met Amour, oktober 1, 2020

What comes to your mind when you hear "Food for Mind"? Probably fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc. But what if I say dramas are food for the mind, yes, you read it right! Dramas are food for the mind, isn't it interesting? Normally dramas are just considered either one's entertainment or one's medium for passing time. But what if we talk about the advantages of this mere entertainment or time pass? So let's see some positive points of watching dramas.

Better Thought Processing


Watching dramas helps one in thinking from a new perspective. One gets to know about different types of:  people, cultures, opinions, situations, emotions, ways of solving problems, mistakes made by people, experiences and so on. Every character owns a history like every person has in normal life. Every mistake made by the characters helps one to gain experience. One starts to develop a mind world of reality and fiction which results in creative ideas and sometimes an optimistic way of handling situations. 

Here come some recommendations:

Find Yourself              Le Coup de Foudre            Ode to Joy              Nothing but Thirty                Lovely Us


While watching a drama usually one gets connected to a character so that sometimes one feels that it's not a drama; instead, he/she is watching his/her own life or life of somebody they know. After facing failures, one is down and not only down he/she finds that everything around them is telling the story of their failure. Not every time is one in the mood to hear speeches or lectures or read motivational quotes and books. But watching dramas can help you to be motivated and optimistic.

Here come some virtual motivations:

 Skate into Love           The Best of You in My Mind              The Brightest Star in the Sky          In Youth         Go Ahead

Best Medicine

Who doesn't like the comedy between the dramas? I bet there is no one in this world who doesn't like to laugh. But in our stressful and busy life, we forget to add this element. As it is said "Laughter is the best medicine", then let's take this medicine while watching dramas. Yes, dramas can be natural pain killers. Studies show that laughing reduces heart disease, improves breathing, decreases stress and makes you look younger. Ain't then comedy dramas great?

Time for Laughter Dose:

Put Your Head on My Shoulder           Accidentally in Love           Go Go Squid!                 Boss and Me

The Romance of Tiger and Rose

Complementary Information


While watching dramas, one usually collects a lot of complementary information. If one is watching a family drama and a home remedy is shared in it, then isn't it free remedy. Likewise, when one watches dramas on some particular topics such as medicine-related, law-related, tech-related and so on then, one can get a lot of free info which is worth it.

Here comes free information on Medicine, Makeup, V R- Psychology, Fashion with culture and Music:

Youth Unprescribed       My Girl       Consummation        My Love, Enlighten Me       Symphony's Romance

Boon for Language Learners

Dramas are boons for language learners. It's not possible for one to speak the language flawlessly if he/she doesn't interact with the people who are native to the language one is learning, but you can't interact with an actual person all the time so how about interacting virtually? A language emerges from culture, ritual and habitat of the place. It's easy to say things when you hear more. While watching a drama, you are not only hearing the language but also travelling through the culture, rituals and habitat of the place. 

One's mind not only needs healthy food and textual knowledge but needs some healthy shows.

"Usually we remember more of what we see rather what we read so sometimes instead of forming images in our imagination let the images from dramas directly fall on our retina".


Thank you for reading. 

Waiting for your feedback so that I can write my second article. :-))

Edited by:  Yuanwei (1st editor)

dramas food for mind