met ThaisMoulin, juli 3, 2016

*Editor edit: This show is now completed. When this article was written, it still had 2 episodes left.*


So I was thinking of watching a nice ongoing drama and this one came to my mind. Another Miss Oh is a story about two girls with the same name but leading totally different lives! During their high school days, they were called "Pretty Oh Hae Young" and "Regular Oh Hae Young" (played by Seo Hyun Jin and Jeon Hye Bin).  Needless to say, the main (protagonist) Oh Hae Young is actually Regular Oh Hae Young. The drama starts with her getting dumped by her fiancée. In the mean time the hot male lead, Park Do Kyung (playd by Eric), starts having visions of the future which involves an unknown woman (Regular Oh Hay Young)!

By fate, our main characters meet and begin to bump into each other often. The closer they get, the more complicated their destiny is! It so happens that Do Kyung was engaged to Pretty Oh Hae Young but she left him on the altar. Some time passes and he hears that Oh Hae Young’s fiancée, Han Tae Jin, is going to sign a contract with his mother’s current boyfriend. Out of vengeance, he asks him not to do business with Han Tae Jin. But Han Tae Jin was Regular Oh Hae Young’s fiancée and the contract not being signed starts a chain of consequences because of which Han Tae Jin gets arrested. Before he is taken to prison he breaks his engagement! Without knowing any of this, Regular Oh Hae Young starts to fall in love with Do Kyung! What will this mess end up becoming?

Well, now that I've introduced the drama I’ll highlight some of the many 'Why You Must Watch It' reasons!

First – It’s a melodrama but it also contains a lot of humor! Regular Oh Hae Young is extremely funny and so are her parents. Also can't forget her relationship with her crazy boss.


Second – The plot is really well done with some amazing lines. Sometimes it is really predictable but sometimes you just don’t know what is going to happen next! Another thing is that the drama has been extended and you really can’t tell that it has happened.


Third – The main couple have great chemistry.


Fourth – The lead actress can touch you right in the feels!


Fifth – It has nice scenes.


Oops xD


Cute ♥

Sixth – Hot looking and good, skilled actors



Well, since this is a no spoiler article, I must stop here. I hope that you like it and watch the rest of the episodes of the drama!