mediaklan:I can totally understand the need to talk about a specific scene/episode but writing a review about every episodes ?
Actually, writing a review about every episode is completely normal if it is done in a proper section. Have you never seen websites such as Hollywood Reporter reviewing episodes of TV shows?
But that is different from publishing the main review of only one or few episodes. It is also misleading and completely pointless because there is already the Episode Guide section where you can rate and review dramas on the go.
Ceki:Actually, writing a review about every episode is completely normal if it is done in a proper section. Have you never seen websites such as Hollywood Reporter reviewing episodes of TV shows?
But that is different from publishing the main review of only one or few episodes. It is also misleading and completely pointless because there is already the Episode Guide section where you can rate and review dramas on the go.
I completely agree. Well, not reviewing every episodes seems completely normal to me too ^^. I was just asked, so I answered for myself, but truth is I'm not too sure about why others won't use the Episode Review section (maybe the Episode Guide you're pointing out is enough of a reason ?) and what do to do for them to use it more. Some are probably close to my point of view, but for the others, I have no idea.
Wow, this has a lot of controversial comments for a highlighted issue/suggestion.
Obviously this is a bit of a mixed subject, and it's hard to say who's right or wrong here, but maybe a completion rate could be added?
I personally find value in rating and even reviewing shows that are still airing - if it turns out better or worse than I thought then I can just adjust the rating as it airs. Just because a show is unfinished doesn't mean people aren't already arriving after it starts, asking opinions to see if they should watch too. And those reviews are marked with the number of episodes seen at the time of reviewing, so anyone reading them knows they're only accurate up to that point.
Now nobody has time to go through the ratings of every individual given to a popular show, but instead we could have a "Completion Rate", that shows us (perhaps in a drop down from the average score generated currently) the watch statistics (how many people dropped it, completed it, are still watching it) and how those groups rated it. That way you'd have a "pure" score, from everyone who completed it, and also have an understanding of those who didn't think it was worth finishing.
Certainly it's a bit more complicated to access than the overall rating, and maybe a filter would have to be added for searches by ranking, but it's still better than limiting the opinions people can give in the first place.
Don't know if i would call the comments 'controversial', but it feels like a debate alright. Now i really like the completion rate idea, and I've made a similar proposal a few posts earlier (with a filter and a drop down menu with that). This could answer the concerns for both the people favoring this suggestion and the ones against it, and even provides some in-depth understanding regarding how a show is perceived in a certain point in time.
I like to rate the dramas I'm watching, as I go along with each episode. It helps me keep track of how I'm feeling about the dramas I'm watching. I feel like making it so people couldn't rate until finishing, would be inconvenient to me, and really, overall stupid, because if I hated something so much that I had to quit, I would just set that I completed it, and rate it anyways.
My only problem is drama that is not even aired yet has a 10 rating.... like that is just pure wrong lol. Make it so that they can only start rating when the drama is aired.
About rating on drop/incomplete drama, both side has valid points, but in spirit of freedom of speech, it’s best leave it the way it currently is, I.e you can rate the drama without completing it. There are some cases where this allowance give the drama a disadvantage, example: the flame’s daughter. Zhang Bin Bin’s fans have a misconception with the drama, saw their favourite actor not the lead, getting shafted, and so they down rating the drama more than it should due to their biases. So if anything, maybe those bias reviews should not be top of the list?
Alila Nguyen:My only problem is drama that is not even aired yet has a 10 rating.... like that is just pure wrong lol. Make it so that they can only start rating when the drama is aired.
They fixed that!! I just added a show that hasn't aired yet and you can either add it to your watch list or choose not interested but you can no longer rate it! OMG I'm so happy for that feature alone! :-)
I know this post is long but please respect my opinion and read on to see why I disagree with this suggestion. I don't drop dramas without having a good reason and I don't think I need to watch all episodes to have an opinion on a drama or decide whether I like it or not. I also don't rate a drama down because I dropped it but because of the reasons why I dropped/disliked it, just as people leave a high rating because of the reasons why they liked it.
Let's use the drama Doctors as an example. I dropped it after 7 of 20 episodes (and skipping through the following eps as well to see if it gets better) because I disliked the female lead/her character/her behavior, the illogical medical aspects and side characters. I picked it up 3 times after that as I like medical genre in general and really wanted to like this drama and give it a second chance again and again just to drop it repeatedly cause I couldn't stand it. It's just not my cup of tea. So why shouldn't I be allowed to rate it with a 2.0 stating that I don't like it? This rating wouldn't have magically changed even if I watched all 20 episodes. I watched the end and the female lead was still the same person in my eyes, featuring all the things I disliked from the very first episodes. Please feel free to read my comment I left on the drama's page (as I don't review stuff I didn't completely watch). I think it's absolutely legit.
