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sep 24, 2016

That's odd.

So she still believes that the Crown Prince wants to kill her? That's odd for a "guy" he hasn't realized that the Crown Prince is totally falling for his Crown Princess?

Very curios to see if she unwittingly creates a rebellion to overthrow the Emperor?
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sep 24, 2016

A lot of kissing action!

Poor Zhang Peng Peng! Despite himself he can't escape the handsome Prince kissing.

A very solid episode and it's interesting to see that he did not kill poor green brother. Is it saw his wife won't be disgraced or something?
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sep 24, 2016

That song!

That one song totally reminds me of Lord of the Rings! I keep expecting elves and Gollum to pop up.

This was an exceptionally lovely episode! I love what the director does with the colors. Very stunning.

9th Prince is awesome. It's odd they don't really know who the mastermind is. Hopefully that will resolve fast. What did I say? Crown Prince needed to watch his back.
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sep 24, 2016

Smelly feet?

Smelly feet? I thought she just took a bath! The whole kidnapping scene was too funny! Best moment yet.

It's interesting that the Crown Prince admitted that he knew it wasn't her fault and all that stuff. But he still didn't really apologize. Now he's trying to woo her!
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sep 24, 2016


Yikes! Talk about failure to trust. Oh, and I can't believe Zhang Peng Peng already *waggles eyebrows*.

I hope she gets even! Stupid crown prince.

Hmmm, I'm very curious about how the 9th Prince will come more into the story. It's clear how 3rd Prince will. The Crown Prince better watch it.
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sep 24, 2016

Ah, the thought of child baring.

The thought of child baring makes is the breaking point for Zhang Peng Peng. Though actually I think it's sleeping with another man!! Ha-ha!

Really funny episode. I like seeing the Crown Prince fall for "man" Zhang Peng Peng. Basically what all these historical shows are saying is that the men want a modern woman?

Well I'm off to check, but I don't think Baby feel in bed with Zhang Peng Peng.
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sep 24, 2016

Gender bender defunked!

Ha-ha! I love that he thought the whole dress like a man, be a man thing would work! Not to mention him and that eunuch both cheering on the Crown Prince and his mistress to kiss! Ah!

I like that this episode stepped away from the potty humor a bit and focused on being clever. Love it! I also love how he's still into women. A lecher at heart.

Overall I couldn't stop laughing.
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sep 23, 2016

Is this a Scarlet Heart spoof?

This is totally a spoof on Scarlet Heart, right? Either way I think the lead actress playing Zhang Peng Peng is super fun to watch! Apparently I need to jump into a river and almost drawn so I can upgrade my model and get some hot men! (Though knowing my luck it'll probably be a downgrade.)

The colors are so gorgeous for this episode! I love it! But I am a bright color person.

However, I don't think it established much story wise. Like those women after the guy before he's injured in the pool and so on. It's a high energy start, but very bare bones!

On that note I love how when a guy is transferred into a woman's body he's got to feel the breasts up a while before finally panicking over the loss of his junk.

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sep 23, 2016

Ah, the cuteness.

The good is that Soo Hyeon and Jae Han are so cute in the past timeline! While I was very annoyed with Soo Hyeon having to be made weak again, I thought the first part of her confession was brilliant. The horrid bawling after was just aggravating.

That done! We finally get to see Soo Hyeon find out the truth and for the timelines to get to the point where the past will be altered. The past that we truly want to alter. For Hae Yeong's brother to be saved and for Jae Han to alter the past and live!! What a dramatic ending.


However, I never thought Signal would over due the flashbacks. Flashbacking for things that were just revealed! It added no additional impact except to waste time and make me bored. The amount of them felt off especially for a drama that needs to utilize them well, especially with part of the show being in a past timeline. It wasn't too bad, but I feel very annoyed.

That said I loved seeing Beom Joo grovel. Just as Jae Han told him, "I don't want to be a hunting dog that will just be thrown away." Jae Han understands the roles the powers that be want and how dirty cops will be used. Seeing Beom Joo fully realize that was satisfying. But very scary as I think he is the one that will do the horrible deed that is revealed at the end of this episode. Why? Because he has to get back into good graces with his master.

The emotional impact of this episode may have been slightly dulled by the overuse of flashbacks, but Signal is still a top show. Especially as everything comes together for the cliffhanger. We're now to the BIG plot arc I've been waiting for with bated breath. Oh, gosh!!!!

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sep 21, 2016

Everything came together so well.

Wow, everything came together so well. Something was off though and I will admit to be bored during some of the over drawn out crying scenes. Other then that it was a powerful episode. I would have been happy with a brief crossing between Jae Han and Hae Yeong. However, this is even better. To have had such an affect on Hae Yeong's life without him ever knowing. Simply beautiful.

As to not spoil it, I won't go into depth. But the villain is so dispiclable! I want to see him brought down. I'm curious if they'll go for a dramatic ending like Frequency where the past and present cross. Or if it will be solved in the past only. Or future. Personally I'm all about the bad guy. going down and all the people being happy.

I like that we'll find out who was the real Injoo leader. Wouldn't it be more terrifying if an adult had actually been involved? (Just a twisted thought.)

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sep 20, 2016

Beneath the stone stairs.

"Beneath the stone stairs."

