met Laugarza, april 10, 2013

Episode 6 Recap
Hola everybody. This is laugarza doing the recap of Episode 6 for Nine: Nine Time’s Travels.

Episode 5 left off with Min Young asking Sun Woo what is wrong after he suddenly stops eating dinner. The sudden sound of the doorbell surprises both of them out of what was beginning to turn into a staring contest.
Min Young goes to check who it is and finds her boyfriend waiting outside. Sun Woo asks who is there and she finally admits she has a boyfriend to the surprised Sun Woo before going out to see why he is there after she broke off their date for the night.  Once she leaves Sun Woo notices that the Whitney Houston record is still playing and goes to turn it off.
Min Young goes outside to see why Kang Su Joon is there. He is very insistent that he wants to say hello to Sun Woo. Min Young finally leads him inside to introduce him. After Su Joon introduces himself, Sun Woo tells them to go out and eat dinner out as he is tired. He watches them leave from a window.
Sun Woo is suffering from anther headache and is sitting in his room suffering through the pain when Min Young returns. She finds Sun Woo still awake so goes in to chat about her boyfriend. She leaves after hearing what his opinion is on Su Joon but returns after realizing he wasn’t already asleep. He doesn’t admit to pain and instead says that he was so lonely he couldn’t sleep. Min Young laughs at this but Sun Woo explains the reason is because he didn’t realize how much he would miss someone once she was gone from his side.
Min Young is surprised to learn Sun Woo had a girlfriend and insists on hearing about her. Sun Woo says she doesn’t remember him so it would be hard to return to her like in a drama. She suggests they just start over then but Sun Woo says they can’t because of a secret of her birth. Min Young gets frustrated at his joking and so Sun Woo finally says he is tired and tells her goodnight.
It’s the morning of December 30th and Young Hoon is sitting distractedly in the park. His wife comes over and asks what’s wrong that he goes to church each day. Young Hoon asks his wife about the person they first met through and how it was Sun Woo’s girlfriend in 1992. Young Hoon reflects on how he married his wife and Sun Woo broke up with that girlfriend. He talks about fate and leaves for work.
Meanwhile in 1992 Sun Woo is inviting his girlfriend out. They agree that she should bring a friend so she can go (the friend is now Young Hoon’s wife) and Sun Woo can bring Young Hoon. He goes to talk to Young Hoon about it and Young Hoon asks him about the Christmas card he got dated from the future. Sun Woo admits not knowing about it or sending it and recalls how his mother thanked him for a gift he didn’t give either.
In the present time Sung Woo arrives to visit with his mother and has just greeted her when he notices the necklace he gave her in 1992 is still around her neck. Jung Woo and his family arrive shortly after. Sun Woo looks at his brother alive once more with his family.  They visit with their mother for awhile.
Sun Woo talks to his brother while getting a drink at a vending machine. Jung Woo asks for some change for a drink. As they talk Sun Woo remembers the last time he saw his brother and when Jung Woo is insisting on setting up an appointment to check out Sun Woo he accidently spills his drink.
When Jung Woo lifts his shirt cuff Sun Woo sees needle marks in his arm.
They leave the hospital shortly after to pay respects at their father’s memorial. Sun Woo drives there with Jung Woo and while looking down Sun Woo finds an empty drug container that fell in Jung Woo’s car and pockets it without Jung Woo noticing.  Sun Woo asks Jung Woo if everything is alright.
Yoo Jin’s wife admits to meeting their father once while they are paying respects and tells Sun Woo how Jung Woo said he would disown their father before he died. Sun Woo asks her if Jung Woo had a drug problem in America and she asks how he knew. Jung Woo has insomnia and actually has severe bipolarity. Sun Woo thinks of the date and says today is his last chance to do anything as a son.  Yoo Jin looks at him in confusion as he stares at his father’s picture.
That night Chairman Choi holds a press conference refuting all the allegations against him by saying all are from bad intel which is why he will be suing the news station.  The CBM staff members watch the conference from around the news station along with Sun Woo who is in a meeting room in the building. His boss finds him watching it and turns off the TV.  He says good work and now it is time for Sun Woo to leave. Sun Woo asks why now and he states it is because of his health. Sun Woo states he will keep going despite the advice to get hospitalized.
