met AnanyaS, januari 17, 2017

          "THE TIMES, THEY ARE A-CHANGIN'..."              

With each passing second, minutes, days and years, the world is moving forward- progressing towards the future. So it's no wonder that Asian dramas are also catching up with the times. Up until now, the majority of dramas featured the 'hero' taking the lead in...well, pretty much everything. But in somewhat recent dramas (and some old ones) we are starting to see a change. It's now the female lead that is taking the charge. Here are few of drama tropes that are starting to have a reversal of roles:

                             # RICH WOMAN, POOR MAN

Dramaland is full of the 'rich-man-poor-woman' cliché, so much so, that we're starting to get a bit bored of them. But within dramaland, a few rare gems exist, showing us the exact opposite by featuring 'rich-woman-poor-man' scenarios. Below are few examples of dramas that show this refreshing premise.

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              That Winter The Wind Blows                                                High Society


                                                        Tatta Hitotsu no Koi

                               # REVERSE WRIST GRAB

Okay, so to be honest, not everyone is a big fan of wrist grab in dramas. Nevertheless, it's one of the most (in)famous moments in an asian drama. While almost every drama has the male lead grabbing the wrist of the female lead, these few dramas exhibited the reverse wrist grab, i.e. female lead grabbing male lead's wrist.


                      All About My Romance                                            The Heirs



               Oh My Venus

                                # REVERSE PIGGYBACK RIDE

One of the best methods of transportation in a drama is the piggyback ride. While we can't get enough of our hot oppa(s) carrying the drunk and/or passed out female lead(s) to their homes, it's new to see the female lead giving the male lead a piggyback ride. Don't underestimate our female leads, if they put their mind to it, they can do anything!


                                                      Beautiful Gong Shim


This is one of the most welcomed change in dramaland. While mostly dramas show the male lead taking the initiative in these situations, these dramas show our feisty female leads taking the charge. Go, girls!

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        Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo                                              Goblin

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              Queen In Hyun's Man                                                       Healer

Which change do you find to be the best? Are you a fan of these changes or do you prefer the old school  method of the male-taking-the-lead?
