met Cheer, mei 13, 2014


Hello everyone, I am sure you noticed that Thai content is being steadily added to MDL, right? The new version of MDL brought us many presents including Thai dramas, films and actors. I know that many people were eagerly waiting for Thai content to be added. 

I have also noticed that many people aren't familiar with Thai dramas and films, but are curious to watch some to see what all the fuss is about. Therefore, we are creating a new series of articles where fans can write articles about Thai drama and film recommendations. Anyone who has watched enough Thai films and dramas and wants to share the love, is welcome to message me about it.

How to become a writer for Thai content?

It’s simple. First, you should have watched enough Thai dramas or films to talk about them. Secondly, you should be confident in your English writing skills. Editors will be editing the articles, so your English doesn't need to be 100% perfect either.

What to write about?

For this article series, we want around 3 (drama or film) recommendations, along with why readers should watch that show or film. For an example, check out our Weekend Movie Picks:

How often must I write?

We all have busy schedules so you don’t have to write frequently, and you’re not obliged by a deadline. You can write anytime you feel like writing. It can be however frequent as you want it to be.

How to apply?

Anyone who’s interested in writing about Thai dramas or films recommendations, message me any time and I will let you know how to proceed.

Let's make MDL a better place together!

