Every Drama Series Serves its Purpose...
For me this one was the healing one. This is second ever watched BL series and it came in the right time specifically for me. So I am very subjective here. I loved every second of it.
However objectively it is well done in manga style, with silly moments that don't require top acting skills. The main leads are young Jpop stars and it shows right away. However the support team are professional actors that did not steal the spotlight, but enhanced overall quality of the series.
Cinematography and overall production is great quality. If you are in need of some healing series- this is it. Takara's smile, confidence and love will get you hooked from ep 1, and OMG Amagi! We are all a little bit Amagi in this world
However objectively it is well done in manga style, with silly moments that don't require top acting skills. The main leads are young Jpop stars and it shows right away. However the support team are professional actors that did not steal the spotlight, but enhanced overall quality of the series.
Cinematography and overall production is great quality. If you are in need of some healing series- this is it. Takara's smile, confidence and love will get you hooked from ep 1, and OMG Amagi! We are all a little bit Amagi in this world
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