met mysecretsoul, september 15, 2013

Good Doctor

Episode 12

When it becomes apparent the condition of the baby is worse than originally calculated, all seems lost. Do Han scans for possible alternatives to the tracheostomy and finds nothing. With the 30 minutes allotted near spent, Doctor Min pushes him to concede. The pediatric team must allow her own to extract the child and preserve Soon Jin.

Moved by thoughts of Doctor Choi and his difficult choice in the mine, Shi On calls out that both must be saved. Hope exists for both mother and child in the form of a 50/50 chance. If the surgeons refuse to even try, whichever survives will live in sorrow -- much like our hero.

Consideration colors Do Han briefly, but he soon declares they will attempt the incision from a side approach. Doctor Min and Yoon Seo warn against the potential risk; unfortunately, no other way lies open.

Because the sonogram cannot be consulted, Do Han summons Shi On to his side. Our hero must use his impressive visualization skills to feel out the correct site for the procedure. Though Doctor Min voices her skepticism, Do Han encourages her trust. Given a supportive nod from Yoon Seo, Shi On moves forward to do as required of him. Doctor/GD12/1_zpsc6d383f3.jpg

He soon locates the tracheal rings, aided by his special ability. Do Han incises the area indicated by Shi On and skillfully inserts the breathing tube. With less than a minute to go, he informs Doctor Min they can cut the umbilical cord.

In the observation room, Doctor Ko secretly fist pumps amidst the other celebrators. Doctor/GD12/2_zps6158c6a0.jpg

The surgical teams separate into their specialties once the cord is cut. Do Han and the pediatric flock work on the baby, while Doctor Min and the OBGYN crowd tend to Soo Jin.

All cysts are removed without incident. The baby is ordered sewn up and subsequently shipped out to the NICU. When Do Han leaves the room, he stops to bow to the observers, including his superior Doctor Ko.

Exhausted from the harrowing procedure, Do Han meets with Shi On. He admits to our hero that where he had seen a 50% chance of success, he ascertained 100% failure. When faced with such risk, surgeons must calculate and reduce to find the most accurate probability. Do Han goes on to say: "That '50/50' you mentioned was not a calculated percentage. It was merely what you wanted." Doctor/GD12/3_zpsf9aba612.jpg

The lesson? When walking the line of between life and death, never estimate your chances.

Our hero understands and is dismissed. However, Do Han stops him to offers rare praise. "Good job, today."

As they oversee the newborn, Yoon Seo apologizes to Shi On. She feels sorry for scolding him for his assertive questioning during the conference; after all, everything he mentioned came to pass. Affectionate bandying passes the rest of the scene.

Eventually, Yoon Seo dresses to go home. Shi On follows her into the hall, passing the night shift room. Our heroine notes this, playfully wondering if he means to walk her out; perhaps he thinks she's afraid to walk home in the dark? Doctor/GD12/4_zps9e060260.jpg

In order to hide his crush, Shi On stumbles for excuses. He blurts that he was actually going to the convenience store for bread.

Yoon Seo offers some from her desk to save our hero a trip. Seeing this won't allow him to stay by her side, Shi On changes his story. Now he must charge his cellphone there.

Yoon Seo grants use of her charger (also contained in-desk). Adorably, Shi On chooses a hammer as his next necessity; she doesn't have one of those! Despite wondering whether hammers are even stocked at convenience stores, Yoon Seo accepts the company.

A few steps from the hospital, the pair comes across Do Han. Why is he waiting? He wants to take Yoon Seo home! She readily accepts; who wouldn't? Doctor/GD12/5_zps3cb3a3bc.jpg

He's Joo Sang Wook in a suit, for goodness' sake.

Shi On watches his crush drive off with another man. Left only her reminder about the hammer, he moves to the night shift room to agonize.

Once the car stops outside her place, Yoon Seo wonders whether Chae Kyung and Do Han have made up. He only laughs, prompting her to push further. "What if you get dumped?"

Without missing a beat, Do Han shrugs it off and says: "Then I'll get dumped."

He shares a carefree laugh with our heroine. Still smiling, he suddenly mentions how much he loved Chae Kyung in the past. Yoon Seo must agree; the couple was almost chillingly lovey-dovey.

Do Han continues, wondering aloud why he seems to forget such things. How has he lived to this point? How should he live from now on? Worries like these occupy him constantly. Despite the heavy nature of his words, he appears totally at ease.

Yoon Seo gently asserts that he must have too much to think about. This prompts Do Han to apologize for burdening her with his problems. Sweet as she is, Yoon Seo only wishes she could help ease them.

