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  • toetreden op: maart 29, 2019
The Trainee
3 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
2 dagen geleden
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.5
Verhaal 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Muziek 3.5
Rewatch Waarde 8.0
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OffGun as Side-Characters In Their Own Drama

I’m so used to Thai characters having names like P’ Car Tyre and Nong’ Wheel Barrow that when Gun’s character said his name was Ryan, I choked on my wine. And don’t even get me started on Jane. Dafug you mean your name is Jane? Your people named you Janet? Come on son.

Also, Ryan’s lipgloss game was on point. Dude woke up every day looking like he’s ready to be kissed. Legit, who’s lips look like that at 06:00am in the morning? And his short-shorts!! Hahaha, though, if I had those legs, I’d show ‘em off too.

Listen, did anyone else almost went ‘OMG Khai is that you?' in the finale when Jane’s character literally ghosted Ryan after his ex-boyfriend stole his idea, then proceeded to ignore him five more years? Was everyone else back in their Theory of Love days and wanting Jane to be left at the train station? No? arite, imma see myself out.

First off. I watched this drama because of OffGun and Sea. And there was not enough of OffGun in this drama!! Literally they were supporting cast in their own drama, and it made their relationship come off as super slow burn, but I think it felt that way because we legit didn’t get enough screen time for them to develop any faster. Like, they might as well have been the side-dishes in that porridge Ryan wanted to be. Such a shame, cuz this is easily my fav drama from them.

Imho I think this is one of the best dramas that came out this year. No, no, hear me out. Yes, some episodes feels like fillers and unnecessary, there wasn’t anything major happening, and they spent waaay too much time on that love triangle nonsense. Plus, we’d all seen this sort of office dramas with a a side of love-story plot, so yeah, nothing different or even remarkable about it.

BUT, I loved it so much? Cuz it was all so darn relatable! I felt the whole intern life, trying to figure out your future, and being like Ryan, having literally no life goals whatever, and just going with the flow. So yeah, in that regard, I loved the drama, the rest of it however, in honesty, was subpar.

Ryan was the most relatable character. Ryan is my spirit animal. I love that loser so much. Homeboy had no idea what was going on most of the time and I love him for it. Mfer just wanted to put paper in the printer and nod along, and that was amazing. But although he started off wanting to be just a normal co-worker who go out after work to enjoy food and drinks, his character grew. He didn’t have any objectives and had no idea what the work was even about, but he fought. Sure, he thought about quitting, but he stuck it out and keep trying and in the end he got stronger for it. And even ended up working in that industry, successfully I might add. I was very satisfied with his character arc and growth.

What I didn’t get about him though was how he was able to wait that five years, or even in those months he was ignored. Then just take Jane's sorry arse back, all adorable with their hands reaching and unicorns and stuff…pfft, people in love. Could never be me, my arse would have been married with kids and long forgotten him in those five years. But of course, he’s in love so… nonsense reality. Oh well, they were cute though, I legit liked how their relationship developed, with all those cute moments that made me all so giddy, so good for them that they ended up together, hopefully Jane doesn’t ghost him again for another five years.

Now how Jane acts like he hates air when he’s at work, but lives like that one middle-age woman who makes a wish every time the same numbers appears on a clock? Also like, do people still use dvd players? where do you even buy those? My Muse by Jimin CD’s just arrived, and I went ‘These would make for nice bookshelf decorations’ cuz I have no idea where to play it.

Anyway, Jane almost made me go back to my Khai hating days with all the yelling and making Ryan cry that he did. But I didn’t, cuz I understood how these workplace could be, and Ryan putting himself there when he knew nothing about it couldn’t have gone any better, so yeah I understood.

But arrgggg, did I just want him to act like a grow up and just admit his feelings for Ryan. But again, I understood he’s his boss, and he couldn't just straight up admit stuff (side eyeing Judy real hard now). But then, after I gave him the benefit of the doubt, he straight up disappointed me. He didn’t even fought to get Ryan’s rightful credit for him, just went and told the ex he’s disappointed then proceeded to ignore Ryan. Then ghosted him for five years, talking about ‘I’d have come back for you if I didn’t ignore your existence and pretended you didn’t exist.’ Bish, is you allergic to planes? Couldn’t you have taking one back to wherever you went, after coming to see him?

