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aug 17, 2012

2nd Lead Syndrome

I'm totally getting 2nd lead syndrome. If Souhei meant to be the main and Hayato the 2nd lead, then I'm doomed. Hopefully this drama will keep making us guess who Miku is going to end up with, but my vote right now if for Hayato. He's soooo cute!!!! I didn't like him at first because he seemed like a player, but after he opened up and the different sides of him were shown, I've totally fallen for him.

Souhei, I liked him at first, but now I'm not sure exactly what to feel. He's a sweet guy, but he seems kinda close-minded and oblivious to what's going around him. He still seems to think everything and everyone is the same since Middle School.

Miyuki as always is annoying, it was Kou's birthday and yet she was still being selfish because of her insecurities. Get over yourself, you have a cute boyfriend who obviously is dedicated to you. Don't ruin other people's happiness.

THE ENDING!! THE PREVIEW!!!! OMG!!! I totally wish it was next week already!! The preview for the next episode seemed AWESOME!!!

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aug 14, 2012

Ummm He's Married....

That is going to irk me. Dude's married...WTF! Even if they aren't registered yet, he still said his freaking vows and went through the ceremony. IDGAF if he married her for reasons other than love, his wife seems like a really sweet person. That really is a turn-off for me. I couldn't even get into the main couple in the end of this episode, because I kept thinking about his poor wife in the surgery room. And honestly I was kinda bored throughout this whole episode except for when the 3 uncles were there. I think the 3 uncles are going to be my favorite part of this drama, they are too cute and funny. I guess I'll keep watching, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to stomach 16 episodes of a ass who cheats on his wife.

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Omo!! Dark Secrets Finally Revealed!!

I knew it... I knew it was some sort of hereditary disease making Seok Hyun act so cold and unloving and making him say he doesn't want to get married and have kids. Oh drama why did you have to be so cliche. Whatevs, I'll go with the flow. But I really like Ji Hoon. A LOT. I love Yeol Mae and Ji Hoon as a couple, they are so cute together, but I don't feel the same amount of chemistry between them as I feel between Yeol Mae and Seok Hyun. And that plays a big role in who I really want Yeol Mae to end up with. I was Team Ji Hoon, but I'm starting to switch back over to Seok Hyun not out of sympathy but because she has more chemistry with him and they know each other really well, and come on who doesn't want their first love to be their one and only love. But its really hard to choose because they both are great men, at least when Seok Hyun chooses to show his emotions he is.

Ahh so Ji Hee and Mr. Nosy are finally dating!! They are too cute as a couple!!!

I wanted to see a bit more of Jae Kyung and her lover's relationship because their story is really interesting. Also her lover is really really really cute/hot.

The previews indicate Yeol Mae goes back to Seok Hyun... at this point I can't predict at all who she will end up with. I like that about this drama. It isn't too predictable.

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jul 27, 2012

Head hurts so much!

I'm so confused as to which guy I like better. My stance on Team Ji Hoon is shaking, crumbling, falling because of Seok Hyun. I really like Ji Hoon, I do. I love Yeol Mae's relationship with him, its sweet and what every girl wants in a guy, but I'm not feeling the chemistry. While when Seok Hyun grabbed Yeol Mae's wrist, the chemistry was sparking. I think its the fact that Seok Hyun and Yeol Mae grew up together, they act more like lovers even when they say they're just friends. I love Ji Hoon and want a guy just like him, but with Yeol Mae, at least for me it isn't working. But I'm pretty convinced Seok Hyun has a terminal illness or something now, which kinda pisses me off cause that's such a cliche.

Awww Ji Hee and Mr. Nosy!! Too Cute!! At first I thought they were dating and I was like WHAT!! When did this happen??!! But they aren't dating yet... hopefully next episode, but Mr. Nosy def likes Ji Hee, he practically admitted it to himself.

Aw Jae Kyung and her lover, so cute! But they need to stop being so stubborn and find a mid-way point.

The ending.... oooooo.... Seok Hyun are you finally letting your feelings pour out and fighting back!! Can't wait for this battle!!

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jul 16, 2012

That annoying couple.

So Souhei and Miyuki are that couple... you know the one. That one couple that just annoys you because they seem too perfect and too happy. Honestly I don't know why but they annoy me together. Actually Miyuki's character annoys me. She's a typical damsel in distress. She doesn't stand up for herself and all she has going for her in her life is her boyfriend. I may be being a bit harsh but her character grates on me for some reason. Oh and if Souhei and Miyuki have been going out for like 3 years, why do they act like a couple that just got together?