He chuckles and pats her head proudly. "You even know my troubles." Doctor/GD12/7_zpsd7abbca3.jpg

Yoon Seo becomes flustered at his touch. She searches for words, but ultimately excuses herself with pleasantries. Do Han watches her as she exits the car; their eyes meet as Yoon Seo moves away. A moment passes before he sighs and drives off.

Our heroine watches him go, surrounded by an air of contemplation.

The next day, Yoon Seo notices Shi On fiddling with a packaged hammer. She still seems surprised a convenience store should have one. But when Yoon Seo examines the tool more closely, she notes a price sticker on the handle. It was purchased at a hardware store!

She walks off amused, leaving our hero to attack the sticker aggressively for outing him. Doctor/GD12/8_zps86aa9d3b.jpg

Chae Kyung runs into Do Han in the lobby. When small talk fizzles, he turns the conversation toward her plans. Her silence regarding the subject makes him sigh and start away.

"Oppa," Chae Kyung calls. Do Han stops to listen as she wonders whether her presence makes him uncomfortable. Any discomfort, he responds, can be attributed to her actions.

"What happened to us?" she continues. Though Do Han sighs again, he hears her out.

"The words of being apart are really sad. We should both be upset. But neither of us feels much of anything. It makes me sad me to feel nothing, more than anything you've said." Doctor/GD12/9_zps6bc058c9.jpg

Sometimes couples just fall out of love.

Yoon Seo notices a dapper young man near the babies. When she offers assistance, he reveals the one whose mother is Lee Soo Jin. If you guessed this was the absent husband, you were correct.

While they watch his child sleeping, Yoon Seo lets the husband understand how much Soo Jin struggled. Though she continues to have a hard time, she resents no one. Her strength and love for her family will make her the greatest kind of mother. Doctor/GD12/10_zps2f98c02d.jpg

It seems as though the husband knows full well already; he steps out before emotions overtake him in front of our heroine.

Time for another Love Consultation with In Hye! We cut to her as she scolds Shi On over his failed love confession. Soon, our little cupid hits the crux of the matter: "Does this person see you as a child?"

After ruminating on the difficulties that might present, she offers to tell his romantic fortune. All In Hye would need is the name of the girl and her birthday. In a cute turn, Shi On offers "Snow White," because that is how Yoon Seo appears to him. In Hye stomps out, irritated by the failure of her probing.

Yoon Seo meets with Lee Soo Jin. Though her husband has done little more than call, she won't fault him. After all, he too has experienced many hardships due to his mother. With such a scary person, anyone would be cowed.

Soo Jin expresses the desire to see her child, as her physical condition prevents it. Our heroine cheers her by presenting a photo of the baby on her camera phone. This spot of joy is compounded by the arrival of the husband, apologetic and ready to reconcile. Doctor/GD12/11_zps2a795f5c.jpg

After he begs for forgiveness, the two embrace. What about that foul mother-in-law? No problem. The couple decides to move to the United States and keep building their own family.

Shi On barrels in for today's test. Though Do Han chides him for being a little late, they begin. Each question posed to our hero details a specific medical situation. For every case, he must offer a diagnosis and possible solution for the problem.

Our hero passes! When he is dismissed, Shi On gives an exaggerated fist pump in the hallway. "Yes~!" Doctor/GD12/12_zpsb7082cbd.jpg

All smiles and light atmosphere, Do Han and Yoon Seo discuss the results. He explains each question was difficult; Shi On even responded to the last one regarding pediatric stomach fever. Oh, and apparently Do Han didn't even know the proper answer -- something he clearly finds impressive.

Vice Director Kang converses on the phone, assuring the other party coming to Korea is unnecessary. He cuts the talk short when he runs into Doctor Choi on the stairwell. Their greeting sees the good doctor remind Kang to leave as soon as possible. Doctor/GD12/13_zps03c77643.jpg

As they part, the vice director calls out to Doctor Choi. "You should have held onto me."

Mother links up with Yoon Seo for an update on Shi On. During their meeting, we learn she occasionally thought to kill herself and her misunderstood son. The improvement of his situation feels like an inconceivable dream. Doctor/GD12/14_zps07ee9456.jpg

When Yoon Seo asks after Shi On's father, Mother elaborates the situation. The couple hasn't been in contact since she left home. It's no wonder: in the past, her husband drank often and frequently beat everyone in the household. Father then, if you can call him one, holds chief responsibility for worsening the condition of our hero.

