met atslipinbag, mei 9, 2015

Currently Watching 

Fuben na Benriya

Alert: There might be some spoilers


Who doesn't like some humour!!! And if you like Japanese comedy, like I do, then this is definitely for you. Even if you don't,  I am totally positive that you will certainly like this one and will be laughing your guts out in no time, such a drama it is.

The story unfolds when  Takeyama Jun, a unsuccessful  screenwriter on his way to Furano, gets stranded in an unknown town of Hokkaido due to a snow storm. Where, while he was searching for a place to stay, he encounters the town's  irresponsible people at a local bar (below)


And .... in the coming days, things don't happen the way he planned them too.

Let's meet the  poor helpless stranded screenwriter, Takeyama Jun (Okada Masaki)


He is a young screenwriter from Tokyo who jumps to conclusions very fast. This brings misunderstandings and trouble to not only himself, but others as well.

Next, we have Umemoto Soichi called 'Bachsan' (acted by the awesome Endo Kenichi) by everybody in town.


He is hilarious!! Watching him brings me pure joy. Anyway, he is a 3-time divorcee living with the hope of meeting his long separated son and working as a Benriya together with Matsui Hideo .

Matsui Hideo (Suzuki Kosuke), owner of the Benriya,  who is troubled because the business is not earning enough.


Through the whole winter season, the jobs they mostly get are snow plowing jobs. This is hard and time-consuming, and they get paid less for not being snow plowing specialists. Thus, he can only pay meager pay to his workers, or worker for the matter(who is Bachsan), and to compensate for that he treats them at the bar (above yellow picture).

The bar is the place where people gather to enjoy drinks, forget the cold, and maybe forget reality.

I'm standing on ep 3, and I wasn't failed yet. Every character is so fun to watch. I must say it has been well-written and very well-excecuted. One of my other fav. characters so far is the undependable town policeman Katsurazawa Teruo (played by Inoue Takashi).


In addition, Fuben na Benriya is filled with the beautiful scenery of snow-clad Hokkaido, and the opening theme song is cool!!

Also, Okada Masaki's fans would not want to miss this face ^^
