not killing me you son of a bitch.” With a perfect aim, the bottle cracks the windshield. He stops on the side of the highway. The garbage men hears the loud bang. They stop their truck. They saw the litter of trash covering the highway and Mr. Kim’s SUV. The two men walk toward the SUV, but Mr. Kim makes a U-turn and speeds down the highway. The garbage men video-record him leaving. Mr. Kim parks his SUV on the side of the highway and climbs a ladder to the rooftop.
Several minutes later

Tae San peeks from behind the bags of garbage. He’s happy no one is following him. He hears the bells at the railroad crossing. Tan San picks up a long and thin piece of metal. He jumps out the truck when it slow down near the railroad crossing.

A few minutes later

Tae San runs down railroad truck. The words of In Hye controls his thoughts. He is more determine to stay alive and save Soo Jin’s life.
At the same time

In Hye cries while reading the latest report about Tae San. Dr.Park Ji Sook pulls her aside. She asks In Hye if she trusts Jang Tae San. In Hye said it’s not a matter of trust. He sounds sincere this time and she believes that she and Soo Jin would be endanger if people knew Tae San is her father. Concern about her mental state, the doctor ask if she told Seung Woo that Tae San is the real father. Ji Sook notices the frightened look in her eyes. She reminds her how much Seung Woo loves Soo Jin. He would do anything in his power to save Soo Jin’s life.

Tae San use that metal piece to unlock the handcuffs. He lays on a bus stop bench. He wants to rest, but his need to save his daughter’s life want let him. He imagines his daughter, SooJin, is with him. Soo Jin asks him why he’s waiting there. Tae San shares his story with her. Moon Il Suk wants to kill him and his best friend was murder by Moon Il Suk’s men. Now, Moon Il Suk has the camera that can prove his innocence. Soo Jin wonders if her dad can’t prove his innocence will she the bone marrow she needs. He promises her he will be there to give her the bone marrow she needs to live. Soo Jin tells him he needs to turn himself in. He reminds her about the man who tried to kill him in prison. Moon Il Suk sent him there. He start to wallow in self-pity and ask why he keeps getting victimized by Moon Il Suk. Soo Jin tells him because he looks like a fool to Moon Il Suk. He realizes he always acted like a fool. Before she came into his life, he never cared about anything. Soo Jin sits beside him and repeats what he said earlier. “You can’t clear the false charges and you can’t turn yourself in.” She wonders if hecan do anything to prove his innocence and save her life? He grabs the handcuffs, gets off the bench, walks to the middle of the road, and throws the handcuffs in an open field. A few seconds later, an old pickup truck arrives on the scene. Tae San puts on those glasses to hide his true identity.

Mr. Kim kneels in front of his father with the unfortunate news.Tae San got away. Hwang Dae Jun is furious. He practically blames Mr. Kim for Tae San’s survival. Professor Kim has no camera and he killed another man for no reason.  Tired of Dae Jun blaming his son, Mr. Moon puts Hyung-Jin in his place. He screams at him and ask if he could do any better. Mr. Moon tells his son, Professor Kim, he can continue kneeling if he’s given up catching Tae San. Professor Kim slowly stands up.   

Mr. Moon promises to pluck Tae San’s eyes out for hurting his own son’s eyes. He ask Im Hyung-Jin if what he thinks Tae San is doing with the  digital camera. Hyung-Jin tells him if he saw what was on the video he would have turn it in to prove his innocence.

Mr. Moon changes his mind about killing Tae San. He wants him alive with the digital camera. He orders his men to find anyone associated with Tae San including the mystery woman who visit him at the pawn shop.

Later that night, Jang Seok-Doo tells his boss, Dae Ryong that Tae San knows the truth.  Dae Ryong told him that Tae San went to prison because he couldn’t kill anyone.

Later Jang Seok-Doo packs his bags to leave the hospital. In Hye enters the hospital before he reach the exit door. He recognizes her from the pawn shop.
 In the shower, Seung Woo thinks about the killings involving Tae San. He wonders how can In hye knows such a man. He thinks back to the day when Soo Jin was happy to receive the news about her bone marrow transplant surgery. 

At the same time,

Tae San runs in the pouring rain. His clothes soaking wet. He thinks about his plan to survive for the next ten days. He will eat off the land and hide there until he can return to the hospital. He sees a fruit tree and walks off the road to eat a piece of fruit. He sat down on the wet grass to eat his fruit.

Tae San hears a woman screaming. Rain pours down. He sees a pregnant woman in labor. He tells himself it must be a ghost. The woman moans louder. She calls out to him. Tae San back away. He tells himself again it must be a ghost. The woman pleads with him to take her to the hospital. She tells him the power is out at her house, but Tae San tells her he can’t go to the hospital.

