43 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 9, 2025
17 van 17
Voltooid 13
Geheel 5.0
Verhaal 4.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 4.0
Rewatch Waarde 4.5
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

How the Easter Bunny & the North Star Got Boyfriends

Okay, Pond, imma need you to blink twice if you need help. Cuz, P’Hill had like 2.5 facial expressions throughout this drama, and one of them read like he was either secretly mapping out the exits in his head or counting backwards from hundred waiting for lunch. Also, in case you didn’t hear it when they mentioned it for the billionth time, P’Johan is going to Boston, you know, Boston? yeah, he’s going to Boston. BOSTON.

Listen, the year just started, so I wanted to keep quiet and go sit my somewhere without reviewing this drama, buttttttt, I sat through 16 (surprisingly 17) episodes of... yeah, so imma rant about it.

I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it, Johan and North made this drama. I was this close to given up before their story started, then I was like, finally, some meat on this dry arse bone. North was my favourite character, I found everything he did enduring. For him, I stayed until the very end.

The premise of this series looked good on paper. Four couples with four different stories, and a cast with leads I’ve previously enjoyed watching. When I first heard about it, I was like, sign me the eff up! Unfortunately, the execution of the story was all over the place, and I ended up bored and waiting for the whole thing to be over. Let me explain.

Boring. The story of these two started off intriguing, then immediately became boring. They spent the beginning episodes making it seem like these two didn’t know the other had feelings for them, only to reveal later they did more than friends did?? HUH??? So what was the whole point of them not knowing if the other liked them? And it was soooo repetitive, they kept going back and forth with their feelings like they was playing pingpong. Literally this was their whole plot:

HILL: I am not asking, this is me telling you that I like you and I'm going to pursue you and make you mine.
TER: OMG, North, I don't know what P'Hill wants from me, but I think he likes my sister Christmas Tree.
HILL: Let's go on a date. I like you, like a lot. Let's make out.
TER: OMG, North, I am sooo confused if P'Hill likes me or not. Yes, we made-out and basically act like married couples, but we are not together. I don't think he wants me as a boyfriend.
ME: Go hug a tree you Easter Bunny.

Like??? Arrrggg, they dragged the whole plot with unnecessary mediocre drama that in the end, I just rolled my eyes whenever one of them started talking. Just, No. Also how the hell didn't Ter know he was the guy in the face-mask? And who the hell was taking those picture collages of Hill in Ter's mother's restaurant during that time he was in the face mask? Man had a whole photo album as proof and I was like hmmm, how?? Hahahaha, alright, do you I guess. Though, I did like that backstory, it was so heartwarming and sweet. More of that from the beginning would have made some good difference.

Listen, is it just me or did Pond not wanna be here? I don’t know if it was the way the director wanted him to play the role or not, but he came off as disinterested and flat-out lost throughout this drama. Sometimes it felt like he wasn't sure where he was or what was happening, which made his acting stale. Very unfortunate, cuz he’s one of the best bl actors out there. Please, watch '180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us,' if you haven't, Pond was amazing in it.

Earth (Cooheart) playing a childish adult character… literally why are uni students acting like children? He’s a talented actor, and they turned Ter into a whiny overthinking child. And all the sound effect. Gawwwd, please let 2025 be the year thai bls leave the cringy sound effect and grown-up childish behaviour behind. Yes, I’m asking for a miracle, I’m optimistic, we only 9 days into the year, let me have this. Anyway, I loved the friendship of Ter and North, loved all their antics and conversations.

All in all, I felt very disappointed with Hill and Ter's plot. Their story dragged and became uninteresting really fast. I wish it could have been better. It’s sad, cuz these two actors had good chemistry and could have done so much more if they’d gone in a different direction, or they’d at least given them a better script to showcase their talent.

First off, yes, Johan is going to Boston, just a heads up. Now, this two lifted the rating of this drama for me. Sure, they didn’t have much going on, but at least their story wasn’t boring, and I liked North’s character a lot. That scene in episode 15 when he cried, I felt every emotion, it was such a beautiful scene. He was my favourite. But dayum Susan, did everyone and their mama have to have a crush on North? Also, did anyone else go, 'Kamol, come collect your man, Kim is out here wildin' when Ton showed up as Day? Lol.

Anyway, I loveddddd the chemistry between these two leads. I’ll argue that the second kiss in A Time of Fever was the best bl kissing scene of 2024, but that kiss in the cafe between Johan and North is worth mentioning. And their backstory was also so interesting, like how long Johan waited for North and didn't want to steal him away from his girlfriend. When North cried after hearing it, I was like, same Susan, same. No, these two deserves more episodes and like another season.

