COUNTRIES: general GENRES: [mostly] romance DESCRIPTION: compilation of great dramas that has any of the following: amazing chemistry,…
COUNTRIES: korea | china | japan GENRES: mixed DESCRIPTION: compilation of dramas i enjoyed and loved so much. all of these received high…
COUNTRIES: general DESCRIPTION: all of these actresses tugged my heart and blew my mind. some may not be "one of the best" in terms…
COUNTRIES: korea | china GENRES: romance | comedy | melodrama | historical | action | psychological DESCRIPTION: good quality and highly…
COUNTRIES: [mostly] korea DESCRIPTION: all of these actors tugged my heart and blew my mind. it's likely that i either recently just discovered…
COUNTRIES: general DESCRIPTION: i don't have anything against these actors/actresses personally but i noticed that i usually end up hating…
COUNTRIES: general GENRES: mixed DESCRIPTION: good quality and highly recommended movies that are all precious to my heart, may it be because i…
COUNTRIES: general DESCRIPTION: these actors are not exactly the best in terms of acting (except for some) but, they were the ones I instantly…
COUNTRIES: general DESCRIPTION: all of these actors tugged my heart and blew my mind. they deserve all the success they got and definitely…