Another good example: I just finished "Princess at Large" which didn't entertain me and I was about to drop it. Since it only had 12 episodes; one is around 45 minutes short; I went on and completed it. Still, my rating is 5 with a clear tendency to never bother to watch this again. I had the exact same opinion already at episode 4 though. So no, an opinion doesn't always automatically change once you finished a drama.
I also read that a rating from someone who didn't finish the drama doesn't even count in the overall rating of a drama so it's not like I cause any harm by rating it for my own statistic. Oh and I'm fine by not counting ratings from people who dropped a drama in the overall rating of a drama.
I think it's not right to deny people who watched part of a drama the right to leave a rating ad therefore an opinion. They saw something of the drama which they either liked or disliked. People don't randomly drop dramas because they have nothing better to do. We do it because we disliked a drama so much that we couldn't bring ourselves to continue watching it. If a drama doesn't entertain me or worse annoys or triggers me, I shouldn't be forced to watch it just to be able to leave a rating later, saying I disliked it. It's also rather unfair to say people who dropped a drama should use the episode rating instead. So if I watched 55 episodes of a drama with 67 episodes I should rate 55 episodes which will take a lot of time instead of just rating the drama in general while everyone who completed the drama gets a free pass and clicks only once. Sorry, this is not practical at all and I highly doubt if you disliked a drama you would go through that trouble and rate each episode individually....
I also don't see a good reason why you can't read comments or reviews to decide if a drama is good or not instead of only "relying" on something so subjective as a rating. I don't care too much about the rating as I know it's purely subjective and connected to the watcher's feelings and not able to speak for all people out there. If I really want to know why a watcher rated a drama good or bad I read their reviews. This portrays so much better if a drama is to my liking or not.
I can only speak for myself but I watched a drama (Korean remake), rated it very good, then watched the Japanese original drama and liked it so much more. I went back and downrated the Korean drama as it simply couldn't keep up in comparison and I realised the first rating wasn't fair and objective but out of emotions right after finishing it. I'm also one of those who downrate a whole drama if the ending is horrible.
I fully support the "Make it impossible to rate a drama that hasn't even aired yet" idea though. You can't rate something you didn't even get a glimpse on.
All in all I don't like nor can support this idea as it feels like taking away the voice of people who want to leave their opinion through a rating. Who says/can prove that you only fully know if you like/dislike a drama just because you completed it? A drama's rating shouldn't depend on the amount of episodes you watched but be based on how much you enjoyed it or not. Both good and bad rating is okay and have a right to be said and shared.
"I also read that a rating from someone who didn't finish the drama doesn't even count in the overall rating of a drama so it's not like I cause any harm by rating it for my own statistic. Oh and I'm fine by not counting ratings from people who dropped a drama in the overall rating of a drama. "
Nah, it counts. As long as a user has watched one episode, it counts.
I like this idea just that only those who have completed it score will count. Dropped or on hold people should still be able to rate it, but just not have have it count in the overall rating, or add a hidden option somewhere (of a secondary rating) to view the rating from everyone including dropped people. So overall, have two ratings: one from completed only people, and one that includes everyone's rating no matter what their status for the drama or movie.
Skye-N-Rain:"I also read that a rating from someone who didn't finish the drama doesn't even count in the overall rating of a drama so it's not like I cause any harm by rating it for my own statistic. Oh and I'm fine by not counting ratings from people who dropped a drama in the overall rating of a drama. "
Nah, it counts. As long as a user has watched one episode, it counts.
Ah okay I read somewhere else that it doesn't. But as I also said, I would be okay with it not counting or only counting partially. Like if I watched 50% of the drama, my rating would also only count as 50%.
I was against rating a drop drama, but in the last period I start to change my mind for different reasons. So I start to rate dropped drama too.
But objectively speaking I still think that the overall rating should be divided between completed and drop, or at least add some stats that show where the rating came from. Like the age stats.
The best solution in my opinion would be to allow to rate only each single episode and use those rating to generate the overall rating of the drama. So who complete the drama will affect the rating more than who drop it. And it would be more realistic. Unless I am missing some parameter we should consider.