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nov 1, 2016

What is this show doing to me!!!! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

Holy dramas guys. I cried. I always had faith in Shi, but this was so . . . gut wrenching. Despite it all Ka Suo and Shi made loyal to each other. The power of their brotherly love is/was so beautiful. Honestly I'm not sure if I want to go on without it.

The Fire Princess has to have a plan right? Can she bring Shi back? My heart is hurting because Shi is my favorite character. I need him. The story connoisseur in me is impressed, but I want him back. Though this is a fantasy so who knows if everyone will stay dead. There's also this time changing red lotus that keeps getting brought up and hinted about.

Well Ka Suo has powers back. Maybe we can get to back to some of the things I love about him? We'll see.

Loved the whole reference to great power needs to be wielded by someone with compassion and honor. Shi may have doubted himself, but he knew well. I believe if things hadn't been pulling him down such horrible paths that he would have made an amazing King.

Props to Shi and his amazing planning. Flame could only dream/wish that Shi was his. Also, props to the Mermaid Saint for finally kicking booty.

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nov 1, 2016

What!!!!! Snow Whited and dumped in the ocean, and then that just happened!

Um. Wow.

That said shame on the writers/directors for bogging this down so much with flashbacks like that. It's really bothering me how much they keep using the same flashbacks. It could be argued that the flashbacks for Mermaid Princess are "new". But boy were they long.

Things may have slowed down after Snowblade City was saved, but boy are we running. We're past the halfway point and things are being revealed. Finally!

If Mermaid Princess lives all I can ask is that my poor girl grows up and gets some happy.
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nov 1, 2016

I can't believe that just happened!!!!!

First off I called it. Mermiad Princess botched that up. *sighs* I feel for you girl. You can't win for anything. This has got to be a huge wake up call for Shi.

If Ice Fantasy really has the guts to kill this character off I'm impressed. Though I do feel like they will then have a time warp thing and change things in the past.

Lovely wedding. I loved how shocked everyone was when they kissed!! Ha-ha!

That's all I will say it may have started off slow, but this episode brought it!
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nov 1, 2016

Enter: vengeance mermaid!

Well let's be real. Mermaid Princess is just gonna fumble and be a big FAIL. Though it would be awesome if she became a contender. After facing reality of her foolishness. She can't just blame Shi. A blindfold. Really?

Li Lou and Ka Suo's romance is progressing. I'm wondering why the Ice King keeps coming up with all kinds of excuses that Ka Suo can't be with the woman he wants. She sacrificed everything for Ka Suo, girl deserves it at this point. The King of Ice didn't really lift a finger, well except to point Li Lou in the right direction.

Poor Shi! I want to keep believing he will make the right choice.

Okay, so this blood red lotus thing keeps getting mentioned. Is everything going to go terribly wrong and then some how Ka Suo will warp time and stop everything from happening at the start? While that would be thrilling I always feel like it's unsatisfying. For one all that character development--Poof! Then there's the whole fact that it's the easy way out of wrapping up a story.

Well I'm off to cheer Li Luo and Ka Suo on in getting permission from the King and Queen to wed.

Crap, looks like it's already off to another "romantic" flashback.

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okt 31, 2016

Bomb dropped!

Holy cow! I hope Shi is just gonna break the Mermiad Princess's hear with Ka Suo's appearance. If he sleeps with her as Ka Suo . . . there is no going back. Oh. My. Drama!

Other than that this episode was sooooooooooo painful between Li Lou and Ka Sou. Can't she just trust him and tell him what's going on? Clearly it's her pride making her keep it a secret. Points for Ka Suo knowing she didn't mean it when she was talking to the Queen. Now we'll have to see if this most recent cut from her hurt him enough that he can't see past the pain.

So . . . there's an insane God that is on the lose. Probably the Fire Ice tribe guy. So fair they're really letting us believe that Shi is Flame's son. I still think it's this cray-cray god, in which it's better for everyone to believe his father is flame. Lotus is horrible.

The Fire Princess is awesome in the episode as you can see her love and conflict for Shi. It's nice when she's not constantly yelling. Holy, cow the Fire Tribe have over the top evil laughter!

I'm very curious how things are going to turn out. There are some big steps to take or turn away from here. Shi, I still have faith.

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okt 31, 2016

Shi! Noooooo!

Okay, so this episode would have gotten an 8 from me. The whole thing with Shi and his mother. Then the Fire Prince and Princess. Mind. Socks. Blown. Holy cow that is good drama.

However, the whole thing between Ka Suo and Li Lou kind of killed me happy buzz. Yikes, there is such a thing as going to over the top to make the star-crossed lovers suffer. We're to that point. Seriously. It's just too much. While I may have been intrigued by Li Lou doing that for Ka Suo and becoming the beast. It's already too tiring of a plot thread.