Speak of the devil. Shi On rushes down to the department residency office. As he arrives, we learn a documentary team wishes to follow Do Han for a spot on surgical pediatrics. All of the residents express a desire to gussy up, even Shi On. Yoon Seo notices him styling his hair, since apparently he'll be filmed as well. Everyone shares a smile at his cute antics. Doctor/GD12/15_zps204e684b.jpg

A short montage of the process follows. Do Han seems to be the only one unaffected by the camera presence. Each scene is populated by children grandstanding in the background, or the residents and nurses acting unnaturally. It's cute and harmless enough.

Because Shi On messes up a shot, Yoon Seo takes him aside for a chiding. Apparently, he acts that way on camera just in case his parents see him on television. Our hero heard that parents always recognize their children, even when they grow up.

The residents, including Shi On, take a break after the filming. When the banter turns to the absence of Do Han and Yoon Seo, we learn the pair already left. Together.

They also converse about Chae Kyung and whether their boss is still dating her. This comes as news to Shi On, surprised Do Han is engaged to her. Welcome to the club. After he hears this, our hero stops by Chae Kyung's office. She actually seems friendly when opening the door. Doctor/GD12/16_zpsd2362e15.jpg

Meanwhile, Do Han drives Yoon Seo to a mystery spot. He refuses to tell her where they're headed, as he wants to treat her to something. They have the "main couple bicker" down pat; by the end of the conversation neither can suppress smiles.

The mystery spot? A high end clothing store! Yoon Seo is understandably surprised, but Do Han merely tells her to choose something. She tries to refuse politely, even offering to find an outfit for Chae Kyung. But Do Han will have none of it. He gives her ten minutes to finish. Doctor/GD12/17_zps7f3d4978.jpg

In a strange turn, Chae Kyung treats Shi On to dinner. Doesn't this sequence feel a bit like a couple swap? Oh well, works for me.

Apparently, our hero approached her for help in confessing. Because he looks up to Do Han, he wishes to learn how he confessed to Chae Kyung. She laughs, wondering why he didn't just ask Do Han himself. Shi On predicts his response with a spot on impression: "Park Shi On. Get out! Go home!"

With a sweet giggle, Chae Kyung reveals she confessed first. But when it comes to how and when Do Han responded/reciprocated, she can't quite remember. It clearly bothers her, so Shi On reassures that sometimes not remembering is okay. He shares his memory loss with Chae Kyung. Despite possibly having good memories with his parents, he must have shut down their memory along with everything bad in his past.

She looks at him as he finishes, unsure what to say.

The residents stop for a bite to eat. As Han Jin Wook makes sure the others only drink a tiny bit, he notices In Young across the street. She is sending off customers from a hostess club.

He rushes to the establishment in a flurry. Eventually, Jin Wook comes face to face with her. In Young expresses anger he would come here, clearly shamed. She browbeats him for looking down on her, but he interrupts. "Did I ever say anything?" Doctor/GD12/18_zpsaaf4c806.jpg

Jin Wook apologizes for making her upset, but he was only worried about her. She must be hurting her health and working very hard for her younger sister. His words have some effect, but her only response is to ask him to keep this from In Hye.

After dinner, Shi On waits for Yoon Seo outside her home. She finally arrives, touting the the bag that contains Do Han's gift. Our hero wonders at it, and she shyly answers she stopped to buy some clothes. Doctor/GD12/19_zpsb5a13a30.jpg

Though she goes on to ask him whether he has anything to share, Shi On denies his chance. He tells her goodnight and rushes off.

A romantic montage sequence begins. Yoon Seo considers the shopping bag, the way Do Han smiled at her and touched her hair. Our heroine shakes her head of her suspicions. Doctor/GD12/20_zpsb4741130.jpg

At home, Do Han continues working. He looks up from his laptop, flooded by good memories of Yoon Seo. Cheered by his thoughts, he can't help but smile to himself.

In the night shift room, Shi On agonizes over a photo of himself and Yoon Seo.

Morning brings a meeting between Chairman Lee  and with Chae Kyung. She shares the truth about Vice Director Kang and his hospital "for profit" scheme; her step daughter seems surprised when she learns even Do Han was approached.

A secretary pops in mid-conversation. One of the bankers Sung Won is involved with demands an instant return on their loan. 