He takes the pregnant lady back home. He brings her hot water, towels, and a pair of scissors. This is everything she asks requested. The woman is in so much pain. Tae San never knew how painful childbirth is. He tells her he will find a doctor. He gets ready to leave, but the woman grabs and pulls him to her. She begs him to stay and help her. He couldn’t leave her like that. So he becomes her couch. Between woman’s contractions, the guilt and shame Tae San caused his first love, In Hye, makes him feel more guilty for abandoning his young family. After the birth of the newborn, Tae San held him as if it was his own child. He stared at his little hand and feet. The guilt and shame continues striking him down as he thinks back to the time he abandoned his family strikes him.


About 7:00 AM

Moon Il Suk and Senator Jo meet under a bridge near the river bank. They discuss the trouble Tae San has caused them and how the digital camera could ruin them. Senator Jo threaten Mr. Moon, but he brushes her threat off by telling her. He would harm himself first before she could do anything to him.

Prosecutor Park doorbell rings. Her boss, Han Jeong-Woo, is at the door. She’s shock to him that early at her house. He gets right to the point of his visit. Tae San murders another person. This latest fiasco puts Han Jeong Woo in a bind. He tells her it would be hard to protect her with this type of mess. When he turns his head, he notices her bulletin board about her secret investigation. He notices the time and effort it took her to finish this.
Afew seconds later

she tells him the story behind her obsession. She admired Senator Jo when she was younger. She wanted to be like her. But that all changed the night. Senator Jo told her she needed to get her eyes check because she walking alone. Park clearly saw her with Moon Il Suk, the man  who stabbed her father. In court, young Tae San with no criminal record took the blame for stabbing her father.

She tells her boss, Mr. Han, she does not understand why Tae San is holding on to the camera. He can turn it in to set himself free. Mr. Han tells her to stop thinking about his behavior and try to read his thoughts. What was Tae San thinking about when he escape?

About one hour later

Tae San eats in the woman’s house. He cooks soup and rice for her. He tells her that seaweed is good for women who just gave birth. The soup is boiling over. He dips his spoon in the soup and takes a taste.

At the same time

His daughter, Soo Jin, blows on her soup and takes a sip of it. She smiles and tells her mother. She has twelve more days before surgery. Her mother mind is jumble with words of Tae San and Dr. Park Si Joo’s word

A few minutes later

Im Seung Woo waits in Dr. Park’s office.  He needs to know who’s Soo Jin’s donor.  She asks her is it Soo Jin’s relative. She covers up In Hye’s secret by telling him that she does not know the donor.


The prosecutor team meets at the police station to review Tae San’s case. One of the police told them Tae San was not on any of the CCTV footage near his old apartment. Jae-Kyung (Prosecutor Park)  asks Seung Woo if found out anything about the mystery woman. He lies and tells her no.

A few minutes later

Detective Jin Il Do runs in the fingerprint report. There were no fingerprints in the apartment. Jae-Kyung tells the team she doesn’t believe Tae San killed Man Seok. He had no reason to kill his only friend, but Im Seung insists Tae San is the murderer. He becomes loud about his thoughts that Jae-Kyung asks him how well does he know Tae San. Im Seung phone rings before he thought about giving her a response. He leaves the office.
A few seconds later

Jae Kyung receives a call. Her other team tells her they found Tae San’s mystery lady. She goes outside to talk on the phone. The cellphone reception in the police station is poor.
A few moments later

Il Do comes outside. He yells they found where Tae San is hiding.


The police rush to the town.

Jang Seok-Doo shows his boss, Jo Dae-Ryong, the mystery woman. She’s the same woman who visit Tae San.
Tae San brings the woman some food to eat. She asks him how did he fixed the food. He does not tell her the power is back on. She tells him he should leave to find his sister in town. She will be okay with her baby. Her husband is coming home soon. She asks him to go tell the town leader she just had a baby so his wife can come to visit her. He says okay and says he will leave as soon as he cleans the baby’s mess. She tells him he can wear one of her husband’s shirts.


The police have search every small town on the route except one. Mr. Kim watches in the background to see the police movements. The new mother turns on the TV. The news report about Tae San is on. She realizes she can used the phone. She reaches for the phone, but someone knocks on the door. Tae San hears the knock. He runs out the bathroom without his glasses. She recognizes him for the news.  He pleads with her not to turn him in. She looks at the baby diaper in his hands. She answers the door and doesn’t let them know Tae San is in there.
A few moments later

Jae-Kyung remembers the purpose of tassels in front of the doorsill. The new mother just gave birth. Im Seung Woo rushes in the woman’s house. They found evidence that Tae San was there.


TaeSan escapes out the backdoor. The new mother tells him where he can hide in the woods. Seung Woo catches up with Tae San. Tae San keeps running. Jae-Kyung radio to the men to catch Tae San alive. Tae San runs to the edge of a cliff. He has nowhere to run. Seung-Woo aims his gun at Tae San. Seung Woo aims at Tae San’s knee, but Mr. Kim sling shoots a rock at Seung Woo’s gun. The bullet hit Tae San in the back shoulder. He falls down the cliff into the water.
