《 2019 》


Latest finished dramas/movies on top. I sometimes make mini-reviews on my feed after I finish a drama, so I copy paste that stuff I wrote on my feed here because I'm too lazy to write a new comment...

Luna jan 16, 2019
36 Titles Loves
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  • Arthdal Kronieken Deel 1: De Kinderen van de Profetie

    1. Arthdal Kronieken Deel 1: De Kinderen van de Profetie

    Korean Drama - 2019, 6 episodes



  • Triangle

    2. Triangle

    Korean Drama - 2014, 26 episodes



  • SKY Castle

    3. SKY Castle

    Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes



  • Haar Privéleven

    4. Haar Privéleven

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes



    At the beginning of this show I thought it's going to be one of my favorite dramas and almost felt like it ruined every other romcom for me. It had:
    + the best romcom male lead ever! Ryan ♥ Kim Jae Wook is walking perfection
    + the fangirling stuff, the relatable FL
    +the teasing omg all those scenes made me giggle like a little girl
    + a mature and healthy relationship, also slow-burn
    + one of the best chemistries ever, the cutest OTP, their kisses were AMAZING (I normally don't ship actors lol but here it really would surprise if those two aren't dating)

    But sadly the drama kinda lost it's spark towards the end introducing annoying cliche tropes that we all hate. At some point I felt like it became a different show. Ugh but that's nothing new, it happens with almost every romcom for me. It's just my hopes were too high I guess :(
    Still I won't give a score lower than 8.5 since the first 11 episodes gave me those feels that I didn't had in a long time. Also stan Kim Jae Wook everyone ♥

  • The Fiery Priest

    5. The Fiery Priest

    Korean Drama - 2019, 40 episodes


    Twenty hours of my life I will never forget.

    If you by chance alive reading my post and still haven't watched this masterpiece then DO IT because it's amazing! This drama had:

    > Outstanding acting by Kim Nam Gil, my first time watching a drama with him & I'm officially a fan after this. If SBS robs him out of his Daesang then what's the point of the award show
    > also all the other actors did an amazing job, I'll follow their projects in future <3
    > Perfect balance between comedy and action, while the writing itself is kept simple the story never gets boring/goes downhill etc
    > some of the best action scenes in K-Drama (he choreographer deserves an award)
    > Favorite character cast in a drama ever for me, I adored everyone. Father Kim Hae Il is probably my all-time favorite, but there's Prosecutor Park, Goo Dae Young, hip hop girl, Jang Ryong (bobbed hair guy), Song Sac (thai guy) and Yo Han, Priest Han and the nun, Vladimir Ghozayev, Hwang Cheol Beom and probably even more.
    > the obvious but no annoying tropes/cliches etc., it's very fresh and something not very common
    > An extremely satisfying ending (much better than in Chief Kim by the same writer imo)

    Second season - LET'S GET IT! <3


  • Time Between Dog and Wolf

    6. Time Between Dog and Wolf

    Korean Drama - 2007, 16 episodes


    Wow this just became one of my favorite revenge dramas! WATCH IT EVERYONE IT'S GOOD!!

    Honestly I'm surprised how the storyline kept me at the edge of my seat all the time. I get bored by thriller dramas sometimes but here I was invested starting by episode 4. I loved how this show made me question the characters motives and their revenge. It makes you feel conflicted. Definitely not your typical revenge K-Drama (even if it has those typical tropes lol).
    The ending was surprisingly satisfying! I expected the inevitable revenge drama ending but it actually ended on a whole different note (My first time watching a LJG drama with an actual satisying ending lol).

    Lee Joon Gi at his best, loved my badass cutie (yes the duality of LJG) Kay and his adorable love for chewing gum lol. I couldn't stand Min Gi at the middle part but I kinda started to like him towards the end haha. Jung Kyung Ho is amazing too, super underrated actor! The main villain Mao was very interesting, at first I though he's a typical baddie, but he showed lots of depth throughout the whole drama.

    My only complaints: the FL was mindnumbingly stupid, especially towards the end. Idk why Kay liked her lol. Also the plotline of Min Gi bored me at times with the NIS agents etc. I FFd those parts. And ofc it's old so the editing/directing is not that good and the outfits were ugly/old fashioned but whatever. It still had a more exciting story than those new ones with super cool effects, editing etc ans that's what matters.


