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  • toetreden op: december 1, 2011


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To Accept or Not to Accept? That Is the Question.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS EPISODE!!!! I love how they all accept Seung-Yeon because they understand that she has a dream. I also love the fact that Changmin isn't evil just misguided and confused as to what he wants. We get a lot of skin... we for this show... in this episode. Jae-Ah's abs are perfect, WooHyun's Pecs are heaven :D. I almost died during these scenes :P. I love how Woo Hyun understands Seung-Yeon but he also understands that its not only him she hurt and basically tells her to finish this thing. AHH THE ENDING!! SO MUCH BETTER THAN A KISS SCENE!!! I feel like this is the kind of drama where the kiss scene will be unmoving and closed lipped so the last scene of this episode is soo HOT!! ahaha. Again I must mention that Ji Woo has a nice backside and I love him and his loyalty.

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apr 9, 2012


I absolutely loved this episode. My favorite episode so far. It was all about Xin-Yi and Cun Xi building up their new lives over the next 2 years. I love that this drama didn't just have a time jump and state, two years later. I love how it showed what happened during these two years. Xin-Yi is now called Elaine, so don't get confused. Elaine is girl I wanted from the beginning, a girl with a backbone. Dylan finally plays an important role and he basically helps Elaine come to life. I loved his reaction when he realized that Elaine rejected him. "In my years of pursuing girls, not one has outright rejected me by saying I must be joking" haha. One thing I'm confused about is, if Cun Xi still loves Xin-Yi is he still with Anna, or is he just helping her out. Hopefully that gets cleared up.

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apr 8, 2012

Cun Xi you Rascal!

Cun Xi is such a jerk in this episode! I want to hit him! Cun Xi basically uses Xin-Yi for his own purposes and lies to her. Xin-Yi is also starting to get a backbone and realizes when Cun Xi has lied to her decides that its not good for her to stay in Cun Xi's house anymore. Xin-Yi's sister is HILARIOUS!! She does become a bit annoying but she's overall really funny. My favorite part in this episode had to be when Cun Xi and Anson faked courage in front of Zhou and afterwards were shaking like scared boys. This episode aggravated me a bit because of Cun Xi but that's a good thing because it means that the drama is getting under my skin :).

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apr 8, 2012

The Plot Thickens... :P

This was a touching and foreboding episode. Cun Xi has turned and become the mean b***** found in almost all typical rom-com dramas. But knowing his sweet disposition from the first 3 episodes, I don't think he'll be able to keep it up. Xin Yi has grown on me, and I actually think she's really sweet and kind and nice, however I still like my drama girls to be tough and stand up for themselves. Hopefully she develops some backbone by the end of the drama. The most touching moment of this episode was the mother-daughter scene. I can't wait to see what Cun Xi has in store and how his plans are going to be foiled :P
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Sizzles and Anticipation

We get a lot more on the love line this episode. However Woo Hyun still doesn't have a clue that Seung Yoon is a girl, which is a bit irritating because she sings, talks and raps like a girl. I hope he figures it out soon. I feel that too much time was spent on the plot between the president and the Team Leader (who still irks me), that time could have been spent showing a bit more of the Juniors and what happened with them. I like this show, however I kinda wish it was a bit more like ShutUp Flower Boy Band where all the boys are well-rounded and not just the main 2 or 3.
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Ah see I knew that it would get better. The last episode was just slow. This episode though had a lot going on. There's a fan signing event, and Woo Hyun's past starts coming out. Also Woo Hyun is starting to soften :D. I still adore Ji Woo, but I wish that the love triangle that I know is going to happen would develop a bit more on Ji Woo's side. The team leader annoys me though. The beginning of the show I thought she was cool for letting Seung Yeon stay on M2 Junior, but now she's being kind of evil and there is no reason behind it yet. Hopefully her motives behind hating M2 Junior will be revealed in the next few episodes. Oh I Loved the ending ;). Overall this episode is full of romance, bromance, and awesome music!!