That being said, I was not a fan of the whole money playing a bigger part between them, kiss me and get so so, send me a video and get so so, my brother you like him, just give him the money without all the strings. And the part where North suddenly became sad and quiet, and basically unable to function because Johan went to Boston made me roll my eyes. Sure he missed him, and not getting a call from him made him anxious but damn Susan, y'all doing too much.

Speaking of Boston. I’ve heard astronauts going to the freaking moon talk less about their travels. Did the scriptwriter enjoyed hearing people say Boston, or like it was a big deal in their novel? CUZ, I GET IT, JOHAN IS GOING TO BOSTON!!! They mentioned it so much, I legit thought something was going to happen to him when he left, only for us to not even see him at the airport. Dude went for like two screen changes and like three sequence of North looking like his husband went to war with his left foot. Like??? Give it a rest.

The other two couples didn't have any or little to no screen time, so I'm looking forward to their stories in the part two, heard there was gonna be a second season for them. Though we did get Fah and Typhoon looking real hard and sad at each other for like a couple of seconds, so I'm curious to know what's eating them. I legit laughed out loud when Arthit said he got bitten by a piranha and all the friends were like, that's your friend. LOL, the way no one wanted to claim him.

OH, I lowkey liked Ger and Nao's side story. I kept screaming for Ger to just tell him, cuz dude was clueless as eff. Ger being in love was so cute, and North teasing him for it. Wish he was braver and didn't waste so much time pining.

The story was wrapped up nicely for the two main couples, so there were no loose ends. They both had their happy endings. North and Johan's mother being snitches had me laughing. The dinosaurs finally came around, so it seems the happy ending is gonna be forever and ever. That last scene with the Hill and Ter and the necklace was cute. Seeing the scene of the four friends together at their drawing club, I wanted more of them, the way North said 'huh, that's how your face always is?' had me rolling, the poor sleepy cat. As for the side couple, Ger and Nao are apparently going to Boston together...seriously, what's there? Hopefully he braves up and confess in Boston.

All in all, this could have been waaay better than it was. The beginning dragged and just when it picked up and got a bit interesting it ended. I'll still recommend it, if not for anything, for Johan and North's story, cuz those two did their thing, but that's like towards the end of the series, so you gotta sit through all the other mess. I am looking forward to more work from these four leads. Pond already have ResetTheSeries coming soon, so I'm excited for that. I'm always down for anything Cooheart, and I want more MaxzyBas, so I'm seated for them all.

Season two was announced so I can't wait to see the story of the two others, and hopefully get glimpses of the old couples.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 17/17
45 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 4, 2024
17 van 17
Lopend 0
Geheel 9.0
Verhaal 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muziek 10
Rewatch Waarde 10

Johan North supremacy

To tell you the truth I'm an all time fan of romantic comedy and this series is exactly the same.
I dropped the series from the first episode- not because it is boring but it felt a little slow- not to mention whenever there is Earth ( sry I love Earth but his part is always a little slow. only in the 1st 2 episodes. And nothing happens in their storyline either... They are already in love from start to finish) but believe me, you have to watch at double speed just 2- 3 episode and you will enter the world of romantic comedy. Guys it's totally worth it! 17 ep were not enough, I want something eternal!
From now on, Johan is my all-time favorite. His aura, secret smile, possessiveness- I was barely breathing when he put the seatbelt on North.
They have the intimacy chemistry biology and everything, even when they are just looking at each other. Like what ter said, I'm also a shipper for both of them.
I love how jo didn't even get angry at North, even when he knew north was lying to him (He is a mix of red and green flags- I love him). He is completely and madly in love with North. Johan is the standard. His character development and backstory will stay with us forever.
At first, I watched it for hill and ter, but Johan and North surpassed everyone, and they have all my heart. I had zero expectations, but it turned out to be one of my favorites. You have to watch first to understand the feeling-ITS TOTALLY WORTH IT.
Not to mention the director; he has done such a great job and he is also the director of Perfect 10 Liners. Now he's controlling the romantic comedy genre in his hands. Both are now my favourites.
The love for Johan is beyond words for so many fans, including me. We will always support you, whether you're seen as a green or red flag. But from the moon, we can tell you're a lush green forest in North's life. Thank you for loving our cutie pie.

The only downside is in the editing or screenwriting—I’m not sure—but there seems to be some miscommunication in the middle part of the series. Apart from that, it’s the best light-hearted fun series.
OMG!! Guys they announced SEASON 2.