Sure, sure I was all grinning and went, awww cute when he said he wanted black coffee with no sugar as his mood and tone, and when their hands slowly got closer, and when Ryan wanted more kisses and he was like 'enough don't be greedy for my tasteful lips,' but eff that guy, always going for the silent treatment is not cool. But, I guess, he’s a bit, just a tiny bit better than Khai, so I guess, he’s okay-ish, and I’m glad he followed his dream and became a director. So, clap for him, I guess?

Also, like, am I the only person who felt like Jo, that company owner, always gave Jane backhanded comments, which was why he was always felt like he was in his shadow? Literally, nothing he said to him in the flashback made me think, ‘Oh Jo means well, he wants him to be bolder and more assertive.’ Literally, P’Jo came off as those mentors who sniffed out talents and oppressed them cuz they afraid the student would outshine them. Then of course the writers in the finale wanted me to believe he meant well. It might just be me though, but that’s how he came off when it came to Jane. To the others, he was so encouraging and helpful to them.

Plus, at the end of the day, none of the old people stayed to work in the company… soo… But, it might just be me who perceived it that way, but yeah, stuff.

Anyway, I’m okay with Jane, but also hate his disappearing act. Mfer out there acting like Houdini every two-to-three-business days. arrrg, pick a personality air-breather!

Side- characters:
They were a good audition, in small doses, but there was entire too much time on them. Though, I wanted to know more about Pie and Pah, but I guess, they needed that time for that dragged-out love triangle no one asked for. Literally how many times did we need to see Ba-Mhee looking sadly at the camera for being ignored? Also, is it just me of somewhere in the middle it felt like the rest of the interns bonded more with each other than with Ryan? Felt like they did a lot of things without him at some point. Oh well, either way, I loved them together and how they kept their friendship years later.

Listen, if you are going to wait until the second to last episode to give us the backstory of the main character, then why bother?
This was literally Jane throughout the series.

JANE: Me big alpha with a blowhorn, 'You, bring me the call sheet!' RYAN. You, cameraman, did I tell you, you can blink? RYAN! Your existence is a shame to the this company and your ancestors, go sit in a corner and think about wasting air. RYAAN! Arite, I'm sorry I call you a waste of space, here, let me tie your shoelaces. RYAAAN!'
COWORKERS: Damn, he's so harsh, but so confident and good at his work, cuz all the clients wants him, and we respect him but fear him.
VIEWERS: He's such a hardball, damn, that's one confident dude he's good at his work.
WRITERS: *in episode 11* actually, he's an insecure loser who can't stand that his first pitch wasn't pitched, and is secretly so insecure that he'd given up his dream and cower in the corner and live in the shadow of Jo who we have not seen direct anything once. So yeah, poor dude, he's so sad.
ME: *Bombastic side-eye* stupid.

So yeah, throughout the series , Jane was this confident dude who yelled a lot but secretly was nice, and lived like he was born in the wrong century. Then suddenly, he’s his shy, insecure loser who lost out in a pitch one time and never got over it. If you’d told me this in the beginning, and showed me this insecure side, I would have believed you, but in episode 11, it felt like they suddenly remembered he’s supposed to be the main character and gave him that plot just so he can have more screen time. It was unnecessary in my opinion and served no purpose other than to have Jane pull a Houdini and ghost Ryan like a bat-shit crazy ex.

A lot of people will find this drama boring, and I would too if I didn’t relate to it. It’s understandable, there was a lot of scenes with them actually doing their work, which many would have loved to skip or for them to gross over, but I enjoyed it, so for me, the plot was good, to get to see second-hand how the behind of this industry worked. This was the in-depth scenes I wanted to see from SunsetxVibes with their jewellry company that I didn’t get to see, so I was happy for this.

However, that LOVE-TRIANGLE, was super effing unnecessary, given how it ended! Literally what was the point of side-lining the leads to give room for those three and their boring arse story? At first, I was like, oooh, developing feelings for your mentor and are we getting a gl couple… ohhhh. I was invested, then they flat-out went the cheating way, and I was like, hell no, first of you’re a mentor and shouldn’t be doing that, second damn girl, talk to your boyfriend, sure he’s a man-child you baby but tell him you need more attention don’t cheat.

