Awards section
by Tsuki
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Use official English titles for Japanese TV shows
by Safe for Weebs
33 |
0 |
advanced search function should be in mywatchlist
1 |
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Missing shows
by Ashish Raj
1 |
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Set Specific Monthly Quota for Editorials
by Badass Bunny
10 |
0 |
Can't delete titles from custom lists
by Shamus302
3 |
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Yellow stars
by Winnie
2 |
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Be Able To Rate Without Review in "Reviews"
by lanzhanya
0 |
0 |
Adding Question Mark Behind Unspecified Episode Number
by Badass Bunny
0 |
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No discussions yet
Add a feature where you can pin dramas in your profile
by billymoon
3 |
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Under user Profile-->Reviews add option to sort by Title
by bbchops
2 |
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What Happened to the In-Depth Search Feature for Upcoming Dramas?
by abcameo
0 |
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No discussions yet
Arrange My Watchlist By country name
by Lavender
12 |
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by Elisheva
0 |
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No discussions yet
Education of people (actors/actresses/directors, etc. not users)
by chunyu
5 |
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