Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 1

8.7/10 from 18 users
Feb 02, 2024
Ling Jiu Shi plays a beta version of the virtual reality game called The Spi Realm. He gets sucked into the game along with other gamers who have played it, ending up in a wintery… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 2

8.6/10 from 14 users
Feb 02, 2024
Bai Jie explains to Jiu Shi that they are in a game realm, where the goal is to leave the game level by finding the Door and Key. They must defeat the Ghost to complete the level with… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 3

8.6/10 from 14 users
Feb 02, 2024
The chief assigns them to make a coffin, which needs 3 large logs. They head to the mountains to chop down a tree, but get misleading information from the madam at their inn, causing… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 4

8.7/10 from 15 users
Feb 02, 2024
More players are killed, listening to the madam’s advice. Bai Jie begins to understand the conditions that make the Ghost attack. His leg is caught by the Ghost while peering into… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 5

8.3/10 from 12 users
Feb 02, 2024
Four players remain, and the coffin is completed. Bai Jie finds the Key in the coffin and hands it to Jiu Shi. He also knows the Door is in the well, so he drops the dead wolf in the… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 6

8.5/10 from 13 users
Feb 02, 2024
Bai Jie feels Jiu Shi is special, so he asks him to join his team, Obsidian, when they are back in the real world. Jiu Shi and Bai Jie piece together the mystery of the drawings and… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 7

8.3/10 from 12 users
Feb 02, 2024
Once the family conflict is resolved, the Key reappears, they open the Door, and leave the level. After opening the Door, Jiu Shi gets a clue about the next level, which is Fitcher’s… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 8

8.4/10 from 13 users
Feb 02, 2024
The team is surprised by Jiu Shi’s clue because no one has ever survived that level, so Lan Zhu decides to go with him. Though Jiu Shi doesn’t want to participate, he is pulled… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 9

8.3/10 from 12 users
Feb 02, 2024
The “master” forces each player to take a raw egg and take care of it. Three days later, they will celebrate the triplet’s birthday, meaning they must complete the level by then.… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 10

9.0/10 from 10 users
Feb 02, 2024
Tang Yao Yao from another organization breaks a player’s egg and the person is killed. She manipulates another player to see if killing the Master will reveal the key, but they realize… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 11

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
Despite switching eggs, someone tries to kill Jiu Shi. Wanting to save Jiu Shi, Lan Zhu interrogates the triplets, and they learn why the Master is making them practice holding the… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 12

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
On the day of the triplet’s birthday party, Jiu Shi and Lan Zhan try fire against the Master, who becomes angry and chases them. They end up on the 7th floor, which the Master can’t… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 13

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
The players devise a plan to take the Master’s mother back home, but Tang Yao Yao has other plans. With 5 minutes left before the fog kills them all, they pile onto the time machine… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 14

8.4/10 from 12 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi moves into the Obsidian headquarters. Lan Zhan enters Door 10, as does the best player from a rival organization. Though Lan Zhan is successful in getting the clue and exiting… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 15

8.3/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
Entering the next level, Jiu Shi encounters a young woman who mistakes him for A Hui. She latches on to Jiu Shi to the annoyance of Lan Zhu. They meet someone from the White Deer organization… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 16

8.1/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
Lan Zhu, Jiu Shi, and Qian Li see an old woman grinding bones. She tells them a story of two sisters going to a funeral. The younger sister falls in love with a man and when they return… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 17

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
The tour guide takes them to a tower where Jiu Shi falls into a trance, and a hypnotizing voice urges him to jump off. Meng Yu’s real name is Li Dong Yuan, who heads the White Dear… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 18

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
The tour guide takes them again to the pavilion, where Jiu Shi and Qian Li see the mysterious figure of a legless woman dressed in bridal clothing. They tell the old woman that the… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 19

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
Li Dong Yuan gives Lan Zhu the Key, saying it’s for Ruan Bai Jie. Suspicious of Xu Jin, Lan Zhu spikes her drink with the powder from the old woman, and they follow her at night.… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 20

