met Lily Alice, mei 18, 2023

Set to premiere on May 31, the upcoming ENA drama Happiness Battle (directed by Kim Yoon Cheol with a screenplay penned by Ju Young Ha) is a gripping suspense thriller that follows the story of mothers from rich families fighting a fierce social media battle to destroy others' happiness in pursuit of their own. 

The drama unfolds the life of wealthy mothers residing in the luxurious apartment complexes of Gangnam, indulging in the privileges of their social status. 

Among them, Oh Yu Jin (Park Hyo Joo) stands out as a "supermom" who effortlessly manages her role as a devoted wife to a dentist husband and dotes on her beautiful twin daughters, fuelling the flames of envy within the mothers' SNS community. 

On the other hand is Jang Mi Ho (Lee El), an ordinary bank employee leading a mundane life who soon finds herself entangled in the SNS battle as she strives to uncover its true nature. 

While the viewers await the release of the drama, ENA unveiled new still cuts on May 18, giving a glimpse into the vastly contrasting lifestyles of Jang Mi Ho (Lee El) and Oh Yu Jin (Park Hyo Joo). 

The unveiled stills portray the juxtaposition of Jang Mi Ho's (Lee El) and Oh Yu Jin's (Park Hyo Joo) lifestyles. Mi Ho dons a sleek black suit with a short haircut, giving a busy-working-woman vibe. In contrast, extravagantly dressed influencer Oh Yu Jin takes selfies to keep her SNS followers updated.

 The characters' leisure activities also showcase their distinct preferences: Jang Mi Ho seeks solace at home with a glass of beer, easing the day's weariness, while Oh Yoo Jin savors a cocktail at a luxurious hotel pool, relishing her leisure time.

Despite the apparent dissimilarities between Jang Mi Ho and Oh Yu Jin, they share an intertwined past. 

The production team of the K-drama commented, "The connection between Jang Mi Ho and Oh Yu Jin forms a significant narrative thread driving our drama. While the two lead vastly different lives, we hope you pay keen attention to their interconnected past and how their past relationship will impact their present''.