And I understand, having a boyfriend who regards you as a second thought is not fun, but cheating, was a no no. Not gonna lie though, I cheered and clapped a bit when Ba-Mhee left Tae for Judy. I was like. Arite, now that that’s over, where the doctor at? Someone call P’Mhok, let him know Day drunk the straight people juice. LMAO, yes I felt bad for Tae, when he was crying and sniffing, but deep down, I crossed my fingers for Jimmy to show up and Sea going ’Shiiii, P’Mhok, you are here. Let’s go home and eat?’ That would have been amazing. Yes, yes, I am delulu and still living in my Last Twilight high, leave me alone.

Instead, we didn’t get any of that. Judy pretended none of the blame was on her at all, Pah became too protective, good friend but annoying as eff even when he meant well, Tae mopped for a bit, decided to let Ba-Mhee go and take the blame for himself, only for them to got back together. Then dafug was all that runaround for? Wasting unnecessary screen time on them, when we could have had more Ryan and Jane.

I’m literally not surprised they were fighting again in the finale cuz of jealousy, like what did they think was gonna happen, imo trust gets lost when one person cheats in a relationship, so good luck to them and they wedding I guess. Can’t believe they got a good ending, and all we got from JaneRyan was sns messages telling us they’ve decided to move in together. meh.

All in all, I loved the series cuz I related to Ryan, but I wish there was more screen time for the leads, and it wasn't taking away by the childish love triangle that went nowhere. Would have loved to see more of Ryan and his family, how he finally decided on his dream, or how Jane got his confident back, although I still think he wasn’t lurking one to begin with. Would have loved a lot of things instead of the five year jump, but, this is what I got, and I’m sort of okay with it, since it actually concluded and didn’t leave us guessing.

So yeah, I wanna recommend this to all OffGun fans, but be aware they are more a second lead…so… I’ll recommend this to people who love office romance too, there were a lot of cute arse moments with Ryan and Jane that made me grin like an idiot. This is definitely going on my most fav dramas this year along with Unknown, My Stand-In, Meet You At The Blossom, Century of Love and 4minutes.

Anyway, don’t forget to lip-gloss like Ryan, winter is coming.

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Takara no Vidro
4 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
16 dagen geleden
10 van 10
Voltooid 6
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Muziek 6.5
Rewatch Waarde 6.5
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Taishin Is A Blubber Mouth Bumpkin

Okay, so like, we are ignoring that Taishin is a stalker right? Good. Cuz, he’s like the worse stalker ever. Homeboy walked up to the guy he’s stalking and went ‘ I came to this school because of you… do you wanna go hiking senpei?’ LOL, he’s a naive, adorable blubber mouth and I love him.

The plot of this show is nothing to write home about. Nothing really does happens, the episodes are short, and pretty much most people will find it super boring and meh. I did at first too, but this show grew on me. At first I was a bit annoyed and was like, come on son, no one your age is that naive. No really, Taishin’s so innocent it’s pitiful. But then he got me with his constant 'Eh and adorable-ness-ness.' Cuz how could I stay annoyed at a guy who’s best friend is a parrot, his idea for the perfect first date is Bird watching, and his favorite food is pudding. HAHAH WHAT?? PUDDING and BIRD WATCHING? Even his interests are bland. But he’s what he is and I accept him.

Taishin comes off as a village bumpkin who’s seeing traffic light for the first time. He came to the big city with a goal: getting closer to Takara, and he’s made it his whole personality. I respect that, but like, does he even pay attention in class? Lol, homeboy with his doe-eyes looks like he doesn’t know what’s happening half of the time, and he’s just here to fill space and breathe air. Though, even with how smitten he is with Takara, I'm happy he's bold and brave enough to speak his mind when he needs too. Which gives him more colour as a character.

I’m sure many people will found his naivety annoying, as well as how constantly he puts himself down, because he’s put Takara on a pedestal and borderline worshiping him. Normally, I would nitpick at it with a microscope, but I found I’m enjoying the un-heaviness of the whole show that I don’t mind it. And the two leads have good chemistry as well, which makes it even more entertaining to watch. They didn't need any over the top sexual stuff to make the watcher feel their chemistry, which was refreshing to see.

