met Kachiiing, oktober 24, 2013



You might not think it, but even the most frivolous, dripping-with-hunks drama is revealing it's true position on the global scale. Join me as I take you on a fun tour of Asian politics. It will definitely be an eye-opener, for sure!

Country: North Korea

Status: Enemy

You may have seen North Korea in the news. It's basically run by a madman hovering his finger over a red button called "Nuclear Weapons." This catches neighbouring South Korea in between a rock and a hard place. Clearly they are full of disdain but they don't want to engage in military arms either.

Two dramas, Myung Wol the Spy and King2Hearts both deal with North Korean beauties sent on missions by their state to infiltrate South Korea. In K2H especially, you even see the North & South army being sent to training camp together. This is the biggest sign yet, short of circling it with red arrows, that South Korea secretly long for there to be peace between them rather than animosity. They're a bunch of kittens really. Bless.

Country: Japan
Status: Frenemy

South Korea and Japan put forward a face of unity, despite there being long simmering tensions. For a while, Korea was even under Japanese imperial rule (Gakistal, anyone?). Nowadays the frequent remakes of each others' dramas are a sign of upward mobility and trying to put the past behind them, although sometimes it still flares up. Tree of Heaven was a joint production (just picking this one randomly) between Japan and South Korea, and Park Shin Hye even spent 5 episodes speaking Japanese.

At the risk of repeating myself later on, the remake I'm focusing on here is Hana Kimi. Originally a Japanese manga, it was made into a successful 2007 live TV adaptation, which spawned endless sequels and a Korean remake. At this point, I should mention Taiwan muscled in on the action as well, being the first to offer a morsel to the table but it was very much a cloned idea.... South Korea or Japan have YET to return the favour of remaking a T-drama. Ouch. lol. What does that say about Asian politics?
Country: China/Taiwan

Status: Unknown

Forget the US - China is now emerging as the world's economic superpower. Chances are, you have something in your room right this minute labelled "Made in China." Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world, in excess of 1 billion. That's roughly 1 in every 6 people. I always wondered why South Korea always placed such a great deal on being "educated in the states."  However I do understand the viewpoint that China is a major financial backer to the North Koreans, so by default are NOT allies to the South Koreans. Going to study there, will be a major no-no in their eyes.

I will also like to point out - Taiwan (Republic of China) is considered a seperate state - and hold different political beliefs than that to the mainland.

Therefore it is very interesting that Taiwan is much more likely to incorporate Korean idols in their dramas, like Skip Beat and Hayate the Combat Butler, than the other way round.

Country: US

Status: Ally

It goes without saying. South Korea and Japan, both, think "studying abroad" is synonymous with the US. I don't blame them. The US boasts the best universities in the world according to the League table. So maybe I'm thinking 50 years ahead about China being the place to be (if they tone down the OTT censorship and started displaying better political values.)

Hana Yori Dango: Season 2 and currently airing drama, Heirs are both filmed in location at New York and California respectively (though they might use surrounding states too). Unfortunately South Korea and Japan stereotype a lot of black people in their dramas, especially when Makino from HYD has her bag stolen by a black gangster on her first day. First day, people!!! (Yet they all get scared of Rui when he arrives with his broken 'Engrish'....ridiculous.)

Country: France

Status: Ally

France, or in particular Paris, is the destination to go to in Europe. I mean, why not? I was born there. It's ridiculously romantic with it's Gothic architecture and marble fountains. They also have boulangeries on every corner, and I love their dry-cured sausages. Don't ask.

France is internationally known as the house of fashion, perfume, cheese, and wine. I was gutted to learn I was in Paris the same time as HIROSHI TAMAKI, whilst he was filming one of the two Nodame Contabile movies, until I realised back in 2009 I didn't even know who he was. Ha. Rewind the tape even further, and I didn't even know North and South Korea were two separate countries until I saw them competing against each other in the Beijing Olympics. Oh, how far we've come!

Why can't they choose LONDON? We rock.

Or...Austrailia...oh wait they did for Sorry, I love you.

Rome....? There might be a drama set there. Please tell me if there is! :)



It's fine. The rest of the world can deal as we watch all these special relationships developing. At least we are joined in solidarity, knowing NONE of us, are on such bad terms with SK and Japan as North Korea. Huzzah! Long may it continue!

Hope you've enjoyed this little journey, and COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD UNITE.