That said I am so worried for Shi. His mother is making him go down a very bad path. It scared me how easily he planned and worked against the Fire King so ruthlessly. Now he's killed someone for his mother and excellently wove a story.

Shi, please don't' become evil. The love you have for Ka Suo will guide you.

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okt 30, 2016

Halfway mark!

Wow, I'm finally halfway there and Ice Fantasy is still going strong. I'm convinced that Korean dramas are just stupid in making themselves boring. Anywho.

I love how scary things are going for Shi. Lotus is playing a very dangerous game.

I love that Li Lou is now the female beast! (YOu know the polar bear myth and the classic Beauty and the Beast story.) However, is Ka Suo really saved? Now what about his immortal powers?

The Fire Prince was so cruel playing around with the Fire Princess and teasing her about Shi. That's just mean. And shows how sick and ungrateful he is. She should have let him splat.

Overall I really like how things are progressing. I'm just a little bored with Ka Suo's character. I hope he doesn't have to be pitiful and tortured much longer. I miss the original Ka Suo. I hope he can get past being mortal and start doing.

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okt 30, 2016

Memory loss.

Burn for the poor Mermaid Princess. Though I wonder how she will go moving forward. Knowing that Li Lou was the most important thing to Ka Suo that he didn't forget her.

However, then he's hanging out with the other leaders of the Tribes and seems to rememeber everything. AND why is the Mermaid Princess never hanging with them anymore? It's creepy she can only hang around Ka Suo alone. (Yes, I know Li Lou is there.)

Overall I love the idea of the Dream guy leading Lotus into a trap. I can't wait until she realizes she has been out played!

Though poor Shi. He has all this proof that he isn't the son of the Ice King and his mother FINALLY kind of admits it. Yet, she still won't reveal the truth.

Now the Fire King thinks he's the father. Darn it! Quit playing with me!

Overall I like the way things are moving forward. Let's keep up this pace cause it was really starting to lag.

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okt 30, 2016

Brotherly love . . .

Their brotherly love was so easily broken, but in their defense it was easily mended. Though I'm really worried about Shi is going to react to apparently being the body that the dark mist guy can possess! Really they just need to reveal the truth. And is that really how Shi gets his eye patch? Lame.

Okay, so everything is pointing to Ka Suo having to kill someone to gain his immortal powers again. I want to make a note that when Ka Suo wanted to be with Li Lou he never entertained making her immortal really. He wanted to be free and with her by becoming mortal. That's character there.

So Li Lou's desert journey and the tragic love story is revealed! Apparently the Fire Princess has been looking for her brother, and has (maybe) found him. So at least that happened.

Lotus is pure evil and I think Shi is fully coming to understand that. Lotus should be really nervous that Shi's loyalty to Ka Suo is gonna win out.

It needs to be said that it's really getting noticeable when the budget is low and they're saving the real affects for certain scenes. Some of the panoramic scenes have been atrocious. It's also annoying how they're balancing out all the storylines. Yeah, it's a big cast and a grand story.

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okt 30, 2016

So it's kind of a hot mess.

If you really think about it there are soooo many plot lines up in the air here. It's kind of a hot mess.

So Shi is trying to fufill Ka Sou's dream of not being king and being free. Li Lou believes that she is on a mission to find a way to make Ka Sou immortal and restore him as king. The King of the Ice Tribe has sent Li Lou on said mission, all while trying to make sure that Ka Sou can become king to marry the Mermaid Princess and get his powers and immortality back. However, Shi can't be the King of Ice because no prophecy was revealed for him and the "7 cube guys" believe this spells evil. Because while trying to reveal the prophecy one guy was killed and everyone else kept getting injured. No one but Lotus actually knows who the real father of Shi is. Oh, and now Ka Sou has to win and become king because Shi will be killed if he wins.

While the fire Prince is still captive and is he still teaching Shi fire magic? Can Shi use fire magic to teach him his Ice Fire Tribe powers? (Yeah, am totally convinced that's what it is. The floating cloud of suffocation and doom is totally his daddy! Or has something to do with his daddy.) What is up with the Fire Princess?

Not to mention that while Ka Sou and Li Lou are pining away they're making plot room for the Mermiad Princess to win Ka Sou's heart. Come on she kicked butt! She sacrifice apparently her greatest power, and very important thing to mermaids apparently, to help him. All while last episode had no Li Lou and this episode had only a brief blip to develop her story. So this banished guy must have loved a human and did something trying to make her immortal to get cast out of the Ice Tribe. Sooooooooo both Ka Sou and Li Lou could become immortal together? *queue raised eyebrow*

Actually this could all very easily turn into a hot mess. I'm just impressed that the writers decided to weave such a tangled web!! I'm impressed and worried. Again I love that this isn't just a forbidden romance between Li Lou and Ka Sou, but a tragic tale of brothers who love each other. Personally Shi and Ka Sou should tell everyone to *bleep* off and run away together. Then where would they find their King?