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apr 22, 2012

Continous Lie

Another funny episode but the funny in this one was toned down a little. I loved Joo Rin's dream in this episode. I also loved the hospital scene where she was all like I think the machine has to go diiiiiii for him to die. I died laughing. But ex comes back in this episode. To be honest I never really did like her because she comes back expecting everything to be the same and perfect and for everyone to accept her back. She seems to think that life has stopped when she left and now that she's back it can start again. But then again, I sympathize with her because obviously she had a good relationship with Gong Chan previously. I always wonder when I'm watching drama, what if we had seen a drama which details the male's relationship with his ex. Who would I root for then, the drama's lead female or the ex? Makes you wonder.

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A Bit Slow...

It was a bit of a slow start but I like the premise of the drama so I'll keep watching. It definitely is a bit more mature than my usual dramas. To be honest I didn't really like Hyun Bin's look in Secret Garden, but in this drama he looks hot!! Also Song Hye Kyo has to be one of the prettiest and curviest Korean actresses out there. I'm a girl but I can't help but notice that she does seem to have more curves than most Korean actresses. I like the idea of the drama and I love the actors so I'll keep watching.
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mei 11, 2012

You're Breaking My Heart :'(

Awww Makino and Tsukasa you're breaking my heart into pieces. I'm so engrossed right now that it's taking all I got to write this review because I really want to see the next episode. I still like Tsukasa's finance, it really isn't her fault, she doesn't know that she is getting in between Tsukasa's and Makino's love. But my heart broke for Makino at the end when Shigeru kissed Tsukasa. And from the view that the scene gave it looked kinda like Tsukasa kissed her back. Awww Makino, you plan to get Tsukasa back and you end up being stabbed in the heart. Speaking of hearts and love, that scene with Rui took my breath away. I was all for Tsukasa and Makino, but that scene with Rui get all up close and personal with Makino just stole my breath. Is this the start of second lead syndrome??! I love Shojiro's and Yuki's budding romance, I've always loved that side plot. Its too sweet. I've turned into a freaking vegetable for this drama. I'm addicted. Even though I know what happens this version of the drama makes me second guess myself all the time. I LOVE THAT!

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mei 6, 2012

Better than the Korean version!

I had previously tried to watch this drama about a year ago but I couldn't watch it because I had just seen the anime and the korean version of it, so I was getting a bit sick of watching the same plot. But I just finished rewatching Yamato Nadeshiko Henge and I wanted to watch another Japanese rom-com and I found myself here. Ok so I'll admit that the Korean actors are prettier but I feel the acting in this one is better. I like the lead female a lot more than Go Hye Sung. At least this actor looks her age, rather than 10 years older. It was a good first episode and I like the fact that it stays more true to the anime and manga than the Korean version. Also the F4 boys are really easy on the eyes especially Masumoto Jun... if ya know what I mean ;)

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aug 14, 2012

Still Gets Under My Skin

I still can't get over the fact that he left his wife's bedside and totally forgot about her for his mission. The drama tries to cover it up by making it seem like he needs to do it for his father, but I still feel so bad for Se Ra. The main couple's chemistry could have been amazing for me, if only I could get the image of his poor wife in bed recovering from her surgery out of my head.

Other than that though, I like the story its cute and funny and engrossing. I just don't like the way the drama portrays the male lead. Hopefully there is a point to Se Ra being there, other than just being an obstacle in the main couple's way of being together. If that seriously is the only purpose Se Ra has then this drama has some serious ethical/moral problems.

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aug 10, 2012

I Have a Bad Feeling.

So I didn't really like this episode as much as the others. I have a really bad feeling that this drama is going to end badly and not explain things well. I mean right now even I'm confused. Does Yeol Mae love SH or is she just staying by his side out of pity? I get that she realizes that he was important to her and she never really got exactly how important he was to her, but what does that really mean for their relationship? She seems pretty heart-broken over Ji Hoon as well, and to be honest... I'm not sure why. They date for like what a month? She's been with Seok Hyun for most of her life. Looking back, I don't really get how she suddenly goes from being crazy for Seok Hyun to suddenly just not liking him anymore. I guess I was just too blinded by the all the hot men in this drama to actually stop and think about the logic. But now I'm just confused as hell.

