Recently many short films show in the list as drama series with dozens or hundreds of 1-2 minute episodes
"Drama Series" like Buddy Boy, Blue Complex, etc are actually 20-minute short films that show as 40x2 series. Usually they require the viewers to watch hundreds of commercials just to find out that the last few episodes are still hidden behind a paywall.
Can you please mark these as xx-minute short film (split up into xx segments) with a paywall warning?
Kate:These are in fact series with shirt episodes like that. They are officially split like that. They are vertical series created as a short format entertainment.
i think op is not asking what type of series they are but rather complaining that some series are only available through payment or watching ads to unlock new episodes and would like mdl to implement something so he knows whether that specific drama is pay to watch/watch ads to watch.
LouM:i think op is not asking what type of series they are but rather complaining that some series are only available through payment or watching ads to unlock new episodes and would like mdl to implement something so he knows whether that specific drama is pay to watch/watch ads to watch.
They are asking for something mdl cannot do because it's factually incorrect:
"Can you please mark these as xx-minute short film (split up into xx segments) with a paywall warning? " They are not xx-minute short film split into segments, they are in fact dramas in short format content.
Not all 2minute series are asking to pay. Some are on youtube for free.
1) MDL cannot put a warning about payment because MDL does not manage those micro drama monetization. Thus MDL has no clue if a payment is needed to watch the lasts episodes.
2) Entertainment cost money to make. Not everything is set as freemium. I know that at some point the customer has to pay, therefore a warning seems not necessary to me .