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Descendants of the Sun Episode 2
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Hanasaki Mai ga Damattenai Episode 1
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Descendants of the Sun Episode 1
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Star Road: Yoon Jisung Episode 1
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LOONA X Weekly Poem Episode 1
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Sim for You: Special Hard Drive Run Episode 1
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Idol x Warriors Miracle Tunes Episode 26
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It's Dangerous Beyond the Blankets: Pilot Episode 3
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Within this episode, we get to see the homebodies all become closer to one another, getting to know each other more through water volleyball and beer yoga, and have fun. They all get to show who they are throughout this episode, now that everyone is more at ease with one another, and everyone truly starts showing their true colours. It's obvious that they're having fun, that they're getting used to one another more and friendships are developing, and I think that's truly the whole charm of the show. To see the celebrities we look up to and love, and know that, they are out of their comfort zone, but they really are having fun together throughout the series in this small house.
This series ended with a really lovely touch, seeing them all together and laughing and truly enjoying each others company. It gives me hope for the second season, to see if those returning managed to keep their friendships, to see how they react to new people and to see if they've managed to adapt to not being as shy and awkward as they first were in the new show. This show truly brought about a new sub-genre to reality television, and it's a wonderful show to sit and binge through, and one I will gladly sit and rewatch.
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It's Dangerous Beyond the Blankets: Pilot Episode 2
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This was definitely the episode I was most looking forward to from Ibul Bakkeun Wiheomhae; for those who are aware, this is the Minseok VR episode, and it was definitely the one I had waited for with baited breath, almost. Within this episode, we get to see the homebodies become much better friends with one another, as well as beginning new friendships with Minseok and Jungchi, which are all heartwarming as it progresses onwards.
Watching everyone in this episode get together more, cooking together, being more active with one another and slowly coming out of their shells was heart warming. Seeing them all together, getting closer to one another and smiling, being themselves and such, all really brought some warmth to my heart.
This episode definitely holds a place in my heart throughout the entirety of season one, and it definitely brings a fond smile to my face thinking about it.
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This episode, again, had a little bit of a cringe element to it. There were a few scenes that made me a little uncomfortable and made me consider turning it off, and it's a shame. I was hoping for that to go down more than the last episode, but ultimately, I think it was around the same amount. However, the pure hilarity of Baekhyun and Sehun in this episode definitely made it one of my favourite episodes so far; I fell off my seat laughing at that one scene, and that is more than enough for me to rate this much higher than the last episode.
Episode 2 definitely brings around some more of the storyline, increases the hilarity of the series so far, and definitely ends it with a good laugh. This is definitely one of the best episodes of the series, and I'm saying that only two episodes in. This was brilliant.
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