Hi, I was curious how contribution points work for the people category.  Is it one point for every new profile added?

I've added at least 8 new people, but I noticed  I'm only listed as having contribution points for 4 people, even though I show up on the profile pages for 6 of them  -- Ibo, Mason Fung, Li Yun Di, Zhang Qi (singer-songwriter on Call Me By Fire), Mc Hotdog, and Tong Yi Lang. 

I also created the page for Wang Peng Xiao, but I don't appear on his page as a contributor (there was a panel glitch or some sort?).  I had also created a profile for Nam Kyung Joo, but it was rejected twice for various reasons. I fixed the issues immediately, but was eventually rejected a third time because a profile was now up, one that looked almost the same as mine using the same photo. 

Thanks for the clarification! 

There's been a bug for years now, when where you submit a new person, it will not show the contribution points from the submitter on the page. Sometimes it shows 1 or 2 but not all of them, when you generally get about 9 when you submit a new person. You still get the contribution points from it. :) It just shows wrong on the pages. I submit mostly new people and have loads of points.

For actors in currently airing or upcoming titles, there are often 2 to 3 users submitting those same people, sometimes even more, and most of you use the same sources so they can be submitted with almost identical pictures. We work from the oldest to newest, but if there's something missing like an acceptable native source (it's better to submit as many as you can find), then that one would get rejected and we move to the next one. If you want to have higher success in getting your profile approved, it's best to submit for older shows, because there's barely any competition there. :) But some people only want to submit for the new things or their favorite people, which is fine, but as mentioned, it leads to rejections more often due to them being in the panel multiple times.