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apr 30, 2013

Get over it, Jae Hee!

Tae Sang learning piano... simply adorable. And their little moments together are absolutely squee-worthy. I'm so happy they're finally dating, and Mi Do hasn't been annoying me of late.

The only thing that brought this episode down was Jae Hee's moping. For Jae Hee to find out the girl he likes rejected him for Song Seung Hyun is equivalent to a regular guy finding out that the woman who rejected him four times has been dating Jason Bourne. I'm sorry, but as a man, wouldn't that make you feel LESS hurt? Sorry, she doesn't want to date you, but at least you lost to THAT GUY! Please do things that make sense, drama, and stop vainly struggling to make us care about Jae Hee when SSH's cast as the lead. You might as well make a third wheel come between Superman and Lois Lane and then expect our sympathy for said third wheel. Not happening. AND GET THE SAD MUSIC OUT OF THE KISSING SCENES!!! THESE ARE HAPPY TIMES, DANGIT!!

Other than that, (and no shirtless SSH scenes in a while) I have no complaints. Although I do begin to wonder when the plot will return. It just seems to be relationship based right now. Which is fine. But curious.

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apr 29, 2013

Favourite episode so far!

In total agreement with Meg1014. The whole secret thing was getting a bit ridiculous, and Baek Sung Joo just bought herself a ticket for the Crazy Train to Crazy Island. Overall, I was very happy with this episode and the progression Tae Sang and Mi Do made. As the leads, we *know* they're fated to be together, so can we please make their coupleship a known fact and let the others get over it? I want continued cuteness between them and to see them facing problems head on. Together.

The winks on the stairway made my life. ^^ I watch these dramas for exactly that kind of adorbs.

And excuuuse me, ending music, but you ruined what was a perfectly wonderful moment made of happy!! Jae Hee should not be allowed to bring his angst into things. Not until AFTER we have our perfect moment!!

In response to CheerfulSoul, I don't think she was jealous when JH was with the other girl. I think she was a little concerned since that girl was the brat from before who was harassing her. She's clearly made her decision, now, and although she did bug me for an episode or two, I think she's finally made her decision clear. Also, I think you're wrong about the lack of passion. Tae Sang is very new at wooing a lady--hence his internet searches for how to be a good boyfriend--so it's not a lack of passion, but a hesitance because he doesn't want to mess things up. I think it's super endearing. They're really cute!!

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apr 18, 2013

So far, best episode!

LOVE the driving in reverse scene!! I never really thought about it before, but I guess it is very hot when a guy drives in reverse. :P (Or when SSH does anything.) And the looking up lists of things girls like... ^^ Too cute!

I'm really starting to sympathise with BSJ. She started off as a conniving b----, but the guy who keeps harassing her is SUPER creepy, and I love her line about wanting to do anything and everything for her love, even if he doesn't love her back.

I'm going to be hypocritical now, and say that Jae Hee is way overboard with the moping. I know I said the proposal in Ep 2 was acceptable, but it made sense, given TS has been in love with DM for the past seven years! JH knew her three days!! Get over it! Or if you miss her that much, fly back to Korea! It's really not that complicated. And when he does come back, he does come across as a bit of a player, and I think DM is starting to realise that TS's innocent mistakes are more genuine.

One shirtless pool scene gets extra points for also involving light bulb moment for DoMi as she stalks hunky Tae Sang from the bushes. Also, this mom is full of win, bringing TS a ring for sizing purposes. ;) Even MORE points for "Man in Love" playing in the background. I keep calling the drama that by mistake. :P


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jun 27, 2013



First half hour... YES!! YES!! YES!! YES YES YES!!! THAT is how a second episode proposal should go! :D :D :D And YES!! the first half hour was amazing and wonderful and HAPPY! And then...

WHAT THE HELL, LADY!?!? From now on, you deserve everything you get!! How STUPID can you be!? Oh, I'm going to run away from and betray the man who's only crime was lying to me to protect me, and I'm going to ESCAPE to the guy who killed my family and wants to rape me! Yeah, that's smart! NOT!! OMO! I am SO angry... I have NEVER been so angry at a female character before!! RAAAAAAGE!!! "Why didn't you tell me you were a divine creature?" You couldn't piece that together with his sexy hair, manly voice, and chiseled jaw?? You feel betrayed because he killed the men who were trying to drag you back to hell and he didn't start by saying, "Hey, I'm immortal!!" Just shut up, woman!! I hate you!!!