  • Love, Lies

    7. Love, Lies

    Korean Movie - 2016



  • Queen Seon Duk

    8. Queen Seon Duk

    Korean Drama - 2009, 62 episodes


    What I loved about this drama:
    - Bidam ♥
    - Kim Nam Gil
    - Mishil, one of the greatest villains in dramland ever! (and GHJ acting <3)
    - The strategic battles between the two main ladies, their relationship. I loved how Deok Man fought her while admiring and respecting her at the same time; their dialogues in general
    - Bidam going around killing people while having long hair & those blood sprinkles in his face lmao I know I'm weird
    - The storyline was kept interesting and didn't slow down too much, there were some slower parts but I don't think I was bored at all
    - no stupid love-triangle despite having multiple love interests (yes it's possible ^^)

    What bothered me:
    - Yushin, he was boring
    - the main character, Deok Man kinda got annoying (but at the end she was behaving like a true queen, not a pathetic teeny girl in love, looking at you Empress Ki FL)
    - the overly good characters in general, I think it's kinda cliched/cheesy; especially Cheon Myeong was your perfect nice disney-esque princess (the writers had way better characters in SFD imo)
    - the annoying comedic relief characters like Jukbang and Godo, they destroyed the mood for me at times
    - (I won't deduct points for this but) the editing, yes the editing/directing didn't age well tbh
    - no Mishil backstory scenes! I wished they showed scenes between her & her lover


  • The Great Battle

    9. The Great Battle

    Korean Movie - 2018



  • Doctor Prisoner

    10. Doctor Prisoner

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    A solid, extremely fast-paced thriller with amazing acting on top. The chemistry between Nam Goong Min x Kim Byung Chul x Choi Won Young (hate triangle) was perfect! Hope KBS won't rob NGM again and gives him (or also CYW) his well-deserved Daesang. And special mention: Park Eun Seok - I saw him in a few roles as villain character and I always ended up hating him lol. Here it was the same at first but later on I kinda started rooting for him. Also he should do more comedy roles because his comedy scenes were everything XD

    The writing was not quite Stranger-level but still very good. Loved the directing and editing, all those filters they used and the setting itself supported the dark atmosphere quite well. The mind-games were so entertaining, especially when you think Director Seon got Na Yi Je this time but then he turns everything around lol.

    My only complaint: towards the end Han So Geum kinda got irrelevant imo, she did have way more impact in the first 8-9 episodes than later. But it didn't affect the story at all.


  • My Mister

    11. My Mister

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    Absolutely outstanding.

    Wow. This one just blew every emotional drama I watched out of the water. Raw emotions conveyed by real human beings. Convincing and  masterful actors who portrayed realistic characters. Everyone had a story to tell, every character had depth to them. And every of their stories was touching in a beautiful way. I say this as someone whose emotions rarely get evoked by fictional works or also by real life occurrings.

    The relationships between the characters were fascinating, like Ji An's grandmother said. Especially the relationship between Ji An and Dong Hoon. But also the brothers, the football club friends, Jung Hee. Even Kwang Il and Ji An. Every relationship was precious in it's own way.

    A true masterpiece.


  • Doctors

    12. Doctors

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes



  • Reply 1997

    13. Reply 1997

    Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes


    I really adored everything about this drama! I think what makes this special is the directing. Shin PD is a very talented director, I love how he puts emotions into every scene without making it too overdramatic. It just feels raw, like....life? I guess. I just love this kind of directing. And the setting of course - the 90's always have a special place in my heart. They give me a weird sense of nostalgia of a time I never really lived (in or rather remember living in). Also the use of music was perfect <3

    The acting was mostly great and the characters too - I enjoyed watching the main couple <3 Also Joon Hee, the Hak Chan/Yoo Jung couple, Sungjae but the parents were the best of course XD Only the brother was too creepy for my taste, but it didn't kill my enjoyment.
    Also I loved how the characters didn't have a 180 grade turn after a timeskip (you know those KDrama where there's a TS and suddenly they feel like whole different people -_-). They were still dorky, adorable and themselves, just a tad bit more mature. Overall great watch, a solid 9/10~


  • Two Lights: Relumino

    14. Two Lights: Relumino

    Korean Special - 2017, 1 episode



  • Man on High Heels

    15. Man on High Heels

    Korean Movie - 2014


    beginning: this is kinda boring, the trans plot is interesting but the whole mafia thing is draggy af
    middle: oh, okay...interesting maybe? but still draggy
    end: this ain't it chief. THIS AIN'T IT. *still trying to digest this waste of time*


  • My Annoying Brother

    16. My Annoying Brother

    Korean Movie - 2016



  • Elegant Lies

    17. Elegant Lies

    Korean Movie - 2014


    I honestly was a bit disappointed at first, because I didn't think the bullying was that heavy to make somone commit suicide but then I remembered that no one can judge the situation of someone else and their reasons. The movie showed that it's small things in life that can cause depression and hence it gets overlooked way too often. But small things would've maybe helped Cheon Ji out of her depression, if someone ever noticed. I thought that was one of the messages of the movie. Life lesson learned.