8.1/10 from 10 users
Feb 02, 2024
They are taken to the tower again, where Jiu Shi falls into another trance, and Xu Jin goes after him. Lan Zhu makes a desperate attempt to wake Jiu Shi from his trance and Xu Jin… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 21

8.3/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi makes it through the door but is injured due to Xu Jin. He spends time recovering in preparation for the next Door. Zhuan Ru Jiao joins their team, and Lan Zhu takes her through… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 22

8.3/10 from 12 users
Feb 02, 2024
Lan Zhu and Jiu Shi meet with Lan Zhu’s client, Xu Xiao Cheng, who is an actress, Tan Zao Zao, in real life. They join her at her door, realizing another organization is sending… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 23

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
The X organization want to recruit Jiu Shi and Lan Zhu by any means since they are not able to get rid of them. Xiong Qi tries to recruit Jiu Shi, but Jiu Shi wants to meet their boss… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 24

8.3/10 from 12 users
Feb 02, 2024
Lan Zhu, Jiu Shi, Li Dong Yuan, and Zhuang Ru Jiao team up for the next Door challenge. While eating at the cafeteria, they stop a student who tells them about the archives room which… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 25

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
The team goes to the archives room and learns the students from class 2 grade 11 are being murdered with their legs cut off. They wonder if it is related to Sako losing her leg in… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 26

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
Another player dies with the loss of his leg. The team goes to the archives room and finds a picture of the class with Sato missing and one student still alive. In their search for… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 27

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
They find the student still alive from the class, Jiang Xing Hong, who tells them who the missing student is from the picture. It is Satchiko, who was bullied by her classmates because… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 28

8.3/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
When the team returns to see the kaleidoscope, it is now gone. They look for another missing player who turns up dead. The archives supervisor give them more information about Sato… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 29

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
Lan Zhu and Li Dong Yuan investigate Mou Kai’s father, while Jiu Shi and Zhuang Ru Jiao trade stories about being bullied as children. The bullies take the kaleidoscope given to… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 30

8.2/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
At night Sato haunts Jiu Shi and hands him an another group photo, which includes her, but has Mou Kai and Jiang Xin Hong missing. Knowing she will go after them, they go looking for… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 31

9.1/10 from 11 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiang Xin Hong tells the team the whole truth and how he regrets not having the courage to stand up to Mou Kai and protect Sato. They head to the classroom, where Sato confronts him.… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 32

9.1/10 from 10 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi asks Lan Zhu questions about his childhood friends, but he claims to have no recollection. Jiu Shi finds this strange, but Lan Zhu tells him there will be more strange things… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 33

9.0/10 from 10 users
Feb 02, 2024
It typically takes 15 minutes to go through a level, but Li Dong Yuan and his director client are taking much longer than that, causing concern for Lan Zhu and Jiu Shi. Other players… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 34

8.9/10 from 9 users
Feb 02, 2024
Lan Zhu and Jiu Shi accompany Tan Zao Zao to her third Door. The clue is the Waverly Hill Sanitorium, where a pregnant nurse committed suicide by jumping out of room 502. No one knows… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 35

8.9/10 from 9 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiang Ying Rui succeeds in getting rid of Meng Meng but in a peculiar fashion. The team investigates room 502, finding a baby doll and red heels. Jing Ying Rui tries to switch their… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 36

8.9/10 from 9 users
Feb 02, 2024
The team realizes the sanatorium has only nurses and patients… no doctors. They search the 6th floor and find portraits of the staff, but one portrait is missing. They determine… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 37

8.8/10 from 9 users
Feb 02, 2024
Based on clues, the team realizes the Director has been hiding within other dead bodies. Lan Zhu plants the room number 502 onto his host, and the ghost nurse kills the host. The Director… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 38

8.8/10 from 9 users
Feb 02, 2024
The ghost nurse turns on Tan Zao Zao, who instead shows empathy and compassion for the nurse. She reminds her that she’s a good person who loved the wrong person, and hence, she… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 39

