My ideas are the following:
- Add a section above Recent and Hottest Discussions that lists some of the topics you've subscribed to with an option see more ( expand ) or take you to another section of the forum with the full list.
- Allow us to save topics for later viewing, almost like you would with a drama, or even like lists with a small heart. This would be especially helpful with older posts that I'm interested in ( which probably won't have new replies ) that I have no way to keep track of outside of bookmarking them on my browser.
- There could be a small icon or a very light background color implemented so it stands out in the main discussion list. Just enough so that it's a bit more noticeable than the alternating colors that we currently have. Otherwise, you either have to come across it by chance or get a notification. The current system doesn't work for topics that no longer receive replies.
There is no way to know which topics you're subscribed to unless you open them and see the green eye at the top or receive a notification so it would be nice if there was a better indication of that in the main discussion list.
Let me know what you think :)