Should you give up revenge for a carefree life? Both Dramas ask this essential question. Bonus: Moon Chae Won acts in both.
The leads are goofy and a tiny bit awkward. The situation they stumble upon (soul/time switching) make them even more confused and hilarious.
Both leads are silly, funny and just the right amount of arrogant.
Both leads are hilarious without even trying. Feel-good Dramas to the max!
Both leads have great chemistry and give you butterflies while watching!
Both Dramas are filled with cheesiness and chemistry: They give you that feeling of being in love <3
Both Dramas are hiliarious and give ghosts lovable characters. Master's Sun is a little scarier though.
Both dramas tell thought-provoking stories questioning, if changing/knowing one's destiny is fortunate or a curse.
Both Dramas teach great lessons about life:
Through 49 Days I learned about fate, about trust and about betrayal. Incarnation of Money made me think about how powerful money is: It can kill a person, make another sad and make someone else pretty.
Through 49 Days I learned about fate, about trust and about betrayal. Incarnation of Money made me think about how powerful money is: It can kill a person, make another sad and make someone else pretty.
Both sageuks tell the story of smart characters who became powerful through their own abiity. They can't be categorized as evil people but also not as good ones, either. Excellent cast and character development!
Same fuzzy feeling between the leads plus sassy heroine makes both dramas great!