8.7/10 from 8 users
Feb 02, 2024
Yi Man Man is greatly disturbed by his experience with the last Door. He eats raw meat and goes after Jiu Shi. Lan Zhu explains to Jiu Shi that the reason he started Obsidian is to… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 40

8.7/10 from 8 users
Feb 02, 2024
Though Lan Zhu pushes Tan Zao Zao to get serious about gaining experience with Doors, she opts to seek help from Li Dong Yuan to get an item to help her through Door 6, which she must… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 41

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Another player had asked to switch rooms with Jiu Shi the night before, and now she is missing… dead. Jiu Shi tries to explain to Xiong Qi, but he doesn’t believe him. The team… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 42

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
The team trades info with Xiong Qi and realizes that someone has been using a frame to target Jiu Shi. They hide the frame to lure the perpetrator. They find a painting with 12 people… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 43

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Another player dies, and the team links it to Yang Mei Shu, who points the frame to Xiong Qi. The team realizes Xiao Ke died in a previous game, and a master helped her stay in the… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 44

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Someone points the frame on Yang Mei Shi and she must face the painter. The team sets their plan in motion, with Xiao Ke and Jiu Shi entering the painting. Xiao Ke distracts the painter… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 45

8.5/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi wakes up in his room in Obsidian after being in a coma for 2 days. Qian Li tells him what transpired after he lost consciousness in the painting. Lan Zhu was severely injured… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 46

8.5/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi must go through Door 3, but Lan Zhu can’t go with him because of his injuries. Li Dong Yuan asks Lan Zhu for hints to help him through Door 9, and he agrees, but only on… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 47

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
The team is in a village where young children are sacrificed as part of the yearly River God Festival, however, the ceremony starts 7 days before the actual festival. They find that… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 48

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Unable to sleep, Jiu Shi inadvertently sees Ms. Yu, the caretaker, patrolling the rooms with little pigs in tow. He witnesses the first murder, and she almost catches him spying on… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 49

8.5/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
The team investigates the ancestral hall and sees a tablet, Yu Cai Zhe, mysteriously fall to the ground. They encounter a blind, homeless boy being beaten by a guard. They help the… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 50

8.5/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
When they arrive at their bedroom, the baby doll starts crying. They realize someone has switched out their lamp. While searching for a human oil lamp, they enter a room that again… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 51

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
While trying to ward off Ms. Yu and the piglets, Jiu Shi damages the candle. They go to Yan Shi He’s room to take back their candle and see all the candles he’s stolen. The team… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 52

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
To stop Ms. Yu, Jiu Shi tells her he’s found her child and shows her the blind boy. This triggers a surprise when the blind boy tells Jiu Shi that the game was originally developed… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 53

8.5/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi and Wu Qi rush to exit the Door to save Li Dong Yuan, but it’s too late. Li Dong Yuan doesn’t regret sacrificing himself as he’s made good friends with Jiu Shi and Lan… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 54

8.5/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 55

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Xiong Qi tells Jiu Shi and Lan Zhu that Cui Xue He is from X organization. They enter the Door with the help of White Deer and they vow to find Yan Shi He to seek revenge for Li Dong… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 56

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi and Lan Zhu want to explore a path they found, but out of caution, they decide to head back, in case it rains. The caretaker takes down the doll and chants a nursery rhyme,… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 57

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi and Lan Zhu find the umbrella the caretaker used, but it looks old and decrepit. Realizing Jiu Shi has recognized him, a desperate Yan Shi He convinces his partners to strike… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 58

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Yan Shi He escapes and though he gets wet, he has a prop to save him. The umbrella was damaged during their fight, they soon find the Key is hidden in the handle. With the Key in hand,… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 59

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Tan Zao Zao asks Lan Zhu to go with her through Door 6, but Lan Zhu refuses. Though Jiu Shi offers, Lan Zhu shuts him down. Instead, Lan Zhu offers to give her practice through other… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 60

