Awkward joy of a first crush
Title: "Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san" – Teasing master takagi-san
As a fan of the anime and manga, I eagerly awaited this adaptation since it was announced. I was thrilled to see it available on Netflix, making it so much easier to watch and I’m happy to say it did not disappoint.
I loved how the episodes and chapters were seamlessly compiled into this live-action version. Seeing the story come to life so closely to the manga made the experience even more delightful. It truly felt like the pages of the manga had been brought to life on screen.
What has always drawn me to this story is the light, youthful vibe it gives. The mix of cute, butterfly-in-the-stomach moments, and teasing makes it feel like the innocent, awkward joy of a first crush. It perfectly captures the essence of those tween-to-teenage years, filled with awkwardness and fun.
The casting is superb! Both leads embody their characters perfectly:
Takagi: The actress brought out her charm effortlessly.
Nishikata: He genuinely feels like the character from the manga has come to life. His expressions (whether embarrassed, anxious, or jumpy) are spot on
The music and OST were lovely. That said, I wish they had retained the anime OST.
Rewatch Value:
This is definitely something I’d rewatch multiple times, much like the anime. It’s a heartwarming slice-of-life story that never gets old.
This live-action adaptation delivers a faithful and delightful take on Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san. Whether you’re a fan of the anime or manga or entirely new to the series, it’s a charming and enjoyable watch.
As a fan of the anime and manga, I eagerly awaited this adaptation since it was announced. I was thrilled to see it available on Netflix, making it so much easier to watch and I’m happy to say it did not disappoint.
I loved how the episodes and chapters were seamlessly compiled into this live-action version. Seeing the story come to life so closely to the manga made the experience even more delightful. It truly felt like the pages of the manga had been brought to life on screen.
What has always drawn me to this story is the light, youthful vibe it gives. The mix of cute, butterfly-in-the-stomach moments, and teasing makes it feel like the innocent, awkward joy of a first crush. It perfectly captures the essence of those tween-to-teenage years, filled with awkwardness and fun.
The casting is superb! Both leads embody their characters perfectly:
Takagi: The actress brought out her charm effortlessly.
Nishikata: He genuinely feels like the character from the manga has come to life. His expressions (whether embarrassed, anxious, or jumpy) are spot on
The music and OST were lovely. That said, I wish they had retained the anime OST.
Rewatch Value:
This is definitely something I’d rewatch multiple times, much like the anime. It’s a heartwarming slice-of-life story that never gets old.
This live-action adaptation delivers a faithful and delightful take on Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san. Whether you’re a fan of the anime or manga or entirely new to the series, it’s a charming and enjoyable watch.
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