Plot wise there’s nothing much happening. Basically, the story is about Taishin who uprooted his whole life and moved to the city to go to the same school on a chance he could meet the guy he met on the mountain one time. Sure it isn’t as stalkish as that one bl character who collected the trash of his crush, but this is also a form of stalking. But Taishin did his with those doe-eyes and blurted it out so fast that it doesn’t really count. I doubt it would hold up in court :)

Oh and in-between Taishin trying to get closer to Takara, we see the man himself playing with some marbles and remembering his mother who doesn’t like marbles? and thinks he sucks, so he's dealing with that and trying to move on from her. So yeah, not much happening. But I did enjoy the journey of seeing Takara come to like Taishin to the point he felt possessive and jealous. I liked seeing him struggling to not turn out like his mother, and having Taishi reassured him that he'd tell him whenever he does something he doesn't like. They communicate in their relationship, instead of following the pattern of over-done misunderstanding trope, which again made me enjoy the show.

I like Takara. His personality is to look as nonchalant as a cucumber, still he’s there for Taishin, which is a green flag in my book. He’s not mean about Taishin’s cluelessness and is patient with him.

I'm not gonna write an in-depth of what I liked/ didn't like about this drama. After the first two episode, I decided to watch it for enjoyment purpose only, and just went along for the drive. So if you want some in-depth reviews, other reviewers on here have done that quite well, so check them out. This one is just me gushing over Taishin.

So yeah, if you’re looking for something deep, my brother go look elsewhere. This show is good for rewinding after all the heavy currently airing bls. It’s light, with a simple plot. And except for the two lead characters, all the supporting cast are like background props, but still, I’m enjoying myself watching it.

There's a spinoff apparently, so I'm looking forward to seeing these two again, cuz these episodes were not enough. I wanna see how their relationship developed after they both admitted their feelings for each other. Would there be more pudding and bird watching dates? I'm excited.

Anyway, I love leads that blurts out whatever they are thinking, whether embarrassing or not, therefore causing no misunderstand and our Taishin has no filter whatsoever, and I love that loser for it.

I’ll recommend this to anyone who is looking for an easy watch and something to unwind and not think too much. Give it a chance if you have time, it's cute. This is definitely going on my list of guilty pleasure dramas.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lovely Writer
1 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jul 31, 2024
12 van 12
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Muziek 3.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
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Never Thought I'd See a Potato Cry

Never have I ever had the urge to punch a crying person in the mouth. Nah, Aoey is now challenging for the most punch worthy bl character ever. His crying face just vex me. How you gon' look like a boiled potato and a fish at the same time while crying? Arrggg, I couldn't stand him for one second.

And the Dafug was up with that ending? My arse expecting to see the aftermath of the twitter trends, what became of that annoying crying potato. Instead they spend it with ridiculous jabs. I did not laugh once, not even putting Gene in that snow white outfit and having him look like a blowfish got me to laugh. And to think they made me relive Until We Meet Again!!

I wanted to see if the public accepted them or they are still split. If they found out about Aoey being buttshit crazy. If he grew old and alone like he deserves. If Hin's book became popular, so he can finally shut up about being poor while living in an apartment with a view. Instead the director used the screen time to show us that one random woman. (It occurs to me she's might be the author of the novel this is based on) but so what? I wanted a satisfying ending not whatever the eff that was.

And LOL, why was their family in front of the TV watching that press conference holding hands, and acting like they were watching a competition show and waiting for the host to announce the winner? Like, peoples, breathe, you already know the answer to whether they were dating or not.

Up until the last 10 or so minutes, I was vibing with this show. But I felt so dissatisfied and disappointed with the ending. Yes, the leads got back together, sure, cute, good for them, love wins, unicorns. But what was the aftermath? Arrggg, I hate when I watch a show and the ending disappoints me. After Game of Thrones, I told myself to read reviews before starting any show, but I rushed into this one because of UP, and now here we are. Somehow, I blame this on Ming.

I wanted to write a full review and just rant about Aoey and how he deserves to be punch in the throat, but after that ending, I can't even be bothered. This show has wasted enough of my time, not going to give it more.

Anyway, I'll recommend it, it's a good watch, but personally, the ending did not deliver.

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Lopend 4/10
Summer Night
2 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
20 dagen geleden
4 van 10
Lopend 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.5
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Better Than My Expectations.

