met HappySqueak, augustus 8, 2017

BNT's latest interview and photo shoot with Sung Hoon


He is a multi-talented Actor, Model and DJ... Sung Hoon is spreading quickly online! He is melting hearts around the globe with his killer looks and type casting for a strong romantic lead as well as in a variety of roles.

Known for his striking appearance and evolving talent in acting, this Model, DJ-turned-actor was born on the day of love itself! Valentines Day Feb.14th, 1983. He is admirably very swoon-worthy in what ever apparel he is wearing!

He's known for his roles in these romantic dramas:
Noble My Love | My Secret Romance | New Tales of a Gisaeng

More main roles in Dramas:

Five Enough | 6 Persons Room | Passionate Love

His latest role: 
[email protected]

But here is his latest photoset and with captures like these, he could give Habaek a run for his status of Water God! Enjoy! Habaek aka Bride of the Water God is a currently airing 2017 Drama starring Nam Joo Hyuk. Seriously though, both these guys are great!

BNT Shoot:




Sung Hoon is gaining fans globally and with good reason!





To view the rest of his photoshoot, check out the original post on BNT!

Follow Sung Hoon on Twitter.

His unsubbed video interview:

What is your favourite Sung Hoon role?