Memorable Quotes of Kdramas
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1. Come to Witch's Restaurant
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
| Ep 1
- Life is a series of big or small choices. However at times, certain choices stir up your life. We didnt know until that moments arrive - that all choices come with a price.
| Ep 2
- They say, time heals everything. Later, I probably forget all about this (difficult moments) later on. So right now, I'm just going to face the reality.
- Everyone's afraid. But you won't know until you face your fears. It might not be that scary.
| Ep 3
- What's important is the courage to take responsibility for your own future and the determination to take action.
- You don't have to try so hard. You don't need people's recognition to prove yourself.
- Be true to yourself. Be brave. You're not weak. Someone who pursues what they believe is right, can never be weak.
| Ep 4
- Don't be too hard on yourself. Because the more you do, the harder it gets to get out of it.
| Ep 5
- At times like this, you have to trust yourself. Even if you do your best, that sense of anxiety won’t go away.
| Ep 6
- When something bad happens, something good follows, when you lose something, you gain another. Later on, you would think that if that had never happened, the happiness you feel now would not exist. Life is long, be patient and watch.
- Everyone suffers. life is a struggle anyway and if people who know the struggles have each other, I thought that would make things slightly easier.
| Ep 7
- It's good to cry when you are sad, so if it hurts, don't hold it in today.
- As long as we are alive, it's impossible not to get hurt. All scars heal eventually.