The moment Phuwin's character said he could make a rainbow, I was like, 'Of course you can make a rainbow, LMAO, Pond, come collect your man, he's out here wildin'. Also, am I the only one lowkey shipping White and Ivy? Cuz like, they could work, right? no?

I admit, I did not expect this show to be good. Matter of fact, I went in expecting a lot of awkward acting, nonsense misunderstanding, childish overacting, over the top reactions with lots of cliches and to drop it after the first episode. Good to say, I was pleasantly surprised, cuz it's better than I imagined. Phuwin and Dunk's acting is waay better here than the bls I'd seen them in. Like, watching Phuwin in 'We Are' had me yelling 'Child, what are you doing with your eyebrows, did you take acting lessons from a block of cheese?' but here, he's not so bad. His character is supposed to be a loner, brooding loser, and he plays it quite well. Same for Dunk, when I saw him in Hidden Agenda I was like... so they letting everybody and their mamas be actors these days huh?... but here his acting is quite good as well. I like seeing how they've improved, hopefully they take it to their next projects as well.

Though, I'm not holding my breath when it comes to 'kissing' if there is anyone. Not sure they'd improve in that, cuz with what Phuwin gave me in 'We Are' I am sure Star would be better off making out with one of those footballs she likes playing. Literally, am still wondering what the hell that beside the canoe kiss between PondPhuwin was. Homeboy acted like he was afraid of lips.

Now, listen, Dunk and Phuwin could be twins, in certain scenes they look almost identical. But, when you look closer they could be oceans apart, still sometimes I have to do a double take. Anywho, yes, I admit again, that I watched this drama only because I wanted to see how bl actors are like in roles with female leads, and---I'm not disappointed. They are actually good. And the plot is interesting, the production is great, and it's managed to keep my interest. I hope the rest of the episodes remains as good.

That being said, the characters so far aren't so flashed, and remains almost one-dimensional. There's been no major growth yet, and nothing stands out much when it comes to the leads. We have your typical oh-so-special female lead with lots of achievements, who everyone adores and have put on a pedestal, but she's feels she's so much more, cuz deep down she loves a band only few has heard of and she's a secret geek with great skin, hair and beauty. You know, typical mary sues. But this one plays football and wants to be more than her mother and every sees her us.

The two leads fighting over her are also your run-of-the-mill cliche love-interests. The one who would clearly lose is popular, have a troubled past of being a 'bad-boy' and he's cool. Though this one is not obnoxious and it's kind. Then of course, the main male lead is a loser, but he's understanding, a good guy, and just the breath of air the female lead needed. So yeah, nothing different here, we all know where the plot is going, but I'm still looking forward to how they'd execute it. I have yet to see any in-depth dive to the characters. We got to see how Lune became the way he is, and that's been basically it so far, so I'm looking forward to see how each character will grow.

This is my first lakorn. I didn't want to make it my first, cuz I felt it's gonna be another high-school drama with nonsense misunderstanding that makes my blood boils, but so far, it's managed to not annoy me. Yes, the plot is nothing we haven't seen before, and the problems the characters are facing are very much what you'd expect, but the actors are doing their parts and plot doesn't feel stale.

- Jewel and Tan: The slow development of the relationship between these two is great. I love their interactions so far, and they don't even know each others name. I was laughing so hard when Tan was talking about the hardship in his life, and Jewel was like, 'Yeah, I understand, sometimes I don't know what to wear cuz I have too much cloths. CHILD! That's not...we are not on the same page! That's not even remotely relatable. He was basically like, I'm soo rich, it's exhausting. And Tan just stared like, 'now, I know this bish aint serious' skskkss. Oh, I can't wait to see how these two ends up.
- How effortlessly Lune and Star's relationship developed, and how warm they feel. Like it felt so natural and not forced at all.
- I wanted to throw tiny rocks at Lune when he rejected Star, but I understood, bros-before-hos and whatnot, still.
- How Lune realised her feelings and confessed without dragging it out.
- White deciding to adopt the loner kid and making him feel included, love characters like that. And also how he was like 'you took/stole my first kiss, help me practice kissing.'

- White finding out about Star and Lune. How is he going to take it? Would there be drama? Cuz am here for drama!
- Jewel and Tan getting together -- I can already see myself grinning like an idiot when they do.
- Whatever is happening with White and Ivy, cuz I lowkey ship that. Or is it going to be an Ivy, Star thing?
- Another girl, the ex, Sera has showed up, so I'm wondering how thats gonna play out. Would there be a triangle?

