The story revolves around the owner of a convenience store, Choi Dae-hyun, and his employee, Jung Saet-byul. At first, Dae-hyun was reluctant to hire Saet-byul, because 3 years before, she met Saet-byul with her friends, asking him to buy them cigarettes. Thus, Dae-hyun saw Saet-byul as a troublemaker. But instead of buying Saet-byul and her friends’ cigarettes, he bought her candies.
If you want a light drama, that would make you laugh and be inspired at the same time, this is the best series for you. The story was simple. It was not the usual K-drama full of twists and turns, rather it shows the authenticity of life. It shows that life is not easy, but we must go on and live to the fullest. It also shows the different values of various people based on how they grew up.
Jung Saet-byul and Choi-Dae hyun are both admirable characters. Saet-byul, though a reckless and troublesome teenager before, grew up to be an independent and hardworking lady. She perseveres and always puts others first before herself. She puts actions into words and knows what she’s fighting for, despite being at the disadvantage. On the other hand, Dae-hyun is the embodiment of a good person, trying to make ends meet. He is very honest, handsome, humble, and a good son to his parents. Despite, being virtuous and handsome, he lacks the confidence and courageousness to be himself.
Overall, the series was great. However, despite being a rom-com drama, the romance between Saet-byul and Dae-Hyun was lacking. There should have been more time for romance between the two of them. Dae-hyun should look at Saet-byul more as a woman, rather than a subordinate or an employee.
If you want a light drama, that would make you laugh and be inspired at the same time, this is the best series for you. The story was simple. It was not the usual K-drama full of twists and turns, rather it shows the authenticity of life. It shows that life is not easy, but we must go on and live to the fullest. It also shows the different values of various people based on how they grew up.
Jung Saet-byul and Choi-Dae hyun are both admirable characters. Saet-byul, though a reckless and troublesome teenager before, grew up to be an independent and hardworking lady. She perseveres and always puts others first before herself. She puts actions into words and knows what she’s fighting for, despite being at the disadvantage. On the other hand, Dae-hyun is the embodiment of a good person, trying to make ends meet. He is very honest, handsome, humble, and a good son to his parents. Despite, being virtuous and handsome, he lacks the confidence and courageousness to be himself.
Overall, the series was great. However, despite being a rom-com drama, the romance between Saet-byul and Dae-Hyun was lacking. There should have been more time for romance between the two of them. Dae-hyun should look at Saet-byul more as a woman, rather than a subordinate or an employee.
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