And NOW she's all horror struck that she's about to give birth to the sexiest man alive!? WHAT AN UNGRATEFUL WENCH!!! AND she tried to kill him before he was even born!! Okay. That's it. I hate her more than Jun Pyo's ooma from Boys Over Flowers, and Monkey Face and Dan from My Princess, and Fake Fairy from You're Beautiful!! COMBINED!!!

I honestly don't know what the writers were thinking. At least make sense!! Maybe if they were separated by something OTHER than rabid stupidity... but no.

Oooh, and then she's toootally surprised that her baby's NOT a monster! Was she even LOOKING at her hot husband the whole time she was married to him, or did she forget about how gorgeous he was as soon as he killed a couple men TO PROTECT HER!!

Okay. I hope she died in that cave. Nothing about her makes any sense, now. Can we bring back sexy Gumiho man with the nice jawline, and give him a new love? A GOOD woman with a KIND heart!? Please, drama!? I WILL VOLUNTEER!! K, thnx.

Okay... I know when we rate these episodes, we're supposed to take into consideration the quality, cinematography, sets, acting...etc, but the horrible, nonsensical writing of Seo Hwa's character inanities ruined everything. So I couldn't enjoy anything else because she was So. Flippin. Stupid.

By the way, my rating is for the writing. The acting, the sets, everything is amazing, I just can't believe the writers wouldn't realise how ridiculous Seo Hwa's character looks. Like... inhumanly stupid.

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okt 1, 2013


Despite the fact that they keep throwing the "one of you will die" stuff at us, I'm SO glad that Kang Chi and Yeo Wool seem to be smart enough to COMMUNICATE their feelings. Like, "I want to leave you because I love you so much I don't want you to die." None of this, "You meant nothing to me" crap so that she'll let him leave. Thank you, writers. You did it right!

I'm not sure how I feel about Wol Ryung's seeming "end." I mean... sure, it's better than a lot of tragic ways they could have left the story, but I was really hoping for a happy family reunion at the end of this. I'm still holding out for some kind of Wol Ryung presence at the end...

Oh, and I love Tae Seo. Like, a lot.

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sep 20, 2013


This drama. The gumihos. The suspense. The action. The reveals. The fighting between father and son that is JUST so meaningful in so many ways...

And that explosive kissing scene.

HUGE applause. I was a sobbing mess of feels. As is usual for this drama, it seems. LOVE it.
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aug 12, 2013


I AM SO FLIPPIN EXCITED RIGHT NOW!!! I had all these coherent, witty things to say about the episode, and who I think the lady merchant is (Seo Hwa?) and the fact that I love that the guys can stab and slice and punch the heck out of each other and still be best friends, BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS BECAUSE OF THE LAST COUPLE SECONDS AND I THINK MY GUMIHO LOVE IS COMING BACK!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I love the beauty and the beast feel with Kang Chi overcoming his monstrous form by Yeo Wool standing by him. ^.^ So sweet!

But, uh... yeah, MY BEAUTIFUL GUMIHO!!!!
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jul 12, 2013

Yay! But.. NOOOOO!!

Okay, I missed a few episodes because I got so wrapped up in the drama, I forgot to review each part. :) That means it's good!

I love Kang Chi! He's kind of like a live, hotter Korean version of Aladdin! He's so cheeky, and awesome, and unflinchingly loyal to his adoptive family.

Speaking of which! The girl who's going to get married! Sheeee irritates me! You made your choice! You KNOW Kang Chi won't betray your family, so why are you making him miserable with your tears? Stop crying about turning into dust, and just do it, instead of selfishly complaining about something neither of you are willing to go against! Aigoo!

One thing confuses me, though... and this could be an English subtitle mistake... but does Kang Chi really think Suzy is a boy?? I know the lady at the beginning mistook her for one, and my subs say Kang Chi calls her "young master" and refers to her as "he" but I really didn't think she looked enough like a boy to be mistaken for one!! So yeah. I want to know if he's really that confused. :P

Also! Suzy's companion! He annoys me! I know I'm already being overly protective of her and Seung Ki's relationship in the drama, but stop staring at Suzy when she's half-dressed, ppabo! Maybe I have a grudge against him because he was so frustrating in "Lie to Me," the only other drama I've seen him in. But seriously! Get away!! Your voice isn't even sexy deep like my gumiho love!

