A slow, slice of life story revolving around an estranged husband's and father's funeral. The funeral brings up old grievances and guilt. The mother must not only come to terms with her unfinished emotions for the man who left her but also deal with her three daughters' sense of loss and pain. Throw in a mistress, illness, divorces, family secrets, resentments, and Karaoke cab and there is enough to fill a drama much less a two hour movie.
For me there were too many characters and too many conflicts to fully connect with many of the characters. I enjoyed it but I didn't love it and likely would not visit this group of dysfunctional people again. Bittersweet and heart-warming at the same time, Big Little Women at least gave us a largely female cast and shined a light on the complicated female relationships and strengths within a family.
For me there were too many characters and too many conflicts to fully connect with many of the characters. I enjoyed it but I didn't love it and likely would not visit this group of dysfunctional people again. Bittersweet and heart-warming at the same time, Big Little Women at least gave us a largely female cast and shined a light on the complicated female relationships and strengths within a family.
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