As I've mentioned before (and maybe a few too many times) I am a huge fan of the movie Frequency. So the big "twist" was an obvious for me. However, I still admire the writer for building up to and finally revealing what happened to Jae Han.

This whole episode has been one I've been anticipating. Not only for Jae Han, but for the full story as to what happened to Hae Yeong's brother.

His brother's story is the sad truth that all justice systems to day still are corrupted by, that those with power and money can still get out. And those who have no money, connections, and means are the ones that will suffer. It's potent in it's truth even as we the viewers wish to believe that nothing like this could happen. Though it has and it does.

This was a fast paced episode that kept me at the edge of my seat. Here's to hoping the writer goes with the Frequency plot in more than one way. Let's save two more people!

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sep 5, 2016

This last episode leaves me very bitter.

Honestly I thought this last episode could make it up to me just a little bit.

It didn't. Yes, Seo Woo and Yeong Kook are cute. However, all the side characters are forsaken.

Not to mention how freaking drawn out Myung Hoon's surgery and eventual "reconcile" with Hye Jung was.

Sure Hye Junk and Ji Hong have a romantic ending. Since a while now they're story has felt hallow and has never been able to bring back the fire. So I really didn't care about the whole thing.

This final episode spent more time on it's long winded boring plot Jong Dae blowing kisses briefly to Soon Hee was like a slap to the face.

Doctors is probably one of my biggest drama disappointments of the year.

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sep 5, 2016

Seo Woo aYeong Kook are cute, but just let this drama be over.

Well at least one side character thing is going right. Seo Woo is finally taking her "chance" to redeem herself and Yeong Kook is her new man! There moments together are great. I loved how Yoon Do noticed Seo Woo had moved on from him and that she was in the beginning stages of love. Great moments.

Sadly I feel like the rest of the side cast has been forgotten and tossed to the side. All that effort inot Kang Soo and it was a boring plot!

My dear, dear Soon Hee. I am sorry that the writer created your awesomeness and then just abandoned you.

Overall things are finally going to be over. I'm very annoyed that Seo Woo's father suddenly has symptoms and a tragic health thing. Really? It's an old trope and they've already wasted it on the side characters.

At least it will be over soon and I can finally be left to mourn this drama and move on.

Not to mention how heartless that proposal was. How did the writer douse the fire for Hye Jung and Ji Hong. They have emotional build up here . . . . but their relationship feels cold. Back hugs here and there do not a relationship make. Especially since Ji Hong simply kept Hye Jung in the dark until she decided to move on and let him do it.

Yeah, strike two my butt.

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sep 5, 2016

I am curious as to what the Mermaid Princess's secret power will be.

I am very curious as to what the Mermaid Princess's secret power will be. Hopefully it's not some stupid joke. Oh, she tried and failed adorably! Or something like that. Maybe she could have a Siren Call?

I wonder if the Ice King really sent Li Luo into the Northern Border to find the cure for Ka Suo, so that's why he's delaying? That would be an interesting touch. But I thought they really wanted him to marry a mermaid and were settled on that idea.

Overall this was a fun episode. I thought Shi was a little darker when he was training with the Bear and Spirit.

I'm also wondering about all the Tribes. Originally I thought the Healer's were human. That's why the head of the healer's at the time ingested the Leaf. So they have powers, but they're not immortal. It's definitely been confirmed that Luna is indeed mortal. No one is making a big deal out of the Healer crushing on her, so Healer Tribe must be mortal. I thought the Spirit tribe was immortal, they're fairies! So that means Bear is immortal too?

Honestly I thought all of the tribes had to be immortal, I wish they would 100% confirm their mytho! So other tribes from the past? How did they die out, are they not immortal too?

I'm finding myself having more and more questions and less plot moving forward. With more questions unanswered.

I think it's brave to have Li Luo on her own adventures, but it's rather boring. I enjoy seeing how connected Li Luo and Ka Suo are even though they're apart.

Also, what's happening with the Fire Tribe?

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sep 5, 2016

Okay, the Ice Nucleus's look cheap, but are so cute!

Ah, so cute with the whole Mermaid Princess. It's odd they've decided to have Ka Suo and the Mermaid Princess bond now. But maybe they'll become friends this way. Which would be nice.

Whoever edited this episode did a really crappy job. The whole cut away scenes with the ice nucleus where really awkward!

Oh, and is it really only nine Princes can protect the fire whatever thing? Or have they ever tried with a female before? Judging from what her brother says and that the Fire Princess is the only female around I wonder. (I've also wondered about the bear tribe! They mentioned their sisters, but they never actually had any.)

Oh, and I don't care for Lotus at all. Any amount of pity that I had before is totally killed. She didn't warn those "teens". She killed them in cold blood for that blood!! Holy cow, she's wicked. She deserves whatever is coming to her. I can only hope that she doesn't take down Shi with her.

Overall the games the King of Ice is playing to make sure Ka Suo wins is interesting. Having the other Immortal Leaders choose sides is interesting. At first I would have said they'd all choose Ka Suo, but I felt like a number of them supported Li Luo.

Oh, and I love that Luna is in this more. I really want to have more Luna time. now that she's Ka Suo's body guard I hope that happens.

Let's up there's better editing the next episode.

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