    Altough the little girl was definitely the star of the movie, the scene-stealer award goes tooo....Yoo Ah In of course XD His long hair and every scene he was in were priceless! 


  • Pinocchio

    18. Pinocchio

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


    This drama had the right amount of romance combined with the whole revenge/journalism plot. The romance never distracted from the actual happenings, nor it did get too much into the background. The OTP was the cutest ♥ 


  • Empress Ki

    19. Empress Ki

    Korean Drama - 2013, 51 episodes


    This drama altough it was enjoyable at times (ep 22-38) was full of inconsistencies and plot-holes. The terribly written character of the female lead was unbearable and the other leads barely had any development I mean the emperor had ZERO development. He was a wimp and a pathetic excuse for a ruler until the end and his behavior towards the FL was creepy/disgusting and NOT romantic at all (he even actually RAPED her twice ffs). The other one is not even worth mentioning, he was so boring seriously. But him being killed off by the idiot emperor was unnecessary and badly explained imo.

    I loved the arc with Tanashilli and after her death I realized how much of impact that character had for the story. I missed her as the last arc was boring af. My fav character was Tal Tal though, he should've been the ML because he was perfect! <3 (WHY KILL HIM OFF OFF-SCREEN THOUGH?! -_- ). The only reason I finished this tbh :/


  • Stranger

    20. Stranger

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    One extremely well-thought high-end production thriller. The writer is very detail-oriented and made sure to not have any loose ends by the end which is rare in K-Drama. The investigators and prosecutors behave in a natural way, there's no jumping into conclusions, no stupidity etc. Also no unnecessary scenes! The characters were all lovable in their own way, my favs were Hwang Shi Mok & Han Yeo Jin - their chemistry was off the charts!!

    The acting was beyond amazing. Jo Seung Woo is a gem and so is Bae Doo Na, they are natural born actors and ooze charisma tbh. Definitely checking out their projects in future! Lee Joon Hyuk was great as asshole prosecutor and everyone else also did an amazing job <3

    Why wasn't this a 10? Well first 9 is a very good score for me, but what held me back with giving a 10 was that some of the twists just didn't surprise me that much. Like I loved guessing forth and back but I kinda had the feeling that "that person" wasn't it anyways. Also the reveal of the "murderer" was a little confusing/could've been handled better. But overall super good!

    S2 WHEN????


  • A Poem a Day

    21. A Poem a Day

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    Status: on-hold

    started for joon hyuk but couldn't get into it so far

  • The Clue

    22. The Clue

    Korean Movie - 2009


    Wow, this movie was really bland and the murder mystery was obvious. Might've liked it if I was twelve. At least Yoo Seung Ho was in it and he was cute of course XD


  • Midnight Runners

    23. Midnight Runners

    Korean Movie - 2017


    Nice mix of comedy, action & most importantly: BROMANCE ♥

    They absolutely should make a drama out of this with my boys Park Seo Joon & Kang Ha Neul!! Loved their chemistry ♥


  • Prison Playbook

    24. Prison Playbook

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    23. 04. 2019

  • Princess Agents

    25. Princess Agents

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 67 episodes


    19. 04. 2019

  • The Boy Next Door

    26. The Boy Next Door

    Korean Drama - 2017, 15 episodes


    Lmao while watching this seriously, the chemistry between the actors was perfect XD And the ad-lib singing scene was the best XDDD <3

    16. 01. 2019

  • Scarlet Heart

    27. Scarlet Heart

    Chinese Drama - 2011, 35 episodes


    An extremely character-driven drama. Very beautiful dialogues and splendid acting. Sadly suffers from production/directing issues as it's pretty old. Overall superior towards the korean version.

  • Fated to Love You

    28. Fated to Love You

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes

  • Live Up to Your Name

    29. Live Up to Your Name

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes

  • Eternal Love

    30. Eternal Love

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 58 episodes

  • Chuno

    31. Chuno

    Korean Drama - 2010, 24 episodes

  • The Nokdu Flower

    32. The Nokdu Flower

    Korean Drama - 2019, 48 episodes

  • Princess Silver

    33. Princess Silver

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 58 episodes

  • The Bridal Mask

    34. The Bridal Mask

    Korean Drama - 2012, 28 episodes

  • Seven Samurai

    35. Seven Samurai

    Japanese Movie - 1954

  • Five Fingers

    36. Five Fingers

    Korean Drama - 2012, 30 episodes