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi realizes that Tan Zao Zao just entered Door 6, so he asks the crowd to wait a couple of minutes for her return. When she does, he takes her to the stage to accept her award… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 61

8.5/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Lan Zhu confides in Chen Fei what the note from Gao Da Wei says but asks that he keep it secret from everyone. He wants to re-enter Door 10 to confirm his Door 10 clue, which matches… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 62

8.5/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Before entering Door 10, Lan Zhu takes Jiu Shi to see his mom and half-sister, but he doesn’t want to approach them. Within Door 10, there are boxes that are empty, filled with a… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 63

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
One of the players finds the Devil’s mouth, which tries to trick Jiu Shi into opening another box with a Devil part in it. The players restrain themselves from opening boxes but… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 64

8.3/10 from 6 users
Feb 02, 2024
The team opens 2 boxes based on Jiu Shi’s hearing, one empty and the other containing a number for the lock. The other players take chances by opening the boxes so they can eat,… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 65

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Sun Yuan Zhou finds a lighter but it can only be used before a box is opened. Lan Zhan tests Yuan Zhou to see if he is the informant. Yi Xie uses his keen sense of smell to open a… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 66

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Tian Gu Xue opens a box and finds the Devil’s torso, which will kill every player in the same room. The group of players finds the numbers for the clock’s passcode and Jiu Shi… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 67

8.8/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
The group confronts Tian Gu Xue and finds that she has the Devil’s right leg, coffin nail, and the instruction manual. They lock her up in her room and Lan Zhu takes the first shift… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 68

8.7/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
The team tries but is unable to save Lan Zhu from the collapsing ceiling. Yi Xie blames Qian Li for losing the scissors, while Jiu Shi tries to deal with the loss of Lan Zhu. Upset,… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 69

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi determines Xiao Ji is the other spy based on what the manual says about spies. He tries to get revenge for Lan Zhu but is overpowered by Xiao Ji. Lan Zhu suddenly appears to… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 70

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
As Yi Xue opens a box, Qian Li pushes him away and gets caught by the Devil’s hair. Sun Yuan Zhou is exposed as Yan Ba Lang, the leader of X organization, and his whole team was… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 71

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
As they prepare for the next door, Jiu Shi tells Lan Zhu to visit his family and secure their financial well-being. Jiu Shi gets a text from his mom asking him to meet and is disappointed… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 72

8.6/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi confronts Lan Zhu and is angry with him for keeping his identity a secret. The Obsidian team is shocked to also learn Lan Zhu is an NPC created by Gao Da Wei. He was created… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 73

8.7/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi returns to the apartment he shares with Wu Qi. Wu Qi gives Jiu Shi a different perspective on the situation. Lan Zhu will die whether Jiu Shi accompanies him or not, so why… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 74

8.7/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Lan Zhu bids farewell to the remaining Obsidian team members, and just as he’s about to enter Door 11, Jiu Shi arrives to join him. Jiu Shi ends up in his apartment and is suddenly… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 75

8.7/10 from 7 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi and Lan Zhu meet at Obsidian headquarters, but they are hunted by the dead X members. They are transported back to the previous Doors they’ve completed and end up in the… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 76

8.8/10 from 8 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi deciphers the last clue, the moon in the mirror; however, when they arrive at his apartment, Yan Ba Lang has found 2 keys: Life and Death. They all look for the Door together,… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 77

8.8/10 from 8 users
Feb 02, 2024
Jiu Shi and Lan Zhu enter the cathedral-like waiting room, and Jiu Shi realizes the significance of the number 12. Lan Zhu heads to Door 12 and he disappears, while Jiu Shi wakes to… read more

Death Kaleidoscope Aflevering 78

8.6/10 from 8 users
Feb 02, 2024
50 years later, we see Li Dong Yuan and Xiong Qi as old men playing a VR game. Jiu Shi is finally successful in creating Spi Realm. He enters Door 12 where he sees his old friends… read more

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Death Kaleidoscope (2024) poster



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  • Gerangschikt: #125
  • populariteit: #1953
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