Han Jin Wook runs into In Hye at the hospital. Though she tries the usual banter, he remains mostly quiet and regards her gently. After a gentle pat on the head, he walks past her, leaving our little cupid to wonder what's up. Doctor/GD12/22_zps7f6fe255.jpg

Yoon Seo greets an unhappy Shi On. She wonders whether he's angry at her, since he's been strange toward her since their meeting outside her house.

Interrupting the exchange, Do Han asks our hero to follow him. We next see the duo in the operating room, all scrubbed out. It's time for another lesson with Professor Kim!

This time, Do Han explains that utter composure is a necessity for surgeons. When Shi On assisted Yoon Seo he shook badly, and every operation sees him anxious. The point? Our hero must overcome this weakness.

Do Han instructs Shi On to visualize the scenario he describes. In this image training, Shi On will become the main surgeon and take charge of a high stress situation.

The first case entails a premature baby born bloated and blue. With the other details present, Shi On quickly diagnoses the issue. Do Han warns him not to waste time during such a procedure, because any wasted time will kill the "patient".

When the "surgery" begins, Shi On hesitates right away. A helpful bark from Do Han gets him started; the room fills up with imaginary equipment, an assisting nurse, and the patient.

Our hero shakes badly on the approach, wielding the scalpel. Do Han censures him on the excessive pressure he applies while making the incision. Despite the shouting, Shi On steadies himself and completes the next few motions capably. Bleeding common to the procedure begins, so Do Han hurries him to find its point of origin. 

Because Shi On takes too long, the professor shouts signs the patient is fading. When the inevitable cardiac arrest comes, he panics and drops his tools.

Do Han icily informs our hero the "baby" died. How can Shi On not even handle an imaginary scenario? Should he continue on this way, Do Han stresses, all he will ever be is a blabbing mouth that plays at surgery. Doctor/GD12/23_zpsc3369f40.jpg

"Don't even begin to tell yourself you've improved since before. In my eyes, you haven't changed at all."

After the session, Shi On wallows in shame. Yoon Seo encourages and comforts him, advising a slow approach.
Their Professor Kim is a tough teacher, remember? As the scene ends, she ruffles his hair affectionately. Doctor/GD12/24_zpsf56d05fd.jpg

Another office meeting between Yoon Seo and Do Han. Our heroine reveals the father-related trauma plaguing Shi On; this likely accounts for the way he buckles under psychological pressure. Once the story is related, Do Han sighs disapprovingly.

However, he refuses to go easy on Shi On. Regardless of the pain it causes, Do Han believes tough love is the best course. Shi On must have felt weak his entire life, at best encountering sympathy and pity. He must break that cycle to move forward.

In Hye and Shi On have another bench meeting. He reveals to our little cupid that his shortcomings cause him more and more embarrassment lately. "I'm just a shell of a surgeon," he remarks, echoing Do Han. 

Since she is astute for her age, In Hye pinpoints another side to the problem.  Our hero must feel shame showing this part of himself to the woman he likes. Shi On basically confirms these suspicions, fleeing almost as soon as the words reach his ears.

Do Han and his flock view their documentary together. One clip of Shi On plays where he idealistically says, "Children are our hope. Children are the future." Doctors Han and Hong laugh gently; Do Han and Yoon Seo look like proud parents, standing in the same pose with twin smiles. Doctor/GD12/25_zpsd4dc0d30.jpg

Suddenly, Il Kyu drops the mood: "Everyone watching will think we're like all like him."

Jin Wook questions where the problem lies. But Do Han shoots him an unexpected warning. "Woo Il Kyu, watch what you say." Doctor/GD12/26_zpse601f369.jpg

Yoon Seo looks between the professor and Shi On, clearly proud at this turn.

The documentary plays at a small restaurant, where a man drowns in soju. His identity? Oh, just the missing father of Shi On.

As he calls the ahjumma for another bottle, she refuses due to his lack of funds. Father swears to pay eventually, or else break everything in the place. His attention catches on the television just as Shi On speaks, clearly recognizing him. Doctor/GD12/27_zps06209302.jpg

Do Han catches our hero for another bout of image training. Yoon Seo follows this time, standing outside the operating room in support. 

Though Shi On notices, the professor appears not to. He sketches out the case of a boy that, after falling from a tree, displays signs of internal bleeding. Hemorrhage from the spleen and liver is possible. A branch has also severely lacerated the abdomen. In what order should our hero deal with the issues?

"Do not allow the child to die like last time," Do Han warns.

The imaginary surgery begins. Though his hands remain steady on the scalpel, Shi On perspires visibly. 
Just as he moves to incise, monitors sound. Do Han informs him that the child has developed an unstable breathing pattern. The stress is enough to degenerate Shi On into a babbling mess; as he searches for some mode of action, the patient flat lines.