On that note I was very happy that the Mermaid Princess won the match! Though I was not happy that she threw it all away and was happy for "scraps". Please let her character grow. While I figured the final match would go that way and that Ka Sou and Shi would end up having to face each other anyway, I'm happy. Sorry, the mean part of me wants to see that fight!

I also like how we've got to see the other Tribes bond and that they're friends enough to get over the fight/sides that the chose.

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okt 30, 2016

Yeah! Fight! Fight!

At least they aren't dragging out the fights or the time between! Yeah. I feel so bad for Pian Feng. He was too cocking and didn't even think that the Queen of the Fairie Cluster would ever betray his weakness. It was interesting watching the Queen's and Feng's past finally unveil. While I think the Queen and Bear do make a interesting couple, you can really feel it between the Queen and Feng. I'm kind of happy to see Pian Feng move on from her. Maybe add some love drama else where!

Ha-ha. I love that it was Luna who realized the two had history and needed private time.

The Queen's battle was interesting with her harp. I really want the Mermiad Princess to win. I want her to captiviate their minds with just one cord dang it! Please don't let it be a joke.

Li Lou was only present in Ka Suo's lips this time. (As in he talked about her and worried. ^_-)

I did enjoy seeing Ka Sou and King Shi's past more. May that brotherly love never falter.

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okt 30, 2016

What an adorable date!

Ha-ha! I love how we get too see them so happy and cute on their date, and just how cute and romantic they they are. Then we also get funny insights to how other people see Bong Pal. Alone. What's more moving is that he didn't notice anyone's reaction to him and his invisible girlfriend. He was in the moment with her, even though he is totally aware that she isn't there to others.

It's sad that Hyun Ji noticed more, but it's also because she worries about him.

Of this year I think these two are definitely one of my favorite couples. They have great chemistry together.

Overall I really liked this episode, the characters are so dynamic together.

HOWEVER. Why is Hye Sung still bringing evidence back to his office and leaving it for people to find? it's like he just wants to be caught! Yes, it makes it more dramatic. Yet, it makes it stupider.

Great ending and I hope they open the next episode with how people are seeing that kiss! Would be totally funny. I think things are really going to pick up as that cop probably isn't going to drop it and the Monk is on to Hye Sung.

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okt 3, 2016

I think I just predicted the ending.

Yeah, I think I just predicted the ending. Between the dramatic song's lyrics and what's happened thus far. Peng Peng was sent to the past for a reason. Not to mention the lyrics talking about wasting time and reincarnation.

There's gonna be a tragic ending, but if done right it will be beautiful.

Overall I think the little "bat boy" and 9th Prince aren't that great of guys. At least they have each other. 9th Prince's ultimate goal was to obtain Peng Peng. The throne was a nice thing, but he really wanted to win over his brother by obtaining Peng Peng. He tossed her under the bus fast enough. Not to mention bat boy in this episode.

Overall I felt the emotions. Though the stream search (ha-ha) took a really long time and lost some of it's dramatic nature. I hope Peng Peng slapys the Emperor. For doing that crazy test! Though Peng Peng would never have faced her emotions with out it. So I can't stay mad.

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okt 3, 2016

Testing her love again.

So this is Peng Peng's final chance. Emperor has laid out this elaborate plan to test her. 2nd Prince ha already switched sides. Now is Peng Peng's final chance to actually go with her heart.

To be honest I didn't really get that emotionally invest because I hate love games. If the Emperor wouldn't have originally shown Peng Peng that he wanted her gone this wouldn't have happened. Which I guess is why he's given her so many chances to come back to him.

It was interesting seeing Peng Peng figure it all out. I guess in a way she has chosen the Emperor.
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okt 3, 2016

It's her.

"It's her."

Wait. What does he mean? He already knew she was working with 2nd and 9th brother right? Or . . . what did he mean!!??

I don't like that we have no idea what Peng Peng and the Emperor talked about the night the "forced" himself on her. Or if they just had sex.

It's killing me! Just when I think the plot and intrigue is so good it spins around. Making me think that everything is up in the air. I thought the Emperor knew everything about the coo to take him out. That's why he crushed 9th and 2nd, and tried to save face for Peng Peng. He was wooing her to his side.

Peng Peng chose him! But then turns around and continues to talk about only honoring 9th Prince. -_- It' just a little too sloppy. I can't wait until the story makes it 100% clear.

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