P.s. If you only want to watch johannorth, start from the 5th/6th ep. But I'd recommend watching from the start to understand the friendship btwn the characters.
And please try to watch the UNCUT version, that few extra seconds of kissing scenes can melt you for sure!!

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
14 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
25 dagen geleden
17 van 17
Voltooid 4
Geheel 4.5
Verhaal 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Muziek 5.0
Rewatch Waarde 3.0
Deze recentie kan spoilers bevatten

childish & immature, boring and much too long

The bad news first: While we see four couples on the poster, there are only two in this "First Part" and man was that draggy. And we see a glimpse of the third couple in the last two episodes. Why do we see that? Is it a cliffhanger for the "Second Part"? Will we get a "Second Part"? This is a typical university story with highschool flashbacks. If we need mid twenty to thirty old actors to do such a material is questionable especially because all the actors are capable of much more (brilliant acting I mean). They all did the best they could with the script given.

The story is quite boring, one couple had lots of misunderstandings in the past and the other couple typical nonsense BL trope of an onesided love but of course the love interest had a girlfriend at the time. There is nothing more basic than this. The only highlight are the hot kisses of the second couple (Bas & Maxky) and very good chemistry. There is also a fifth couple which is quite annoying, but the finale implied they solved their issue - but there was no confession (I thought when Noa recording the video Suer would confess which would have been a nice touch, but no of course not). It was also a bit irritating that half the cast vansished after the first eight epsides and may be seen only in some scenes in the second half if even that. Did the novel also tell their stories over two years and one couple after another or did it tell the story in parallel?

So in summary there is nothing to save the series for me. It's still not even medicore. The cringe factor (comedic overactiong, childish portrayal of "Ter", overall immature in many scenes) overshadowed anything because it was in the first episodes which made watching this series painful. The first six epsiodes dragged on for ever, with not much progress at all. I'm sure good screenwriters could have condensed the story in less then 10 episodes or made 18 episodes for all four couples. If the "Second Part" also has 17 epsiodes it will be boring as hell too. Overall I am very disappointed. While you can watch it with 2x speed or lots of skipping, it's nothing you need to watch. But due to the actors this show is massively overrated. I upranked the show because of the nice cinematogrphy and the second couple, otherwise my rating would be even lower.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
6 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
23 dagen geleden
17 van 17
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.5
Verhaal 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 9.5
Rewatch Waarde 6.0

Not Fourever, maybe Twoever?

As someone who started watching this with a lot of hope and interest for Pond / Earth being paired together, I have to say I was truly disappointed with their half of the story as Hill/Ter. It felt very one dimensional and kind of cheap? The acting, especially from Earth, felt annoying at points. It was just too immature and kiddish feeling for me. And I think it was this sore point that didn't allow me to fully enjoy Pond's story / character either. Both of them are great actors, but I just feel like these roles were not challenging enough for them. I encourage Earth to tackle more mature scripts in the future, something that's a little more on brand with his age and level of acting.

I almost stopped watching this series, but to tell you the truth, North (Bas) was the single character that kept me going. I loved his humor and cuteness, which felt real and not overdone. And because of him, I was able to really love his and Johan's story. I think that Bas and Maxky were great together, their chemistry was palpable and I honestly just needed so much more of them.

Idk if we'll ever get another series with those two together, but I'm already sat for it if it is a possibility.

Pond's next series looks so much better fitted for him.

And again, I hope Earth one day ditches the school roles and does something different.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 16/17
21 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
okt 14, 2024
16 van 17
Lopend 3
Geheel 5.0
Verhaal 10
Acting/Cast 2.5
Muziek 3.0
Rewatch Waarde 1.5


the series is not bad at least to me tge inly thing that throws ne off is Earth child like acting. i mean yes it might if worked in other series but not when you playing a grown adult in college yet your acting like a 5 yr old. the acting doesnt match the scene/scenerio. but im still going to watch because i love my BLs just wish they would of casted sime else or had him step out if his comfort zone. this is something that will be beneficial for him if he wants to have more roles opportunities.
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
5 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
25 dagen geleden
17 van 17
Voltooid 0
Geheel 5.0
Verhaal 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 6.5
Rewatch Waarde 6.0

yes, cringe. you will see me again seated for part two lol

yes, i'm also one of the people who was giggling, kicking my feet in the air for johanorth but i'd say this is your "typical bad" thai bl. the usual bad writing, one dimensional characters and a romance that did not make sense haha, the usual cringe/corny stuff but fun! i'd just like to make it clearER that i had a good time but yeah, this was not good lol (but you will see me again seated for the next season pfft)