The end!! Omo!! I feel like I should have seen that coming, but I didn't! I kept expecting Kang Chi to lose his bracelet somehow, and then... WHY ARE ALL THE COOL GUYS DYING!?!? But seriously, that end was epic.

I just have one more thing to say...


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okt 10, 2013

Everyone, go back to Korea!

Park Shin Hye is a fantastic actress! She had crying twice in the first episode. Love her as Eun Sang. She's more mature than the other roles I'm used to seeing her in. I like how she works hard, and I really feel for her anger towards her pathetic sister.

The Americans are... not lovable. I'm sure that's the point; making the contrast. But there's a reason I deviate to Asian dramas rather than American ones, and it does irritate me to see the beach bums so prominent. Hearing Tan and Eun Sang banter in Korean was a breath of fresh air after the hideous Americans. :P

I'm a little confused by all the connections in this drama so far, but I'm sure after another episode or two, everything will start to make sense.

I hate the bully. His eyebrows are creepy and he's a jerk.

Oh... and DUH! Choi Jin Hyuk was in this really early on, so thank you, director/writer! I will melt under his gaze and the set of his manly jaw. :D

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sep 14, 2013


I'm so happy the mushy-gushy cuteness is still going strong between our young Gumiho and Yeo Wool. They had so many sweet moments! I'm a puddle of happy sighs!

And obviously, everything Wol Ryung does is downright swoonable! I can hardly contain myself whenever he says or does ANYTHING. Goodness! I even liked it when he scared Yeo Wool. I mean, he did some awesome moves, made some mind-boggling, sexily-spoken statements, and then put her in a situation where Kang Chi could come and comfort her adorably! Those are all good things! :D

I still hate Gon and his stupid face. And his propensity to lord his status over Kang Chi. Go away! Stop being a jerkwad and do something useful! Tae Seo is out risking his life in the clutches of the most evil baddie ever, and here you are playing bell games to mess with Kang Chi! GET A LIFE!!

Anyway, other than Gon, I love everything about this episode. :) I'm scared it won't stay this happy for long, though... Something's bound to shake things up.

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jan 8, 2014

Kids Sleeping Out

Kdramas: the only time I'm begging people to get drunk and sleep out. xP

This was full of adorbz LSS and SJH moments, so it was amazing and I loved it.
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jan 8, 2014

Pinky Promise

This episode had the pinky promise. So it was amazing. But that was the only real highlight! I'm getting SO frustrated with these ajummas. ALL of them!! I wish they would all just shut up and butt out!
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jan 5, 2014

I rate for hand holding.

JH held Soon Shin's hand and the end made me cry, so for the last few minutes of this episode, it gets all the high marks.
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jan 5, 2014


I think we could replay the squee moments from this episode several times over without it getting dull. I love seeing Soon Shin so happy, and embracing acting as something she really wants to do.

And of course, since I'm in it for the fluff, I was super excited for the "save her from the errant biker" moment. After she went all aegyo, giving a fake acceptance speech. Omo. SQUEES!

Thank you, director. ^_^
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okt 1, 2013

Okay, can we go back to making sense?

Yi Soon Shin is adorable, coming out to threaten ninjas in his silk pajamas. I kind of loved that scene.

I didn't think Kang Chi was being THAT stupid in deciding to leave--just a little. I mean, eventually he's going to have to go off and find the Gu Family Book to become human anyway. He could have just said, "Wait for me, because I'm doing this for you." But I figured something was bound to happen to bring him running back. Like... oh, a kidnapping!

Gon... has sort of grown on me. I still hate his face, but he is a good bodyguard, and I'm holding a hope that he and the awkward governess get together. :P

LOVE when the three guys refuse to give up on Yeo Wool. I mean, how would that make sense? Admiral Soon Shin can take care of himself. Find Yeo Wool and rescue her, and that creepy bastard no longer has leverage on you! Duuuh. Kill Soon Shin, and you've just given that much more power to the guy who has your love! He could just kill her anyway! Yeesh. Say something that makes sense, Master Dan!

Kind of love when Bong Chool snaps at Gon for interrupting. xD I've felt like that the whole show!


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