If you are hesitant about watching it, give the first episode a try and I'm sure you'd come to like it.

PS: This is not my final rating. I'll be back to write my full review with rating after the finale.

Fingers crossed that this show does not end up disappointing me, cuz I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series.

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Lopend 1/12
Bad Guy My Boss
4 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
2 dagen geleden
1 van 12
Lopend 0
Geheel 7.0
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

First Impressions AND Booty Call Appointments

Nahhhh. Nope. Dafug was that? I swear to gawwddd, my blood pressure could never be friends with Pat! Homeboy was soo pathetic. And dafug you mean Eris double booked a booty call? He has a schedule where he appoints his booty calls?? Nah ah, miss me with that shit, it could never be me! Come try that in my area, child, see what happens ho! I dare you.

And what was that random arse time jump after all the close up shots? How many close up of his effing shoes did we need to see? The camera work was just weird and all over the place. Also that boss dude seemed more like that one person who stands and open the door at a fancy/important person's home than an actual boss. I swear, they'd let anyone in a suit and a watch be a boss these days. And what the eff does the company even do? what they selling? contracts?

And did Pat help him build an empire in five years only to remain an assistant, a booty call, and the designated driver while he's out effing everyone and their mamas? No, Pat is sad to look at, he's so pathetic he's pitiful. Eris even made him a stand in for his dates. And he has to wait in the car while he's out ho-ing? Plus, after all that he have genuine feelings for Eris? Like, why? Literally, why you gonna fell for someone who threats you like used cargo? Sure, there was a scene where he said he didn't mind and felt nothing, but dude, you have a random else photo with you in the corner in a frame, on your bed-stand, probably taken off the internet, come on son, have some shame! Self respect Susan, do you have any?

And the sad truth is, it's not that Eris doesn't see that what he does hurt Pat, he does, and even knew when he was mad at him. And it also seems he have some left-over, inner struggle, perhaps misguided feelings for Pat as well, cuz he doesn't even want him to quit. But bish, after 5 years together, working so close with you, many late night dinners, if you don't know I'm allergic to seafood, imma riot.

Also, the story I wanted to see is how Eris went from complaining about Pat being 10 seconds late, and ready to call HR on him, to him being under him on his bed. Suddenly Eris doesn't look or sound repulsed to be breathing the same as Pat and they are eff-buddies-by-appointment. I hope we get a flashback to how it all started, it would be nice. That time jump literally after 1 scene was rubbish. The director and editors might have thought they ate with that, but my arse was staring like... pack it up and bring it back Sharon, you've done nothing impressive enough to time jump.

That being said. I AM GOING TO ENJOY THIS SHOW sooo verrry much. We have a pathetic lead with zero percent self-respect, who is going to make me yell at my screen at how much I wanna slap him with a rubber chicken. I'm gonna enjoy all the hurt, the nonsense, me rolling my eyes and shaking my head, all the cringe dialogue, stupid romantic gestures and judge him through my screen. Is it going to be cringy, awkward and super nonsense, probably, but we love drama and red flags in this house, so sign me the eff up, I am seated for this show!! Would it probably disappoint me, probably, would it be a waste of my time, probably, but still, am in. And lowkey holding my breath that it ends up surprising me.

I am looking forward to learning more about the characters and to see how they develop, hopefully. I hope we get to see flashbacks of how these whole thing started, and learn just what this company does. I'm also looking forward to how these two would find common ground and end up together, cuz obviously, they're probably gonna end up together, and Pat is going to pretend Eris isn't a man-ho who treated him like used slippers. And of course the what-the-eff-is-even-going-on drama that's to come. Ooof, I can't wait!

Anyway, if you're looking for some dramatic arse show that's probably gonna make you want to reach into the screen and slap yourself a lead, then this show is for you. Grab some popcorn cuz we've got a red flag and a lead who is sort of colorblind, it can only be a fun ride from here.

AN: This is NOT my final rating or review, just my first impression, I'll return to do a full review after the final episode. Anyway, we are starting with 7 stars and neutral ratings, then we'd see whether we go up or down from here.

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