Welkom bij Jake's Dramalijst
Van plan om te kijken
Titel | Aflevering | Prioriteit |
1 Litre no Namida Japans drama | 11 | |
3 Nen A Gumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu Japans drama | 10 | |
46 Billion Years of Love Japanse film | 1 | |
5-ji Kara 9-ji Made Japans drama | 10 | |
A Frozen Flower Koreaanse film | 1 | |
A Round Trip to Love Chinese Films | 1 | |
A Shoulder to Cry On Koreaans drama | 7 | |
Addicted Heroin Chinees drama | 15 | |
Alice Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Anger Japanse film | 1 | |
Are You Human Too? Koreaans drama | 36 | |
Bad Buddy Thais drama | 12 | |
Bangkok Love Stories 2: Innocence Thais drama | 13 | |
Behind Cut Koreaans drama | 8 | |
Between Complete and Incomplete Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Bishonen Hong Kong-film | 1 | |
Black Stone Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Boku no Ita Jikan Japans drama | 11 | |
Brain Man Japanse film | 1 | |
Brave to Love Taiwanese Drama | 15 | |
Broken Branches Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Broken Youth Chinese Films | 1 | |
Bromance Thaise tv-programma | 10 | |
Bungee Jumping of their Own Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Camellia Project: Three Queer Stories at Bogil Island Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Chains of Heart Thais drama | 10 | |
Cheat The Series Filipijns drama | 6 | |
Cheer Boys!! Japanse film | 1 | |
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie Japanse film | 1 | |
Choose Thais drama | 5 | |
Circle Koreaans drama | 12 | |
Death Note Japans drama | 11 | |
Drunk Taiwanese film | 1 | |
Duel Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Every Day A Good Day Japanse film | 1 | |
Farewell My Concubine Chinese Films | 1 | |
Find You In The Crowd Chinese Films | 1 | |
Fingers After Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Five Lessons in Happiness: Baby Maybe Taiwanese film | 1 | |
Grab A Bite Thais drama | 11 | |
GTO Japans drama | 12 | |
Hana Yori Dango Japans drama | 9 | |
Hanzawa Naoki Japans drama | 10 | |
He Who Is Without Sin Filipijnse film | 1 | |
He's Expecting Japans drama | 8 | |
He's Out There Somewhere Chinese Films | 1 | |
HEHE&HE: Season 1 Hong Kong-drama | 24 | |
Hemp Rope Thais drama | 12 | |
HIStory3: Trapped Taiwanese Special | 20 | |
HIStory4: Make Our Days Count 2 Taiwanese Drama | ? | |
Jinroh Shokei Game Japanse film | 1 | |
Kanojo ga Sukina Mono wa Homodeatte Bokude Wanai Japanse film | 1 | |
Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo Japans drama | 10 | |
Lockdown Filipijnse film | 1 | |
Lost Taiwanese film | 1 | |
Love with Flaws Koreaans drama | 32 | |
Man on High Heels Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Mayonaka no Kita-san, Yaji-san Japanse film | 1 | |
Meet Me Outside Filipijnse Special | 1 | |
Method Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Midnight Tod Taiwanese film | 1 | |
Mouse Koreaans drama | 20 | |
My Ride Thais drama | 10 | |
Never Too Late Thais drama | 16 | |
Ningen Shikkaku Japans drama | 12 | |
Nowhere Man Taiwanese Drama | 8 | |
Oji-sama to Neko Japans drama | 12 | |
Ooku Japanse film | 1 | |
Oppressive Love Chinese Films | 1 | |
Ouroboros Japans drama | 10 | |
Paint with Love Thais drama | 12 | |
Parasyte: Part 1 Japanse film | 1 | |
Q10 Japans drama | 9 | |
Road Movie Koreaanse film | 1 | |
Rooftop Prince Koreaans drama | 20 | |
Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa no Yoru Japanse film | 1 | |
See You Again Hiroshima Story Japanse film | 1 | |
Seiten o Tsuke Japans drama | 41 | |
Sensei wo kesu hōteishiki. Japans drama | 8 | |
Shinya Shokudo Japans drama | 10 | |
Signal Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Sisyphus: The Myth Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Slam Dance Thais drama | 13 | |
Someday or One Day Taiwanese Drama | 13 | |
Something in the Rain Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Suk Suk Hong Kong-film | 1 | |
Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto Japans drama | 10 | |
Sunao ni Narenakute Japans drama | 11 | |
Sutekina Sen Taxi Japans drama | 10 | |
The Cage Koreaanse film | 1 | |
The King and the Clown Koreaanse film | 1 | |
The Love of Siam Thaise film | 1 | |
The New Employee Koreaans drama | 7 | |
The Poet and The Boy Koreaanse film | 1 | |
The Pollen of Flowers Koreaanse film | 1 | |
The Raccoon Chinese Films | 1 | |
The Secret to My Silky Skin Japanse film | 1 | |
The Swimmer Japanse film | 1 | |
The Whispering of the Gods Japanse film | 1 | |
Three Stories of Love Japanse film | 1 | |
Toast to You Taiwanese film | 1 | |
Together with Me Thais drama | 13 | |
Tomorrow Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Train Koreaans drama | 12 | |
Tunnel Koreaans drama | 16 | |
Ugly People Koreaanse film | 1 | |
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Japanse film | 1 | |
Yasha Japans drama | 11 | |
Yes I Do Taiwanese film | 1 | |
You Make Me Dance Koreaans drama | 8 | |
Zettai Kareshi Japans drama | 11 | |
Zihuatanejo Taiwanese Drama | 14 |