so first of all, i'm not sure i like this format where they focused more on one couple first then go onto the next. it's just not enjoyable to me but i guess that's a personal thing. anyway, both of the stories had that same element where one of them was already madly inlove with another even before they actually got to know the person deeply. and i just simply like it better when i see the development and the connection growing. it was so funny to me how the lore of hill and easter just kept on going? like at first, they used to be together in high school and i thought that was that but then oh, there's more? they actually met even before that and it was shown during the supposedly johan-north focused episodes too! in the end, it just wasn't interesting to me. both hill and easter don't really have much personalities too. now, johan and north? also bad characters honestly hahaha. as i said, it's the chemistry between maxky and bas that was making it fun and watchable but their story is also so ridiculous. i mean i would love a rich man too but again, an actual connection or just little conversation here and there, a couple of pivotal moments first would be nice before johan gives his millions to north. it's just that no one was reacting in a normal way in these situations but i should be used to this by now when it comes to thai bls.

the acting is just okay. no one stands out honestly. awkward at times but i've seen worse. they had your familiar tropes in here which is fun and silly but yeah, it's always the bad writing. most of these actors, i'm watching for the first time but i gotta say, they kept giving earth the same roles. i wish they wouldn't put them in a box like that.

anyway, yeah. this is bad but johan/north era was fun. i was entertained most of the time. see you in s2 lol

ps. yes i've seen some maxky videos here and there and that man is hilarious. very opposite of johan. i'd be interested in another bl with him and bas again but let's make maxky the silly goofy one.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
6 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
25 dagen geleden
17 van 17
Voltooid 0
Geheel 5.5
Verhaal 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Muziek 4.0
Rewatch Waarde 4.0

I should've AT LEAST liked this, but I didn't

You know what the toughest part about sustaining a good love story is? It's the fact that you actually need a good story to get the love stories started and to keep moving them along. If what you have is basically the story of how two people met and fell in love, you need to be able to tell it in a creative or down to earth and heartwarming way, but if the only thing you've got is two people falling in love, you have the formula for a very basic, two hour romantic comedy. That's not enough fuel for a 17 episode series.

Two couples, falling in love over the course of 17 and maybe 10 episodes, give or take. One couple's screentime starts a little later than the other's, but both their love stories started years before what we saw on screen! Secret crushes that spanned years all around, that Pi/Nong power dynamic which I thought we'd moved on from, and some really bad communication all around as well, at one point the two different love stories just started to merge as one as far as I'm concerned, I'm still not sure which storyline were for Easter and Hill, which ones were for North and Johan, or if every single plotline they had was just repeated for both couples.
After a while, it's a chore to watch when the same things happen over and over again, even if it's just a love story, you need something new to happen to be interested in it.

Of course, this was also in addition to not having any other character or storyline have any impact on the plot. None whatsoever. There were four characters in this series, no other character, no other plotlines. No friendship moments in a series that was essentially billed as four best friends, falling in love with four best friends, which also made me question why there were no side couples??!
Even if South and West and their respective partners from the Faculty of Medicine boyband weren't main couples, they could have gotten some screentime as side couples?? One of the four directions didn't even get to interact with his love interest as far as I can recall! And the other direction and his love interest just looked at each other, full of angst every time they interacted, and I have no idea what that was about. Yet, I'm somehow more interested in two love stories that barely got any start, because there's no way they're both just versions of the one here?? Right?
I guess there was one side couple, but again, they got around a minute of screentime together in each of the episodes they appeared in.

Just off of a surface level look, this is something I should like. I love series' that are first just love stories, but if it is JUST a love story, it's a lot to take in. Even more so when even the love story isn't written all that well. There were some cute moments between the two couples, but story wise, character wise, the writing was a miss for me. I would love to see South West and their love interests get a series, but I'm a little worried it'll turn out something like this, a swing and a miss.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 16/17
6 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 1, 2025
16 van 17
Lopend 0
Geheel 5.5
Verhaal 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 4.0

The characters and the plot

I watched this movie because of Earth, but honestly it's a bit overacting (a stark contrast to his previous roles). The other actors were decent, with more natural acting. As for the plot, it felt like a teen fiction story, with some details lacking logic and realism. If you're looking for a film with depth and a well-thought-out plot, this might not be the one for you. But if all you need is a lighthearted and uplifting film, this one works just fine!
Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
4 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
21 dagen geleden
17 van 17
Voltooid 0
Geheel 6.5
Verhaal 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muziek 7.0
Rewatch Waarde 3.5

Storyline was not executed correctly

Okay so this is my first time reviewing a BL because I didn’t know I could do this. My sister can finally get some rest from me forcing her to watch these and listen to my reviews.

