A slice of life, coming-of-age film directed by Nobuhiro Yamashita (Linda Linda Linda), about a love story set in rural Japan. Hiromi (Masaki Okada) transfers from Tokyo to a small school in a rural village with only six kids enrolled. There he meets gentle Soyo (Kaho). Despite their differences, the two eventually develop affection for each other.
Since it is a slice of life set in rural Japan, expect a slow paced story, which captures the rhythm of a rural community. It is enjoyable to watch the relationship among the characters, especially that of Soyo and the youngest girl in their school.
Acting: Great performance from newcomers Kaho and Masaki Okada. Kaho especially did well in portraying a teen girl struggling to face her newfound feelings for a new acquaintance.
Music: Ending song performed by Quruli is the best!
Watch it when you're in the mood for lighthearted, tender, slow paced, coming-of-age romantic drama. I really recommend you watch it. It's a joy in the heart.
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