On a side note, I absolutely love the side plots with Ji Hee and Jae Kyung and I almost kinda wish that the last episode is a lot more of them and a little less of Yeol Mae's story.

Ji Hee and Mr. Nosy have got to be one of the cutest couples ever!! Just looking at them together I was like AWWWW!! But Ji Hee needs to get off her high horse, she's the one who wanted to have a different kind of relationship, Mr. Nosy is trying to do that, but suddenly she wants a typical relationship... Sometimes I don't get my gender.

Jae Kyung seems to be the only sane one, I get why she wouldn't live with Jung Min. She wanted to get to know herself without a man, she didn't want to have to depend on a man anymore to support herself. She's totally real and isn't afraid to show who she really is. Plus she has no trouble sorting out her feelings. And it looks like her and Jung Min are going to make up which is great!!

So right now the only storyline that is making sense to me is Jae Kyung's. Hopefully the final episode will make me less confused.

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jul 31, 2012

Don't Break His Heart!!

Aww Hayato!! I feel so bad for him in this episode. I love him and I want Miku to be with him so badly! Argh I hate 2nd lead syndrome because I think I can see where this drama is going now and it's not pointing to Miku being with Hayato :(.

Miyuki... annoys me still, but we can see a bit of her two-facedeness in this episode. I agree with MonjaElisa that Miyuki's unrequited crush was Hayato. But I think that she just went out with Souhei so she can make Hayato jealous. In the preview for the next episode it seems that she's going to get more evil. If she ends up with Hayato... I will be seriously pissed.

But I kinda want a more solid secondary character plot. I want to know whether the other two boarders are going to fall in love and whether Miku's friends will start to like some boys. I know they are short episode, but some secondary plot would be nice.

I loved this episode though, Miyuki aside. I love the bromance between Souhei and Hayato, I would totally ship them if I didn't have my heart set on Miku and Hayato.

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jul 26, 2012

Torn between two lovers!

I said that I was Team Ji Hoon, but Seok Hyun you're making it so hard to stay faithful!! You're a raging jerk Seok Hyun but you're so sweet and vulnerable on the inside. I can't help but want you and Yeol Mae to be together forever when you stare at her with those pitiful eyes of yours which scream I LOVE YOU YEOL MAE! I finally found a flaw in the JiMae couple. Yeol Mae becomes someone she isn't because of Ji Hoon. That isn't right. If you're in a relationship with someone you should show them your true self not try and fit the image they have of you. That's probably why I'm so torn between Ji Hoon and Seok Hyun.

Moving on. Ahh Ji Hee and Mr. Nosy!!! So cute!! Mr. Nosy def likes her!!

Jae Kyung and her lover noo!!! Why are you two both so stubborn. I swear this series gets better with each episode!!

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jul 20, 2012

I've gone Crazy!!

This drama is making me crazy!! I want to know Seok Hyun's secret soo soo badly!! They almost revealed it but cut if off at the last second. Do you know how mad I was right then??!! I love Ji Hoo so much. YeoJi was soo cute in this episode!! I was so so jealous of their relationship. I want a sweet, cute, hot boyfriend like that! Aw but I felt so bad for Seok Hyun. Na Hyun is right, just seeing him bottle up all his emotions inside makes him look pitiful and I just want to hug him and tell him to let it all out. I'm starting to like Na Hyun, she's sensible and though she acts a little mad, she knows hers and others limits. Aww Seok Hyun at the end... why do you do that to yourself Seok Hyun. Tell your secret already... I'm dying to know! What sucks is that there was no preview for the next episode at the end of this one. I was like Noo!! Give me a hint of what happens next!!

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