Chairman Choi calls Sun Woo drunk and Sun Woo starts recording the conversation. While talking Choi insists he didn’t kill his dad although everyone still thinks so. He asks why Sun Woo had to fight him now after 20 years and gets angry. Sun Woo says he worries Choi now because he had nothing to lose then and now he does. Sun Woo says it would have been better to suffer then than now. Choi insists he may have stolen from his dad but they had known each other longer then Sun Woo had him as a father. Sun Woo promises if that is true he will get proof of who killed his father by that night and if it wasn’t Choi then he will say he is sorry. Chairman Choi is confused at this and then Sun Woo hangs up.
Sun Woo asks a news staff member to prepare cameras and equipment for him to borrow for the night. At the same time Chairman Choi drinks and thinks over the conversation with Sun Woo and how he could possibly find out the truth by that night. In 1992 Choi is at the hospital arguing on the phone with however is depending him to get Park senior to work on a shady project.
After the phone call he goes to once more ask Park Sr. to agree to the project but Park says no and not to bring it up again. Park says he has ignored Choi’s persistence because of his friendship to him but after the New Year he better not bring it up again or he will think he has other motives. Choi warns him it is dangerous to say no and when Park sr. asks why Choi doesn’t say. Choi leaves and stands outside Park’s office thinking about how the man on the phone told him to get rid of Park.
In the present time Young Hoon is at work in his office. He keeps pausing to look at the clock. He remembers an earlier conversation he had on the phone with Sun Woo.
After throwing up Sun Woo calls to tell Young Hoon the pain is getting worse and is more noticeable to him since he started travelling. Sun Woo feels closer to dying every time he light an incense stick. Sun woo has realized he doesn’t know the rules of travel but even when going into it blind he feels he still has to do it. Young Hoon starts to pace and thinks about how Sun Woo also revealed on the phone that Jung Woo is addicted to drugs.
Sun Woo wants to finish helping his brother along with his father and mother but Young Hoon disagrees. He warns him he can end up causing something else to change as well as he is messing with lives that were already lost. Young Hoon says he should focus on survival as that he can understand and not things outside his realm. Sun woo argues he knows his father will die within the hour and he can’t not do something to save him.
Young Hoon continues to pace as he waits for 11 pm when he is startled by Kang Su Joon who entered his office to get a paper signed. His hands shake as he signs the papers and Young Hoon asks who Su Joon’s girlfriend is but finds it is still Min Young.
Meanwhile Sun Woo has returned home and is preparing a laptop to take to the past. Once that is done he sets up an incense stick on his desk and waits for 10:40 pm to light it. He sets his watch and has just lit the incense stick when he hears the doorbell ring.
Min Young is waiting outside Sun Woo’s home. When no one answers the door Min Young looks to make sure Sun Woo’s car is there before letting herself into the house. She calls his name but when no one answers she heads upstairs to his room.  She calls out to Sun Woo but when she still hears no replay she tries the doorknob. Finding the door locked Min Young grows more worried.
Now in 1992, Sun Woo finds his younger self asleep and taps his teenage self to wake up.
The teenage Sun Woo awakens startled to find a man standing over him. Before he can shout out the future Sun Woo covers his mouth and introduces himself as Park Sun Woo.

I am curious to see what the teenage Sun Woo thinks of meeting himself. If you go by Back to the Future’s rule he should faint that he got so old. LOL I think he looks great though.  Apparently Sun Woo plans to use the teenage version of himself to safe his father in same way. On the other hand Min Young is left in the present talking to an empty room and with her determination I’m sure she will get in. But will she wreck havoc on Sun Woo’s time travel? Who knows.

Episodes Recapped: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
