What new MDL feature do you want the most?

Kate aug 22, 2023

What new MDL feature do you want the most?

Which one of the listed possible new features you want to see on MDL the most? List based on my own observations and Suggestions tread on forum.

0 candidates
Played 179 times Likes General Report


  • 1
    Notifications when drama on PTW list starts airing
    56 votes
  • 2
    Sort Dramas by Date Added/Completed
    31 votes
  • 3
    Comment History
    20 votes
  • 4
    Feed Search Engine
    18 votes
  • 5
    Pin dramas on the profile
    14 votes
  • 6
    Username change option
    9 votes
  • 7
    Lists Search Engine
    9 votes
  • 8
    Alternate Gender Option(s) on Profile
    7 votes
  • 9
    Notifications about followed users activity
    4 votes
  • 10
    Report button for profiles, not only comments
    3 votes

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