Okay let’s get straight into it.

I made the mistake of reading the novels whilst the show was ongoing and that gave me high expectations from the show and that is entirely my fault however at the same time reading the novel filled in some blanks for me because the first half of the show had me confused.

So Hill and Ter started off strong in my opinion.The first episode was really good and promising in terms of their storyline because it laid the foundation. I was excited because it really was giving the one that got away but with a twist of the universe bringing them back together again and giving them another

There was issues with pacing.It was like a one step forward , ten steps back thing and I was really confused. Their storyline was giving just feelings that were not addressed. I get what they were trying to do but there was no reason to drag out them getting together after they had made out and told each other how they felt literally every episode.

Their storyline was executed poorly for me because there was a lot of disconnect during the back and forth with the past and the present and I feel like it got jumbled to a point where I didn’t know what was happening and it seemed as though Hill and Ter also didn’t know what was happening. Cooheart and Pond did a good job working with what they had but Pond could’ve done better.

Johan and North’s storyline was executed better.The pacing was good and it wasn’t all over the place. I loved the contrast they showed with how Johan treated everyone else and how he treated North. I don’t like the money in exchange intimacy between because Johan you already told him you like him and like is an understatement because you are in love with him so why not just use the acts of service as you love language without wanting anything in return?? I mean I suppose he wasn’t sure how North felt and maybe it was a way to get him to open up to him idk.

North was a really interesting character because he seemed like the kind of person to wear his heart on his sleeve something I felt they had in common but for some reason he was struggling a little to come to terms with his feelings for Johan but I guess that could be because he wanted to be sure of how Johan felt about him.

I think the Boston thing was a big deal to them because it was the pivot in their relationship. The time apart kinda made them realise that they needed to get a move on and become official. I think it also showed North how much he liked Johan and that the like had possibly progressed to love???? Idk I could be wrong.

I think some things could’ve been done better in the show but like someone on here mentioned Johan and Norths kiss at the cafe was fine beautifully and is really one of the good ones that I’ve seen. One of the things I noticed was the changes in the body language between Johan and North.

When they kissed the first couple of times, North was a bit stiff and his eyes were open however when he started to come to terms with his feelings for Johan , he seemed a bit relaxed and the eyes were closed and I think that was a good subtle detail to show the changes in Norths feelings.

Anyways I’ve yapped a lot ,it was a good show and it’s worth watching if you ignore some of the things I’ve mentioned above. I hate to say it but Johan and North did save the show but that’s not to say that the other characters are less important. It would’ve been an excellent show if the script was written better and the pacing issues were fixed.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 17/17
5 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 3, 2025
17 van 17
Lopend 0
Geheel 6.0
Verhaal 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muziek 8.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0

Almost great.

Production value? Excellent.
Music? Great.
Actors? Amazing.
Chemistry? Sizzling.
Story? Didn't work for me.

Every time I watched another episode of this show I tried to figure out why the story didn't work for me. And here's what I've come up with: It relies a lot on confusion and misunderstanding which can get frustrating. And some tropes are used that aren't my cup of tea, and to me it makes the show feel a bit dated.
I also think the show had a lot of filler that ended up losing my interest. While at the same time hinting at more interesting plot lines going on with side characters which never got explored.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 16/17
4 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
jan 7, 2025
16 van 17
Lopend 0
Geheel 6.5
Verhaal 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muziek 6.0
Rewatch Waarde 5.0

Quite predictible

This is for the ones who like a story told slowly, without twists and turns. I find Easter character hard to watch because of the acting style. I do think he is a good actor, maybe director's fault. He acts childishley and it is not appealing, quite the contrary. His reactions to P'Hill are quite the same until the end. Actually this couple does not evolve too much. What happens with P'Hills family is unclear as well as how it affects the couple. I do like the actors though. North is a much better character that evolves throught the series and he is more natural, acting more his age. I prefer him and P'Jo for this series.

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Vond je deze recentie nuttig?
Lopend 16/17
7 mensen vonden deze beoordeling nuttig
dec 31, 2024
16 van 17
Lopend 1
Geheel 1.0
Verhaal 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Muziek 1.0
Rewatch Waarde 1.0

I stopped watching this series!

The series focuses predominantly on one couple, leaving the other characters underdeveloped. By the fourth episode, audiences expected more balanced storytelling among the four couples, leading to frustration over the limited exposure of other characters.
Some performances, particularly those depicting adult characters with childlike behaviors, have been criticized as unconvincing. This inconsistency can detract from the overall viewing experience, making it challenging for audiences to connect with the characters.
I dropped the series, its
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Fourever You Project (2024) poster



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