Do Han declares the patient dead. Though our hero called for the defibrillator at the last moment, he missed the crucial window before asystole.

"Nothing has improved!" the professor shouts. He presses his student for another try, but Shi On begs for time to practice alone. Do Han refuses; what does he think will change?

Consumed by anxiety, Shi On swears he can't do it. "Then quit," Do Han says. "If this goes on, you are not a surgeon healing people with a scalpel. You are a murderer holding a knife."

Disappointed, he leaves our hero alone in the operating room. Yoon Seo replaces his harsh presence immediately, attempting to cheer Shi On with gentle words.

Unfortunately, her tone takes on the aspect of one speaking to a crying child. With her hands firm on his shoulders, she asks whether they should go eat or drink. Shi On gently disengages her touch. "I'm not a little kid that only likes eating well." Doctor/GD12/28_zps8717fdcd.jpg

Not seeing her mistake, our heroine follows to continue their talk. She defends Do Han, but Shi On already understands that part. What upsets him most is that he continually feels embarrassed in front of her. Why? 
"Because I like you, doctor! Every time I see you, my heart starts beating fast and I hiccup." He doesn't want to look like a fool in front of the person he likes.

Stunned into silence by his confession, Yoon Seo looks stricken. Shi On flees once again, leaving Yoon Seo with a lot to consider. Doctor/GD12/29_zpsfcd36823.jpg

On his own, our hero runs into some drunken thugs. They begin by teasing him, but the exchange ends with Shi On being kicked mercilessly on the sidewalk.

Coincidentally, Do Han makes a stop nearby. He notes the conflict with interest, quickly realizing the victim is our hero. Doctor/GD12/30_zpsc0d017a5.jpg

Mere seconds later, the professor exits his car, strutting forth to the scene to break up the fight...

...with a good old-fashioned butt kicking.

Putting boots to buns and fists to jaws, Do Han handles both punks at once. Shi On watches his white knight, remembering Big Brother and how he defended him in the past.

Everyone ends up at the police station. The bullies moan and groan about how Do Han appeared suddenly, thumping them for no reason. When the officer in charge accuses them of having started on Shi On first, the more dominant punk swears everyone is lying. "Can't you tell that one is a half-wit?" Doctor/GD12/31_zpsb25c33e4.jpg

Do Han swaggers to his feet, demanding that be repeated. When the punk brazenly reiterates his insult, the police have to physically hold Do Han back from delivering a second beat down.

Yoon Seo arrives, having been called to verify the identities of her coworkers. Despite showing some embarrassment, Do Han pushes right past her toward our hero. He demands to know why Shi on allowed himself to be beaten without so much as a peep. Doctor/GD12/32_zps7df34cf9.jpg

When Shi On responds that he can't hit anyone, the professor wonders how long he plans to live allowing people to abuse him. He says to prove he isn't a half-wit. "If what happened in the operating room continues, you'll never change."

Though Yoon Seo calls after him, Do Han strolls off in a frustrated huff.

Our heroine accompanies Shi On home and tries to engage him about his confession. He will have none of it, instead ruminating on the many qualifications a person needs. To learn, to operate, even to love.

Shi On stops walking briefly. "I still have many qualifications to achieve. Without qualifications, I can't do anything." Doctor/GD12/33_zpsbc501e36.jpg

Yoon Seo has nothing to offer in response. Our hero asks to walk alone, just this once.

Once at home, a troubled Yoon Seo considers Shi On and his rose. She finally understands what its true meaning. Shi On also makes it back to the dorm safely, but stays outside for a time. He sits down in the night air, sighing.

The next day, a certain man arrives at the hospital.

Sporting a cut lip, Do Han meets with Yoon Seo. She explains Shi On experienced damaged pride, but Do Han thinks it'll help in the long run. Our heroine protests but, when prompted to continue, thinks better of it.

Shi On joins them. Having spent a while musing over Do Han and his encouragement to surpass him, he wants to try the image training once more.

During the proceedings, our hero is called out for a visitor. As you might have guessed, the mystery man is undoubtedly Father.

As Father starts to speak, the lines between present and past begin to blur. Shi On relieves all his trauma, unable to tell the difference between the two. Our hero suffers momentarily, crashing to the floor in a daze. Doctor/GD12/34_zps935bcc69.jpg
You'd think when somebody fell over other people in the room might react, but hey....
