Favorite Dramas
Gokusen (ごくせん?) is a manga series by Kozueko Morimoto. The story follows Kumiko Yamaguchi, the granddaughter of a yakuza boss and teacher at an all-male private high school. In 2008, an SP manga was out, featuring some of Yankumi's (Kumiko) old students who are by now working adults.
Seigi no Mikata(2008) 15-year-old Yoko, a young girl who is constantly tormented by her self-centered and devilish older sister Makiko, who works for a government office after having graduated from a famous university. But despite her ill nature, Makiko's actions tend to somehow make things better for those around her, causing others to praise her as an "ally of justice."
The series is based on the Japanese shoujo manga "Hana Yori Dango" (Boys Before Flowers) by Kamio Yoko.
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1. Gokusen
Japanese Drama - 2002, 12 episodes
2. Gokusen 2
Japanese Drama - 2005, 10 episodes
3. Gokusen 3
Japanese Drama - 2008, 11 episodes
4. Gokusen Special 3
Japanese Special - 2009, 1 episode
5. Seigi no Mikata
Japanese Drama - 2008, 10 episodes
6. Hana Yori Dango
Japanese Drama - 2005, 9 episodes
7. Hana Yori Dango 2
Japanese Drama - 2007, 11 episodes