Stories revolve around Jang Nara's exorcist character and Jung Yong-hwa's con-man character, who team up once she realises he's actually pyschic too, to help free vengeful spirits from properties people then want them to sell.
The different stories are often touching and pretty mixed.
There's also the mystery surrounding her own mother and Yong-hwa's character's past too.
A gangster property developer and shrouded memories all add to the mix.
It's fun, dark at times and an entertaining watch, with a good cast.
A little more on the romance front would not have gone amiss.
The different stories are often touching and pretty mixed.
There's also the mystery surrounding her own mother and Yong-hwa's character's past too.
A gangster property developer and shrouded memories all add to the mix.
It's fun, dark at times and an entertaining watch, with a good cast.
A little more on the romance front would not have gone amiss.
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