I think I like Hayato (I think that's his name, Souhei's friend) more. Sure he may have girls going after him but at least he's not leading them on. But him kissing Miku at the end was so unexpected but sweet at the same time. I like him.

Miku for now is a neutral character for me, I don't hate her but I don't entirely like her either. She seems like a decent girl because she doesn't want to get in the way of Souhei's relationship, but on the other hand she's a coward afraid to voice her feelings and thoughts. But I do like that the drama writes her thoughts out using the Japanese characters rather than just using voice-overs to express her thoughts. It's clever and unique. Shows her meekness.

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jul 16, 2012

Favorite Episode ever!

I'm giving this is a 10 for one reason only. Daoming Si's cuteness overload. I think I'm going to rewatch this episode and this episode only when I finish this drama and start to miss it. He is just too cute. His dance, his smile, his shyness.

I guess Vanness's dancing and "Ohhh gonnna get some tonight" made it an awesome episode as well.

And lets not forget the kiss.... oh if you don't want him Shancai, I'll gladly take Daoming Si off of your hands for you.
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jul 11, 2012

Way to Break a Girl's Heart

Ahh I was so mad at Seok Hyun in this episode. He obviously loves Yeol Mae from his voiceover but he has some sort of secret. Don't tell me he has a terminal illness. If he does, I'm going to pull my hair out. But I'm already starting to feel bad for Ji Hoo. If this turns out to be a drama where Yeol Mae uses Ji Hoo to get back at Seok Hyun for dumping her and then when Seok Hyun finally confesses she dumps Ji Hoo, I'll be pissed. Ji Hoo does not deserve that and that'll make Yeol Mae a bad person. I don't think Yeol Mae is a bad person so hopefully that doesn't happen. Hopefully she loves Ji Hoo as well, and in the end she'll have to pick who she loves more, that will portray her character in a better light. Mr. Nosy is back!! He tells Ji Hee to dump her bf and I was like oooo why so you can date her??!! He likes herr!!! Jae Kyung's story is a lot more interesting now. I love her boldness and how well she handles her situation. Oh the end had me squeeeling!!!!! Ji Hoo loves Yeol Mae!! He confessedd!!! At least we have one man who knows how to confess his feelings to a girl.

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jul 7, 2012

So... Does He Love Her?

Ok so the ending of this episode left me confused. Is Seok Hyun admitting that he still loves Yeol Mae or is he just you know, playing with her because he isn't sure about his own feelings. See Seok Hyun is the type of man I'd easily get frustrated with, never showing his true feelings and always just having fun. Which is why I'm team Ji Hoo. He's such a sweetheart!! I love him! The coffee lesson was cute, where he was all like I fixed your heart. I wouldn't mind if Yeol Mae ends up with Seok Hyun in the end because they have amazing chemistry as I keep saying but I like Ji Hoo better :P Again the young film-writer girl annoys me. I agree with the Yeol Mae and her friends on this point, women should date men who are close to their ages. I wasn't all that interested in Ji Hee's story in this episode because Mr. Nosy But Cute wasn't in this episode :(. But Jae Kyeong's story just got a lot more interesting.

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jun 23, 2012

I love-hate this drama.

I wanna keep watching this drama but there are some characters whom are just plain annoying. Thankfully there are only two characters like that right now, but they get so much airtime that I can't stand watching them and I have to skim through their parts. The first character that I dislike is the oldest sister, she annoys me. Her hair annoys me, her attitude annoys me, and her love annoys me. She loves a married man. Sure he's "separated" from his wife, but he's not divorced yet. I really don't like women who go after married men, knowing that they are married. I don't buy the whole, you can't help attraction thing, sure you can't help it, but you can control it. Besides, the guy she likes is totally cold, I like her best friend more. Her best friend is adorable and she totally does not deserve to have him chasing after her. The best friend needs to move on to a better, more deserving girl.

The 2nd character I dislike is the President's daughter. She just walks in the restaurant with an attitude, and no respect whatsoever. I don't know what she wants but the way she's acting just annoys me to no end. I'm pretty sure she came back to Korea because her rich husband in America left her, so now she's in Korea to find another rich husband. She looks like a gold-digger. I also really reallly hate her hair style. It's awful, women who can't pull off the boy-cut shouldn't wear it.

But other than those two characters I really like this drama and the characters. My favorite couple so far is the runaway daughter and the staff worker at the restaurant. They are a Kick-Butt couple. I love how they keep coincidentally meeting and fighting bad guys together. I also really like the 2nd eldest daughter, she's funny. I like the guy she's paired up with also. Though he may not be a looker, I like his character enough to overlook that. My favorite is the chef, he loves his daughters so much. Plus he doesn't take BS from the President's daughter. I think I'll continue to watch this drama, but I'll skim over the parts with the characters I dislike. Other than the parts with the eldest daughter and the President's daughter, I really liked this episode.

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mei 17, 2012

Love This Story.

So I had told myself I'd wait a few months after watching Hana Yori Dango to watch this but here I am like 2 weeks later watching it. I'm addicted to this story. I was so bored for the past two weeks because I couldn't find anything that really caught my eye. So I decided to watch this because I really love this story. So this version has taken a lot of liberties from the original manga/anime. But then again it also has many things in it that wasn't in the Kdrama or Jdrama version like the talking bear. I was disappointed that Shancai's cry of war didn't come with a punch. I think that this version is a bit tamer than the other version. The pranks aren't as bad and the girls are obviously not the punching type. But I'm glad this one is different even though with it being the first adaption means that the Jdrama and Kdrama are different... I'm just confusing myself now. But now I won't be bored with watching this story again because it has different qualities from the other two versions. Can I just say that I loved the two girl's convo in the beginning where they brag about all the awesome things they have and finally the one girl wins because she has Julia Robert's nose. LOL!! Totally thought that was HILARIOUS! This one is just as funny as the other ones and I love the whole funky style they got going on due to this being an older drama. I LOVE IT! But Vanness, your hairstyle in this drama... wasn't your best... But Shancai is really pretty in this version... like too pretty to be considered ugly. If they mention that she's ugly in this version I will yell out in opposition because she is gorgeous. Excited to continue on and see what gems are in this version of the Boys Over Flowers story.

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mei 11, 2012

So Close!

Ah and they were so close to finally being happy and together for once, but then the witch came at the very end. This makes me frustrated. Yay the original Shigeru is back not the manipulative lying backstabbing Shigeru! She actually calls off the wedding herself and tells her dad to still do the merger. Awh happy ending, now if only the witch mysteriously died. Aw poor Rui, he was so mature about letting Makino go, he really does deserve a fantastic girl. And Tsukasa got down on his knees for Makino, I guess love does make one do anything. There was less on the Shojiro and Yuki relationship in this episode, but its ok because its not like the story dragged in parts, but I do hope to see more of them. Oh and the old maid is freaking AWESOME! I like this woman and how she stands up to the witch.

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mei 11, 2012

You're a Heartthrob!

Aw this was such a sweet episode. I really love how Tsukasa was so sweet to Makino's little brother. I was going aww throughout the episode. And to Tsukasa's confession to Makino - FINALLY!! Aw poor Rui loving Makino, I think he really likes her this time. He's such a sweet guy but he can't get in between destiny. I also feel really bad for Shigeru because it's not like she asked to be Tsukasa's finance or wanted to fall for him. The only thing I don't like is Tsukasa's outbursts where he hits everyone. I know he did before but he changed so I was willing to forgive and overlook it. But I really don't like how he just goes around beating up innocent people when he's mad. I hope the show changes that aspect of him.

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mei 7, 2012

Aww she loves him too!! <3

I love that this version doesn't take too long on the Rui and Makino relationship. I actually ended up liking Rui in this version. In the Korean version I wanted to hit him. Best part: the whole bromance fight/ bonding scene, sooo cute
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mei 6, 2012

Boom Boom POW!

Ok so I'll admit I had to skip through parts of this episode because I can't take sulking scenes and I'm not very good with fighting scenes. But this episode was still AWESOME!! Tsukasa and Tsukushi are finally together by the end... though I'm not sure if Tsukushi will admit they are together... it's confusing. Sakarako is found out... I knew she was evil but I still feel betrayed everytime I come to this point in this story. The storelady is awesome I love her character! The end...oooohhh it's gonna get good now :)
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mei 6, 2012

My Favorite Scene

Ahh my favorite scene, the elevator scene!! I loved it, but I kinda wished that it was a bit longer. Tsukasa is soo cute and hilarious. I love how Tsukushi keeps pointing out that he's stupid but is still falling for him. Ah that almost kiss, I fell for it. I was like OMG he's going to kiss her. He gets closer, closer closer... cut to next scene. I was so pissed off but it was a good way to fool the audience so I didn't mind that much. If I remember correctly from the anime, the next episode is where Tsukushi is dragged from the car.. ahh I hated that episode... anticipating tears.
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